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Everything posted by IronyAbounds

  1. In reality, because of the cap situation, there is no more rebuilding possible. They invested heavily in winning now, Rex guaranteed the playoffs after all, and if the combination of these players and this coaching staff doesn't work out, it will be at least 5 years before the personnel can be brought in to make the playoffs a good possibility. I've said it often and I'll keep saying it, Rex sucks big time, but perhaps the switch will be turned on and the team will somehow be much different in the next 9 games than it has been and they will make the playoffs. Not likely, but I hope to hell I'm wrong. I'd much prefer looking like an idiot and having the Bills make the playoffs than being able to say I told you so.
  2. What evidence is there that this coaching staff is even as good as last year's, let alone better? The defense and special teams are clearly worse, and I see little if any improvement in the offense. Rex talks a better game than Marrone, but that is all he is, a big mouth and a terrible head coach. Hiring him was a real bonehead decision by the Pegulas.
  3. I'm not quite sure how EJ brought the Bills back unless I missed him blocking on that interception return. His first half play and last drive play speak volumes about what he can and can not do. I bear him no malice, he isn't the one that drafted himself far too early, nor is he the one chose to start him in his first game. Nonetheless, he is not an NFL caliber QB. Remember who the Bills played today. One of the worst teams in the league. For him to stink up the joint as badly as he did is remarkable.
  4. There is a difference between being "soft" and being "injury prone." I don't think for a second that Watkins is soft; he has played through injuries and unlike a "soft" player he seems to want to play even if injured. However, he does seems to be injury prone. Last year he was reasonably productive as a rookie, but it in very clear that his effectiveness was limited due to the injuries he incurred. Being injured throughout this year's training camp and the preseason didn't help matters, and he has not had a game this year at 100%. Worse, the types of injuries he has suffered seem to be the slow to heal kind so even if he can play he is not at 100%. Unless and until he can play a considerable stretch of games at close to 100% his durability has to be suspect..
  5. The injuries are not the be all and end all. As noted in the paper today, the Bills had receivers open, EJ just didn't get the ball to them. In any event, the Bills are 3-3 because they have beaten two patsies and one moderately good team that has not played all that well this year. Three games against decent teams have all been loses. I didn't like the Ryan selection from day 1 and nothing at all has happened that has changed my view that he is all bluster and no substance. IMO he is simply a lousy head coach.
  6. True, but apparently the "bad jets" sans Rex Ryan are no longer the "bad jets" so perhaps one of the most important of the several reasons is that they got rid of Ryan. He has taken a top 5 defense and completely mucked it up. That alone should be a signal that he is all hat and no cattle.
  7. The biggest problem with the schedule is the five out of six games on the road. That is going to wear the team down, and even though they should beat the Chiefs, the Eagles and the Redskins, in all likelihood they lose at least one of those games. They definitely caught a break getting the London game instead of what would otherwise be a road game, and I think they beat the Cowboys at home. When it's all said and done my guess is a disappointing 9-7 year to make it 16 in a row.
  8. It is clearly the case that helmets with padding on the outside would do more to reduce concussions (and other injuries resulting from a very hard substance striking either body tissue or other vary hard substances) than anything that is done inside a hard shell helmet. However, shiny helmets with vibrant logos are much more desirable from a visual and audio standpoint and the NFL will never do anything to detract from the production value of an NFL game. Having drooling brain-impaired former players in their 50's and 60's is not enough to justify ruining the experience of watching the NFL. If there were enough outcry from fans things might change, but fans basically don't give a crap about the players once they no longer play.
  9. Ryan's treatment of Carpenter is puzzling and contemptible. If Cundiff has been brought in for kick-offs and as relief for a couple of weeks to give Carpenter a chance to heal, that's great, but then Ryan should just stop his subtle digs at DC. If they think Cundiff is better than Carpenter, even the 2015 so far Carpenter, this FO is simply delusional. As for Moore, two things: (1) bringing him could be simply a case of disillusionment with Thigpen, or it could be a sign that Sammy's injury is worse than has been disclosed, (2) the low percentage of catchable throws his way suggests that he is not a good route-runner and he is ending up somewhere other than where he was supposed to be.
