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Everything posted by BADOLBILZ

  1. I also doubt the Bills will use all 11 picks because McBeane like their veteran reserves..........but I think we have become conditioned to just assuming that he will draft a small amount of players without necessarily looking at the potential jobs available: 1 RB........this is basically a need 1 QB.......definitely could see a rookie beating out Trubisky, who I think is toast. 2-3 WR.........this position they definitely need multiple 1 TE 2-3 OL..........I will be disappointed if not AT LEAST 2. Preferably 3. 1-2 DT........with 3 30 somethings at DT they need youth 1 DE 1-2 LB........I don't think we can count on Spector to stay healthy so need a 5th LB at least 1-2 CB.......this draft is too good at CB to not come away with at least 1 high ceiling guy on day 3 1-2 S.........obvious need I think there are 11 or more potential openings for rookies on this year's cap-strapped roster. The Rams drafted 14 players last year and made a big jump into contention. Chiefs took 10 in 2022 and made themselves better largely thru that volume of rookie additions. The Bills using all those picks isn't Beane's MO but it's a strategy that's been paying dividends for other good organizations.
  2. Yeah that's a good call on Lance Moore and that kind of usage. Forgot all about him. He was really good in that kinda' role.
  3. It's true that Chris Jones is the best defensive player on the field that day anytime the Bills play the Chiefs. But the mistake Bills fans like yourself make is not realizing that the Chiefs can't get to Josh Allen either. Neither QB got sacked and each was hit only twice in that divisional loss this season. Combine this last loss and the "13 seconds game" matchup prior to it..........and each QB got sacked twice and Mahomes got hit 6 times and Allen only 4.
  4. That's capitalism for ya'. I bet if you were wealthy you wouldn't volunteer to pay a penny more in taxes than you were required to if the other multi-millionaires didn't have to. It's the exact same situation. The other owners are collecting it from their fans, Pegula would be pound-foolish to not collect it.
  5. Big time? Ok. What 3 centers in the AFC could McGovern absolutely not be as good as next year? Humphrey and Linderbaum were early picks but a lot of the better centers in the AFC were picked on day 3 or undrafted..........and some of THEM got to center because they weren't good enough to play guard. McGovern was a stud C recruit, was a 3rd round pick and has proven himself as a starting G in the NFL. The point is, there isn't any reason to assume he won't be a strength. Now whether David Edwards is a starting NFL G any longer is a far bigger concern. And it wouldn't be a surprise if Dion Dawkins game began to decline this season and Spencer Brown prices himself out of Buffalo and suddenly the Bills were going into 2025 wanting 2 new tackles. I am all for addressing OL with multiple picks in this draft........but the 1st round is WAY too early for a center in a draft with stud premium position talent at WR and OT.
  6. Ok, thanks for the response. I read it all. I don't feel much clearer about your opinion. Like if you think he's an NFL WR1. Your guesstimates for him are similar to mine but I am maybe not as impressed by that Cole Beasley level production bar from the slot. He is a really tough evaluation though because there just aren't any comps I can think of so I don't blame you for not really being able to nail it down either. I don't think he's a WR1. I just don't see him playing outside full time and most WR1 do. The only really dedicated slot guy who fits that profile as WR1 is Kupp and how he wins is pretty unique to Kupp. Obviously Shakir's gift is as a RAC machine which is awesome but I am just not sure how that projects with A LOT more targets as opposed to how Kupp did it when healthy. I think the Bills did a great job keeping Shakir's throws short to intermediate last year after misusing him as sort of an inside-outside guy as a rookie. They used Gabe Davis well as a low target option early in his career too though. I am excited about his potential but I am glad they added Samuel. Samuel is a much better option to compete in the slot than the tiring Emmanuel Sanders was as a boundary WR. Sanders was basically a tomato can they set up for Gabe to knock over.
