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Everything posted by IronyAbounds

  1. "Buffalo Bills general manager Doug Whaley said Wednesday that the Bills are "almost in quarterback purgatory" because they do not have a franchise quarterback and are unlikely to pick near the top of the draft in coming years. "We're good enough that we're not going to have the first or second [overall] pick," Whaley told WGR 550 on Wednesday. "We hope we're not in that position. Hopefully now we're drafting in the teens and the 20s and the 30s. So you're not going to get those college guys that are coming out." Guess it's better than QB Hell
  2. Since there is nothing that can be done at this point, there is no point in despairing. It is hard not to think of what this season would be like with a quality QB. Instead of the sky being the limit, making the playoffs may be the limit.
  3. When Kemp is No. 3, you know quality QBs have been scarce in Buffalo. And I say that despite loving Kemp for bringing Buffalo its two titles. I still have an autographed picture of Jack from the mid-60s.
  4. Anxiety about the QB situation is understandable since in all likelihood the only thing standing between the Bills and a long playoff run is a lousy QB. An average QB gets them to the playoffs. An above average QB gets them deep into the playoffs and quite likely the Super Bowl. A stellar QB gets them the title. A lousy QB and its a fight to be in the playoff picture and even if somehow the playoffs are made, it's a loss in the Wild Card game. I don't begrudge anyone being on pins and needles about the QB situation given the years and years since the Bills have made the playoffs.
  5. True for the dark blue Charger unis, but the powder blue ones, which harken back to the AFL, are sweet.
  6. Agree 100%. Perhaps monochromatic for the dark unis works for some teams, but not the Bills (and especially not the Browns with all orange). On the other hand, I love all white uniforms, particularly with the red and blue striping and numbers of the Bills.
  7. And yet it's always the Raiders that are looked at as a renegade organization. Too bad Kraft can't be suspended like George Steinbrenner was.
  8. That's a good point, however, Brady was a bit hamstrung in raising it. "I"m sorry Mr. Wells, but how can I trust the NFL to keep my personal information confidential when it couldn't even keep a couple of flunkies in the my organization from deflating balls after inspection?"
  9. Explain then why McNally took a detour to a bathroom for 90 seconds, using a non-existent urinal (in other words he clearly lied about the purpose of his ducking into that room). Also, teams DO NOT typically make adjustments once the balls have been cleared by the referees. That is verboten. Explain why the change in pressure for the Pats' balls were materially greater than the change in pressure for the Colts' balls, and can not be accounted for by the weather. Anyone not interested in giving TB a handjob knows there was tampering with the Pats' balls.
  10. Hmmmmmm, what does one infer from the fact that McNally was called "the deflator" months before deflategate became an issue. I think I infer that McNally was given that moniker because his efforts were to create a desired outcome: the deflation of the Pats' balls.
  11. Sorry, didn't mean to jump on you. I am just worked up about the spin Brady jock-sniffers are putting on this.
  12. Strained inferences? Brady gave McNally autographed gifts and then denied knowing who the guy was. Brady was also uncooperative in the investigation. As your legal eagle colleague would also tell you, Brady would never sue because he would be subjected to a deposition and other forms of discovery that would require him to provide far more information than the NFL was requesting during its investigation. He would be subject to perjury charges if he wasn't honest. The only thing strained is your continued defense of Brady. Edit: You mention A-Rod. Yes he "threatened" to go to court and guess what, he didn't because it was clear it would have been a foolish and self-destructive thing. Much like it would be for Brady to do so.
  13. Has the NFL ever suspended an equipment manager before? Perhaps he will be given community service like handing out needles to addicts.
  14. Robert Kraft is a despicable human being, the Patriots are habitual cheaters, and Tom Brady is POS. Those are the conclusions that should be drawn from this whole thing.
  15. As has been noted, the powers that be at ESPN didn't like the Bills' draft. Compare ESPN's opinion of the Bills vs. the multitude on this board who think the Bills are "loaded" with talent. As is often the case in life, the truth probably lies somewhere in between, but unless whomever emerges as the Bills's QB performs no worse than average, at best the Bills will likely be fighting for a wild card spot. EDIT: Correction, Bills fall to 18th, not 19th, still down one from pre-draft http://espn.go.com/nfl/powerrankings/_/year/2015/week/0
  16. I just don't think Whaley is all that good at evaluating college talent. Everyone justifies the Watkins trade by saying Whaley wasn't going to take one of the other quality WRs anyhow, but that just reaffirms my feeling. Overall, when trades and free agents are considered, Whaley seems to have done a decent job, but calling a mediocre draft at best a mediocre draft doesn't make Kiper a goofball no matter how bad his hair may be.