  10. What's interesting is that he takes off to help the guy on his left, who didn't need help, while the blocker to his right was having trouble dealing with his assignment and that defender almost got through to TT. All in all, not Richie's finest moment.
  11. Well, perhaps it has to do with Miami having a terrible defense.
  12. No, it's boring for me when playoff time arrives and, once again, the Bills don't make the playoffs. Don't give me this "fans" crap. Blind homerism isn't any more a sign of a good "fan" than emotional criticism when the wheels fall off. More to the point, doubters of this franchise have been wrong far less than the blissfully ignorant optimists.
  13. Don't worry, the homers will find an excuse for this abortion of a game.
  14. Just beat the Pats on Sunday. Do that and the Bills stay relevant. Lose, and the Bills are just more roadkill in the Tom Brady caravan of douchebaggery.
  15. Let me know when the Pats win 4 AFC Championships in a row. And let me know when they don't cheat. I don't expect to hear either of the above any time soon.
  16. I do think the loss of a real leader in the clubhouse could be the real problem. Fred's numbers can be matched or bettered by just about anyone, but you do need quality leader types on the team, and I'm not sure who it will be.
  17. Game can go either way. Weakest part of the Bills' defense is the secondary, while the Colts are strong at QB and WR. Who knows how the Bills' QB will perform, whichever dreadful bit of mediocrity it might be. Colts win if it is a high scoring game, Bills win in a low scoring game. A Bills' win and its off to the races, a Bills' loss and it will be trench warfare to make the playoffs. Very important game.
  18. I'm just getting some bad vibes right about now. Injuries are gutting our running backs and receiving corp, the OL is still shakey, particularly is there are any injuries at all, there is very very little depth on this team, and now Dareus is possibly becoming a malcontent, which would have a major negative impact on the team's strongest attribute. Maybe no matter how good a coach he may be (and I think the jury is definitely out on the question), Ryan may be snakebit and have bad luck follow him.
  19. Anything said on this board is about as meaningful as a pimple on an elephant's rear end. The guys who are being paid big bucks to make decisions on the matter seem to be indicating that EJ is not NFL starter material (and maybe not even backup material). And, they would be the second group of coaches to make that decision. Arguing here about the subject is just silly.
  20. I'll just let things sort out since I am unable to do the Vulcan Mind Meld with Ryan to know exactly what he is thinking. However, it would not make a whole lot of sense to have a QB you think might be the starter have reps primarily if not entirely with the third string, which is what is happening at the moment with EJ. So it seems to me that either EJ is relegated to third string or Ryan is an idiot. Since Ryan seemed to make a mess of the QB situation with the Jets, the later possibility isn't entirely remote.
  21. If the Patriots did this Bills' fan would be crucifying them for it. Instead, all I see are rationalizations. If the guy loses control in the locker room, he is likely to lose control on the field at the worst possible time. I disliked Rex Ryan as the Jets coach and at this point I'm rooting for the Bills despite Ryan.
  22. Have to disagree with you. While I agree he was speaking of draft position, the context was how the Bills would not be able to solve their QB situation through the draft because of that draft position. The whole issue would be irrelevant if he thought any of the three mediocrities in camp would amount to anything other than seat warmers for a real QB. And even so, it seems a bit early for the GM to fessing up in this way so early in the process.
  23. I agree that the Bills' QB situation isn't a surprise, but what is surprising is that you have Whaley admitting, implicitly if not explicitly, that the Bills have little if any faith that the three guys competing for the job this year will amount to anything. That isn't surprising in the case of Cassell since no one expects him to be anything more than he has been all these years. An acknowledgment from the Bills' GM about Taylor and particularly Manuel, however, is surprising in the sense you don't expect that to be publicly acknowledged.
  24. Keep in mind folks, it wasn't some Internet jerk like myself being quoted. It is the Bills' GM.
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