  7. Experimentation? McGovern was the #2 ranked center in the country coming to Penn State. He's been a center most of his football life. He didn't get moved from center because he wasn't great at it...........it's just the least valued position on the OL. It's much more important at the college and pro level to have your better interior blockers at the guard position. Because gone are the days of defense's regularly using a big 0 tech. Almost everybody uses a 1 tech now instead and that means the Center is basically a "help" blocker and finds himself blocking "air" in pass pro on 3rd downs a lot. I wouldn't be astonished if McGovern was the second or third best C in the AFC.
  8. How long were you a season ticket holder? Your perception might be that the drinking has gotten worse at Bills games but that's not been my perception. It's gotten almost clinical inside the stadium compared to the 1980's and 1990's. I think genetically we are just wired to become more irritable/sensitive to the behavior of others and stop caring as much about things we once did as we get older. It's a WHOLE LOT easier for me to skip a Bills game now than when I was in my 20's. It's an effort getting up and putting in those 12-14 hour days tailgating and it didn't used to be.
  9. Don't worry, the next 20 years will go by faster than your last 10. It gets easier to deal with the bad sports teams when you age because the seasons go by in a blink.
  10. If the Bills didn't get a new stadium the team was going to leave town in the near future. The league is a partnership and they won't let one partner not comply. And if they got a new stadium it was going to be very expensive for fans to attend. This was always the outcome if we wanted the team to stay. My group owns a lot of tickets and one of the guys is in AA and he brings people to the game who are recovering from substance abuse that has destroyed their lives. Some of them could never even otherwise afford to attend a Bills game. There are considerably more Bills fans in relatively close proximity to the stadium in this boat than there are season ticket holders. How many of the fans that are heated about these PSL's think about how unfortunate it is that REALLY broke die-hard Bills fans can't go to games and get good seats etc.. right now? It's all relative. They've gotten to go because they could pay. And it's not like the demographic hasn't been skewing gradually wealthier at Bills games for decades. It has. The stadium is getting smaller as the fan base expands and the venue becomes more attractive to the wealthy and businesses that can write it off.
  11. Oh man, I just noticed you'd been following my postings around on the sly just to be critical. That's where you were grudging! Big @Thurman#1 fan are you? He's a bright one, that guy. No problem, I will put you in my easily-outraged-idiots box ol' timer. That will free you up to post your nonsense in peace.
  12. I wasn't aware there was a hatchet to bury with you. Obviously you were grudging and I wasn't aware of it. And I never said you lecture too much I just said your thoughts in the thread weren't well formed(lacked depth) while you were simultaneously telling people you were teaching them. And the reality is that player compensation matters with regard to where players are drafted. It's the opposite of "tired". It's only becoming more important and less teams are just throwing away 1st round picks at positions like RB or S or off-ball LB than ever before. As for the Kincaid pick..........I liked it and said so then. Because it's a move to directly support their elite-elite level QB with a passing game playmaker. Like I said, being 9th-11th in passing yards ain't gonna' cut it. The #1 priority of any organization that has a franchise QB should be to maximize that player's ability to perform to his ceiling. That's mission statement level. QB means everything. A lot of people on here are willing to compromise their QB in the name of "roster balance". Not me. Compromising for the most potentially impactful non-premium position(TE) in that respect is entirely different than drafting a safety in round 1. Cooper Dejean in the secondary couldn't be further from directly making Josh Allen more effective. Perfect example, thank you. Now would I have approved of picking a TE in round 1 in 2021? Probably not. But they passed on stocking their WR room in the 2021 and 2022 drafts so they were playing catch up. And then Kincaid was the best passing weapon left when Beane traded up. They done f#cked up and needed to get back in the arms race. Like in 2020 when they had to trade for Diggs and his contract because they passed on talented WR in the 2019 draft. I approved of that too even though I was still miffed about the Cody Ford over WR fiasco.
