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Everything posted by IronyAbounds

  1. Well, I sure hope Doug fires whomever it was that failed to address the OL problem. Then again, a good OL isn't important at all. Teams that can't rush because of lousy blocking, and teams that give up sacks or have harassed QBs still make the playoffs don't they?
  2. I guess the hope is that someone will rise up out of the QB competition to the upper level of mediocrity. Since Cassell at his age isn't suddenly going to be even an average, EJ or Taylor will somehow have to dispel doubts as to their ability to be a solid NFL starter. There will be lots of excitement about the Bills, but it is difficult to see how they overcome their QB and OL issues and become true contenders.
  3. Unfortunately, they won't have a paper bag at QB. They will likely have either Cassell or EJ. Perhaps a paper bag can be obtained with no worse than a 7th round pick.
  4. The Bills should be moving to the top of the East, except, of course, for their QB woes. Fitz is still better than Cassell, so we better hope EJ somehow has undergone some sort of evolution to become a quality NFL starter. Not likely, but if the Bills are depending on Cassell, I don't see more than 9 wins.
  5. The same website also has the Bills listed as one of the 10 worst sports franchises. That is more on the mark than the logo, even though I actually prefer the old standing Buffalo (which actually was waiting to be shot by Buffalo Bill Cody). I have an affinity for the old AFL logos, and the Pats change from their classic center to their current character free removed the only thing I have ever liked about that franchise. It also pisses me off that the Titans keep control over the Oilers name and logo so that the new Houston franchise had to use a boring moniker and a logo that lacks any class. The oil rig logo was perfectly understated and classy. Of course, I also hope the Browns never succumb to using a logo, so maybe I'm just old and boring.
  6. This is why I really hate the NFL, and if not for my emotional attachment to the Bills I would never watch another game. There is absolutely nothing wrong with SD's stadium, or the Ralph, or any other stadium for the vast majority of the fans. The only real reason for new stadiums is to cater to the uber-rich who want luxury boxes so they don't have to mingle with the even the modestly rich, let alone the middle class. The greed and arrogance of the NFL knows no bounds. Cities are just plain stupid for building palaces that never return the investment to the community. Although the Chargers have a great tradition in SD, good for the city not to buckle under to the NFL.
  7. How about the Browns just give Buffalo back its pick in the Watkins trade. Sounds fair to me.
  8. Where is Jack Kemp? Led Buffalo to its two championships!
  9. I can see an argument for calling A pass play, albeit a weak argument. I can't see an argument for calling THAT pass play. So much congestion on the line and the slant is leading right into it. At worst you roll RW out after play action and let him choose to either run it in or throw it away.
  10. Katy Perry got her start singing Christian music under the name Katy Hudson. One of her mentors was Jennifer Knapp who was a Christian singer who later came out as a lesbian. True Story.
  11. Cause Pete Carroll cheated at USC then got out of Dodge and let others take the fall. Cause they are arrogant. Sherman, who is otherwise an intelligent decent fellow becomes a real dick. And I hate their colors. Oh, and they aren't the Bills.
  12. That's the thing about this game. It's like rooting for Stalin over Hitler. The fact that either team is going to win is just nauseating.
  13. My only wish for Tom "Deflate My Balls" Brady is to have his career end like Y. A. Tittle's.
  14. Generally people with stage fright who are forced to do presentations don't do a great job. Moreover, they aren't fined for doing a crappy job at it and generally, however, most employers don't force people with severe stage fright, or who cop a bad attitude while talking to the press end up not having to go in front of audiences because it simply doesn't make sense. Most employers have PR departments to handle that.
  15. I know it's in their contracts, that's why they are forced to do the interviews. My point is, however, whatever is in their contracts they are getting paid to perform on the field. Johnny Glib may be great in post-game press conferences, but if he is a crappy player he (a) won't be asked to show up at any press conferences, and (b) won't be on the team very long. It is a stupid requirement of the standard contract, and the main reason the press is up in arms is because they are insufferable d-bags with an overinflated sense of entitlement.
  16. And yet you found it necessary to call him dumb. His attitude is likely a result of being forced to do something that he feels completely uncomfortable doing and perhaps is incapable of doing. Meanwhile Bellicheat really cops the same attitude and gets away without penalty.
  17. So he is not the brightest bulb on the string of lights. He should be crucified for that? Maybe that is one reason he hates to do interviews. He knows people will call him dumb and ridicule him. Is lack of intelligence a crime? If he is forced to speak to the press I'd rather see him say virtually nothing rather than lie his arse off like Tom Brady.
  18. Sorry if this has been covered but I don't want to take the time to go through 12 pages: I just think it is ridiculous that the players should be forced to do interviews like the dumbass press is entitled to anything. Players get paid to play, not talk to dipshyt reporters who generally ask stupid questions and only look to create controversies. If you are going to force players to talk to anyone you should require them to do charity work like visiting local childrens hospitals, or Boys and Girls Clubs, or things like that. Screw the media.
  19. Perhaps it will be better in September (although I can't live on the Bills' having "promise" - there will need to be actual results before I get the least bit excited), but after Feb. 1 I get to face the prospect of the Yankees without Jeter. Just one more depressing sports milestone I'd rather not face. My only hope is for the Wildcats (the Arizona ones, not the NBA team in Kentucky) to win the National Championship. Until further notice, the NFL is dead to me.
  20. The irony is that the only reason I may end up watching it is because my wife, who generally does not give a crap about the NFL, watches the Super Bowl. I honestly would not watch a second of the game otherwise since the thought of either team celebrating a victory makes me want to puke. Two known cheaters as coaches, a smug, arrogant (and luckier than shyt) team in the Seahawks, and the mortal enemy in the Patriots (I'm still frostbitten from the 1963 playoff loss against the Pats at the Rockpile). This is why I get so pissed about the Bills' failures year after year; they always seem to be followed by a Super Bowl with two unlikeable teams. Sorry, the next 2 to 3 weeks will be simply unbearable.
  21. Mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mike Rodak isn't a homer for the team he covers and he writes mean stuff about our team. Make ESPN fire him.
  22. F U Marrone and the horse you rode in on. If he had any guts he would have waited until he was fired. I hope he wakes up tomorrow with no job offers as head coach and has to go crawling back to a 2 bit college like Syracuse (nothing against the Orange, it just isn't big time football. Here's to the Bills getting a quality head coach (one can dream).
  23. Gee, thanks for the info. I certainly didn't realize it had been that long since the Bills had reached .500. My goodness, what an accomplishment this season has been. Gosh, can't wait for the parade down Main Street. Do you think they will close the schools and businesses so everyone can attend? It would be a shame for people to miss out on the celebration. .500!!! Be still my heart.
  24. It only goes to the question of how good the team may or may not be. There were games the Bills should have won (KC, Houston and Miami come to mind) and games they should have lost (the three I mentioned). The fact is the Bills are probably exactly what their record suggests they are, a .500 team. And I don't think a .500 team is radically better than what the Bills have been the last 5 yrs.
  25. Oh really? Going from 6-10 to a likely 8-8 is RADICALLY better? A HUGE 2 game improvement, where 3 of the wins (Detroit, Minn and Chicago) were a play away from losses and only one win, against GB was all that impressive? Yes, the defense was much improved over last year, but the offense, even with the addition of Watkins, regressed almost as much. It is at best a moderately better team. Let's assume you are correct however, shouldn't a RADICALLY better team have a much better record than 8-8? Doesn't that mean that the coaching staff took a RADICALLY better team and led them nowhere, so perhaps it was the type of season that gets coaches fired. Mediocre records out of above average teams cause firings all the time.
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