  17. IMO, Whaley is mediocre at best when it comes to the draft. His forte seems to be acquiring players through trades and free agency.
  18. The facts are as I stated above: only a fool would do business with LA...which is why CA has been losing jobs to TX for a decade now.. Except CA isn't losing jobs to Texas. California gained 498,000 new jobs in 12 months ended Jan. 31, almost 30% more than Texas' total of 392,900. And if the price of oil drops any lower Texas will gain even fewer jobs. Just because communities don't fall all over themselves to build palaces for these megalomaniacal owners doesn't mean they are corrupt. Frankly, the corruption is when taxpayer money is used for stadiums.
  19. Rodak didn't say they would lose the last 7. He predicted a 9-7 season, which given the iffy situations at QB and OL is not unrealistic. In any event, preseason predictions of records mean complete squat. They are just "pundits" and "reporters" engaging in a giant circle jerk. Anyone getting either excited or upset with these predictions really should get a life.
  20. Yep, it could be a curse, with an 0-3 start not that unlikely, or it could be a blessing, with 2 tough wins at home and then a relatively easy game on the road. 0-3 or 1-2 would be bad news, particularly given the 5 out of 6 on the road (a nice FU Buffalo from the NFL scheduling department).
  21. Really, all Rodak is saying is that if the Bills determine by early August that EJ isn't going to fit the bill, pun intended, if they want to get anything of value for him that is the best time to cut him loose. He isn't saying trade him now (in fact, he says just the opposite). The biggest problem with the articles, imo, is not the headline issue, but rather whether it really will be possible to determine anything regarding EJ's value before a game is played. I do love how so many people hate on Rodak because he isn't a cheerleader. If, as someone suggested, Ryan and Roman are building a system on the QB being no more than a jockey on a horse, then it may not matter who is the QB, and if that is the case, perhaps they should trade whichever QB on the roster has the highest trade value. It is a bit ironic that the Bills appear to be going to a run-centric offense just a year after so much was traded away for what was billed (again, pun intended) as a must have WR. But that is a topic for another thread.
  22. I have to agree with the observation that the best uniforms were the ones with the stripes around the shoulders. Of course, that is likely because '62 and '63 were the two years I remember attending games.
  23. I still have the program from a Bills - Broncos game in '62, still remember the chants of "Lookie Lookie, there goes Cookie" and have the '63 playoff game loss against the Pats seared in my memory as the last game I'd attend while living in Buffalo (goodness it was cold that day). Of course, as soon as my family moved, the Bills won 2 championship in a row. I went to one more pre-season game at War Memorial against the Lions in OJ's first season with the team, although I don't recall him playing. I got to meet Daryl Lamonica when he first got to Buffalo - his first apartment was over the garage of a friend's house. I got to help teach the daughters of Paul Maguire and George Saimes how to swim while spending one summer with my Aunt. So it has been a looooong time as a Bills' fan, and while it causes considerable emotional angst, the Bills will always be my team as long as they are in Buffalo.
  24. The helmets have always been orange, so I have no problem at all with the Browns' helmets (and I think any logo on the helmets would be blasphemy). However, too much orange and it looks like the team is sponsored by Sunkist or Tropicana, which is why, since the team is the "Browns," I much prefer the classic brown jerseys with white pants as the team's uniforms. Why get away from a uniform donned by Jim Brown, the greatest player who ever played? Then again, I'm old school when it comes to uniforms and many of the modern unis simply do nothing for me (ok, I admit it, I'm just plain old). I was happy when the Bills got rid of those abortion of a uniform design and went back to a more classic look (and I'd love to go back to the standing Buffalo, but I realize I'm in the minority there). I'd also prefer the Chargers stick with the powder blues, and I'd hate the Patriots a bit less if they went back to the original logo on their helmets. I still miss the Oilers and the oil rig on their helmet and continue to be mad at Bud Adams for retaining rights to the name while not using it and changing to the Titans.
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