  13. I look at Latu's situation and remember Myles Jack. Jack was another UCLA guy who was a top 10 talent in that 2016 draft class but there were team physicians that felt he only had a few good years left. They were right. He's hung around as a journeyman but after 3 good seasons in Jacksonville he was pretty much washed. Jaelan Phillips is the comp that most people might want to use but Phillips injury problem was concussions and I think the retirement rest(including refusing to play the run in college at Miami) got Phillips "right" wrt concussions. The neck evaluation with Latu is everything. I'd think if it were a consensus that it wasn't a degenerative condition like Jack's then he'd be gone in the top 20 in this weak edge class.
  14. Yeah I am going to go on the higher side and say he gets the targets to produce 800-900 yards this year but his efficiency numbers drop significantly in terms of catch rate and yards per catch and YAC. If he gets 100 targets and keeps up that 2023 efficiency he's a stud and that would be great. I hope that happens but I would be shocked. I think teams were over-focused on Diggs last year.........giving him respect he no longer warranted..........and they will review the tape and realize that and gameplan more against him specifically. I think he has more sustainability than Gabe Davis but that is the cautionary part of this story. People thought Gabe was going to become a WR1 because he had success against a lot of depth CB's in 2020-2021. When they put a CB1 on Davis and doubled Diggs.........that was the end of that Cinderella story.
  15. Did someone tell you that you weren't allowed to even "discuss" players the Bills might draft at pick #28? And why is me discussing players in your mock draft a "lol"? I literally gave your draft a great review and worked to advance the discussion with opinions and context. There isn't any logic to why you are upset about this. The reality is that Beane is not going to have 13 players(or even close to it) that he is hemming over at #28. You have to know this, right? Are you irked because you think YOU have narrowed it down to 13 players for sure and that is now the only viable "field" of discussion? You are going to have to have more than "I told you the Bills might stand pat and select Dalton Kincaid". You didn't even call THAT right. For all we know Beane's board is "none of those are good enough" and he is determined to trade up higher than any of them go or trade back. You don't know his list anymore than the people you are angry with for narrowing their group down to a much more realistic number like "3".
  16. So, to clarify, you think that Beane is going to have as many as 13 players he would be debating about selecting at pick #28? While I will stop short of saying that's totally impossible.........it seems extremely unrealistic. Like 99% sure you would be wrong about that based on things you didn't predict..........like trading up for Dalton Kincaid. Who did you have in the group other players than Kincaid that Beane might select last year before he did what he so often does and focused on one specific player when he got within a 4th round pick or so of trading up for? Were there a dozen more last year as well?
  17. I'm not real interested in the appearance of "significant" investment at this point. I want that to not even be a question. It's long overdue and it's one of the best WR classes ever. So how many players do you expect the Bills to be strongly considering when they are on the clock at pick #28? My answer is 3. At most. And that might be generous. The board might get to pick 21 and there might be only 1 player left that Beane values above a big trade back into round 2...........that's been his MO and that's why he trades up. So I don't get your indignance with people only having a few players they really value as pick #28. It's not realistic to expect an NFL team to have a lot of players graded equally at a certain point that late into round 1.
  18. I don't follow anyone. I read each thread individually and take each argument separately. And I never said you were new I am just saying that you are only being a contrarian but you think you are schooling people. There isn't any depth to your argument here, it's not illuminating at all. You are clearly very interested in the draft, you should build on those thoughts instead of this.
  19. His lack of production at Georgia supports the Samuel comparison. Don't confuse being a contrarian with teaching class. Don't stall out there. You have more potential than that because you care about the subject matter. Think it thru. That advice might enrage you but building a roster is no different than building a company......it should go strategy to system to process to procedure. Ask yourself where you are on all of those and then argue from there. Your strategy might not have anything to do with your franchise QB specifically(mine and others do). That can be where you differ. But at least you can argue from that platform instead of this time wasting procedure with @HappyDays. You aren't making a point there. Sorry.
