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Everything posted by swnybillsfan

  1. from what i am hearing, ingram is a true man of a football player and there is no way he makes it to round two. i am just kinda hoping he's there for the taking (or at least the option of taking) at 10. the only knock on this guy seems to be that he isn't 6'5" and isn't a track star. everything else is screaming to me that this is the guy you take if you want a solid, versatile guy with football intelligence and an impressive skillset.
  2. i appreciate your enthusiasm for all the small schoolers. even though it's a long way off, i was wondering if you would be interested in putting your two cents in about our later round picks this year to kind of give us some idea as to who they are and what they have to offer. seems like you might know a couple of them and i always enjoy the info. thank.
  3. no. i do not want to invest that kind of money into a guy that is in the twilight of his career and is coming off multiple neck surgeries.
  4. if the bills can sign freddy to an extention that makes sense to both sides that would be step number one. step two would be sitting down with the two backs and having a dialogue about how the team will transition from freddy as the feature back to cj in that role over the next couple years. bottom line is there is no need for a controversy if everyone is honest about the situation and there is a comittment to getting both players adequate touches. i also realise that this scenerio has a bit too much of a "perfect world" vibe to it, but hey, i'm a bills fan and tend to cling to "what if"s an awful lot.
  5. yes and no. it's good to have the tecnology to get the call right, but it kinda sucks to see that the right call was avoided because of an inadvetant whistle or an unchallengeable call. seems like there are instances all the time where instant replay really makes me mad.
  6. this is exactly how i feel. love my team, wish they were doing better, and hope they do better next year. i have nothing but respect for mr. wilson because he gave us the buffalo bills and has kept them in buffalo for us to enjoy. say what you want but that goes a long way with me.
  7. i think fitz can help this team win OR lose a bunch of games. he is a really streaky quarterback that can be way up or way down. and as far as the draft goes, if there is a stud qb on the board, it would be really hard to pass him up. but the deciding factor has to be out of all the bodies left on the board, who is likely to be the biggest difference maker for years to come? i don't really think fitz and aaron brooks are that much alike, but i don't really know who i would compare fitz to...
  8. that was a painful play. no way does it touch wide right, but it definately hurt. i have no idea if it was a forward pass, lateral, or was completely straight down the line, and it doesn't matter. i just can't believe we didn't have 1 guy on the team to tackle that guy.
  9. how much water do you have to drink to be able to piss on EVERYONE's parade? i swear every post i have read that anyone has tried to find any hope or optimism in (misguided, delusional, or otherwise) you've been all over those guys like stink on sh!#.
  10. i'm extremely disappointed in the team this year. but that is because we got a small glimpse of what they are capable of when healthy and playing well. and i am hoping that next year we can get a little closer...
  11. i will absolutely drink a glass of this kool-aid! there are some youngsters that look like football players right now and i will be watching to see if they can finish strong. also, we have to understand that our offensive and defensive mvp's are both on the ir right now. as well as some other key contributors. even if we have no playoffs again, i'm still a billiever!
  12. i'm kinda hoping we draft some really unevolved semi-psychotic mouth-breathing maulers that love to inflict pain on opposing quarterbacks and not the fans.
  13. don't let the door hit you in the @$$ on the way out. don't like this loss any better than any of the others, but i'll wake up, go to work, and start hoping we can win next weekend.
  14. hopefully we will see (or hear about) why they were drafted and that they are legitimate contributors going forward. i am not exactly expecting a lot...just hoping.
  15. david nelson, cj spiller, dareus and aaron williams. all should be stepping up today to show this staff that they want to be a part of this team going forward. and if we win today, i expect all of these players to contribute to victory. i would think it necessary for others to have big games as well, but i think that right now is about the youngsters showing what they have to offer.
  16. i think cj looked ok out there today. what i think he could benefit most from is experience. if he is out there in different situations he may be able to learn from them and become more comfortable making him react rather than think. we can all see he has all the tools needed for the job, he just seems to be a bit tentative at times. i think he'll eventually be a very good back for us, he just needs some on-the-job training.
  17. seems to me that fitz has a much better understanding of the game than losman and a lot more passion and moxy than edwards. having said that, i don't know as if he has anywhere near the physical tools of either of them. but i have always said that this guy plays the position like i want my qb to play it. also, i think that the injuries all around him are making are very signifigant. fitz has proven that with good game planning and healthy talent around him, he can rack up some "W"s.
  18. i'm a huge fitzy fan, and i am extremely happy that he signed the big deal for a few years. i also love fred jackson and kyle williams. i like levitre and wood quite a bit, and from what i've seen of dareus, he's a keeper too. these all seem to be talented guys that are assets to the team and community. we get a couple more of these guys and keep them healthy, and we've got ourselves a contender. so yeah, i think fitzpatrick is absolutely the right guy for the job. he's not a hall of famer, but i think he sees the overall big picture and is on board with it.
  19. wow, sounds like that chick messed you up bad. i always equate the bills to being like my kids: i will always love them, but sometimes they really make me shake my head and ask "why?" to no one in particular.
  20. it all depends on whether this is a slump or a trend. 'cus if it's a slump then it's possible to get hot and grab a playoff spot and be the team nobody wants to play. yeah, i know...delusional optimism. but this is my team and i will always have hope. and as a side not, i think karma owes us a little something right about now.
  21. i would love to see the boys take care of the dolphins and dish out a huge steaming pile of vengeance to the new jersey jets. get a bit of that swagger back and build up some steam heading into the cold weather. add in a sweep of the patsies and a playoff spot and you've got yourself one hell of a script!
  22. close. i would love to see cory mac just absolutely freight train maybin. the classic face full of dirt snot bubble in the nose type of holy $#!% collision that makes you cringe at home. either that or eric wood running along on a sweep or a screen, then those two could pick up their old conversation on "finances". but really, i just want to score more points than the new jersey jets...simple as that.
  23. if these yopungsters can step in and perform well enough to get w number five for the season, then i think we will be gaining some confidense from the backups we will be counting on for the rest of the season. and if they play well when called upon and gain some confidense, i billieve that is what is known as quality depth for the football team...and i like the thought of that!
  24. seems like i remember reading shortly after this year's draft that the players selected weren't necessarily drafted because they were the biggst, fastest or strongest. but because they were natural leaders, people that played exceptionally hard, and they were all "football players". and this is only the first quarter of year #2. i like it!
  25. i think a lot of these guys are still p!ssed off from when trent had the bills out to a 5-1 start. lots of these guys were all in on this team and it came back to bite them. remember when trent was an mvp candidate and dick jauron was a shoe in for coach of the year? so now they are going to wait until that train is really humming along before they hop on it again. and until they get into their seats, they will tell you all about why they are not as good as they are. oh well, i will always billieve!
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