  20. OK so: 1) What do you EXPECT him to achieve in the next 2 seasons? 2) What do you think his ceiling is? You are talking about what you anticipated of him in the past tense. There WERE multiple people who insisted he could become as good as Stef Diggs. Anytime a WR projected to go round 2 goes in round 5 there are a ton of people who will predict greatness for that player. I'm just trying to clarify so that when his small sample size production turns into Cooper Kupp 2021 I can give you credit. For example, when I promoted the Bills selecting him in round 1 of the 2014 draft I predicted Aaron Donald could get 10 sacks as a rookie, which was a crazy high bar for a rookie DT. He got 9. He fell short.......but also I didn't exactly predict that he WOULD get that. I predicted he "could" get that. That's why I don't use it as a key data point with that opinion. So now is your chance, shoot your shot on Khalil.
  21. The problem is that your argument is too rudimentary. Case in point.........what position that you can draft in round 1 is "as easy as snapping your fingers and you have (the equivalent) of 1,000 yards for a rookie"? As you should know.......the answer is NONE. Only about 50% of 1st round picks actually play well enough prior to their 4th season(let alone in a rookie season) to warrant their team picking up their 5th year option after year 3. And then there are levels of success with these fringe 1st/2nd level picks. The Bills were overdue for adding a big play WR in the 2022 draft......but instead chose to address an on-paper need at CB in Kaiir Elam instead of taking the "over-aged", small school Christian Watson that some of us preferred taking a risk on. Watson has not been a star yet..........but he's shown flashes. He's produced big plays put up 1,000 yards and 12 TD's and has to be accounted for due to his explosive ability in his first 2 seasons and set a floor for the top young WR corps in the NFL(because they KEPT investing, as the Bills should this year). Elam has been a bust so far and outperformed by a 6th rounder. So yeah, we want a guy who will produce 1,000 yards as a rookie WR in round 1 but the reality that the player might not hit that number isn't a persuasive argument against the selection of one. If you are going to be teaching class your lectures need more depth.
  22. "Lol, expect".........I said you think he CAN. I never said you think that WILL happen. Not withstanding your opinion that he's blocking Shakir's ascension to WR1.
  23. Can you quantify what, exactly, that you are "waiting" for? And if the process that's brought you to this conclusion is that the Bills can be a great passing team with an average WR corps, think again. The Bills have finished just 9th-11th in passing yards each of the last 3 seasons and as a result JA17 has had to take it on himself to will the team to victory by any means necessary. He has had to turn into RB2 in the second half of each season since the Bills WR corp peaked in the first half of 2020. WR is a problem that they should have been more serious about addressing since the END of the 2020 season finished with their undersized receiving corps falling on it's face in the playoffs(due both to wear and tear and their lack of physicality/size at a time when the refs put away the flags). They are at the point now where they need to get an X receiver AND draft a guy to replace Diggs in 2025(or maybe late 2024 if he falls off again). And I know @Alphadawg7 thinks Shakir can just move outside and get 80 more targets and become WR1 but SO MANY others blindly thought the same way about Gabe Davis getting an expanded role. We just don't know what a 40-50 target guy is going to look like getting double work. And he's 24 months from free agency too. The reality is that it's long overdue to get serious about adding high-end talent to this WR corps and NOW is the time because it's an excellent WR draft.
  24. Yeah I had him above Marshon Lattimore mainly because I expected Lattimore to be a guy who couldn't post for 16 games per season and White had always been healthy/durable. Looked like that was going to be the story, as Lattimore was always nagged a bit by injuries compared to White. Until 3 seasons ago when White tore the ACL. Lattimore has missed a bunch of games the last 2 seasons though too and his performance has trailed off as well.
  25. I think CB is an exception though. Not much history of them getting all the way back after a mid or late career achilles tear. It's the position in the game that requires the most agility. Easier to compensate at positions like RB or WR even. CB is very much about reaction. I suspect he will be a shell of his former self. He didn't exactly knock the last re-hab out of the park, that one ended up being on the long end of recoveries. Wish him the best, I was the only guy on TSW that had him as CB1 in that draft class.......but he is less likely to return to good starter form than he is to return to this
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