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Everything posted by TH3

  1. Who asks questions and then answers them......? That tinfoil hat must be getting tight.... Any rational proposals in there or just complaining about Obama......?
  2. Exactly! Whether you want to believe it. .. I am no lib.....but for the most part the GOP is completely detached from facts, evidence, reality these dsys. A link from a right wing propaganda machine is hardly cause for worthy conversation.
  3. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/answer-sheet/wp/2014/03/12/why-nyc-mayor-is-getting-unfairly-bashed-over-charter-schools/ But don't let the facts interrupt your circle jerk
  4. Fortunately we have people like you to separate the wheat from the chaff.....
  5. So you link two articles - One that acknowledges global warming and its man made origins but says that the drought in California is pretty much par for the course for that area.....and a second from one of the most right wing newspapers in our country that we are supposed to read as if they don't have an agenda.....
  6. Nice way to run away from: Not sure what I am running away from - The OP was making a statistical statement that failed cities have a common denominator. I am refuting that - many successful cities have the same attributes and are successes - so how is the original post valid? I am telling you that my position does not originate from being a "lib" - as I don't fit the definition in either practice or thought - so you can't just say i am an idiot lib.....I just don't think things are as cut and dry.....
  7. Ok - You guys have proven you are gold medal winners in pointing out what you believe is wrong ...in order to actually prove something - as you want it - what cities are doing things right and can you empirically point to the policies and practices you endorse as the reason for success? BTW - I am hardly a "lib" so you can hold your canned answer fire...I don't think I have voted for a Democrat in a long time - I voted for Bush1, Perot, Dole, Bush, No vote, and Gary Johnson. I yearn to be Republican but have re-registered Independent - when someone comes up with actual executable solutions I'll get behind them. I have never really thought the Dem's had the approach - but the R's are so devoid of substance right now - I can't think of myself as one of them.... As far as cities - the answers to our problems are much more complicated and nuanced than cut food stamps and unions suck....but you guys seem to have a great and satisfying time dropping one liners right out of Fox and Beck Cheers Oh - someone mentioned Pittsburgh. I do a ton of work in PGH and PA. PA is a total mess -worse than NY - but PGH is a success story and it is the result of huge amounts of public and private cooperation - large amounts of public reinvestment in the city incubating businesses etc...something it looks like Buffalo has just started. Oh and BTW - it doesn't get any union-er or democratic than PGH.
  8. Boston - Democratic mayors for pretty much the last 100 years New York - Largely democratic for last century Chicago- Democratic since 1931 Dallas - 50/50 San Francisco - Democratic Those are pretty well run successful cities....maybe its something else.....
  9. "Climate policy needs the element of fear," Ott openly admits. "Otherwise, no politician would take on this topic." And that's the problem for the left: and the right sorry but the element of fear you require, is no longer tenable... Pulease Listen to any right winger....I will help you out: 1. Obama is a socialist and the US will not survive his Presidency 2. War on Christmas, religion. 3. The end of the most liberal gun laws on the planet will be the end of the Republic. 4. Blah blah blah
  10. So from what I read. You have no idea what you would do .....just what you wouldn't......shocker....
  11. Actually I am quite a bit more conservative that you know....and I haven't really made a statement as to who is right or wrong....I am merely observing. What I am saying is the US is far from "market based" as you may believe or want. So you can either argue In the esoteric or discuss in the reality of how our country actually works.
  12. Your view is from an imaginary world - thing is we actually live in a different one. First off - your "transactional" market is speaking, big businesses, other states etc are saying we don't want part of AZ if this law is passed - for cripesake the biggest religion in our country - the NFL - is saying don't do it. Or are you saying the NFL should just not buy cakes from this guy because they got Michael Sam's back? Your "transactional market" is speaking to the market of AZ - "We don't want to be part of participating in a market with such rules" Secondly - The market speaks through legislation. Yup - this is how our country does business or speaks - on both ends of the transaction. Big business controls huge elements of the tax code, legislation etc - that is your market speaking. On the other hand consumers and society speak through legislation about health and safety, environmental controls etc. One could make the libertarian argument that such laws should be left to the business and let the market decide it wants to buy from non polluting companies - companies that won't sell to blacks, gays, islamics, etc...and that is an argument one can have in a vacuum - in a world where business and transactional decisions are made without reference to society....but that is not the actual world we live in.
  13. Typical comeback from this inch deep crowd...."Your wrong" ...you forgot to attach "idiot" to your deep thinking and logically structured argument. The "market" is our country, businesses, individuals, courts, etc....maybe this "market" is saying we don't want a country with these kinds of laws on the books. One can argue the minutia and thinly slice whose freedoms and liberty are getting clipped...but at the end of the day the "market" of our country is speaking. And..yes...living with one another involves compromise....
  14. I don't get it....the freedom and liberty crowd wants the "market to speak" and things will sort themselves out....well the market is speaking...or is it you only want some particular parts of the market to speak?
  15. It appears the market IS speaking...Apple, NFL....the governor should sign it and we can really see the market speak....
  16. If you are a store owner and hear or feel a guidance telling you not to bake a cake for two people getting married....I am guessing that voice is coming from below your feet....not from the clouds above.....
  17. I am saying - Gosh - you guys are SOOOO smart here...I can't believe the world has not stumbled on to PPP and handed the keys to global management to you, DCTOM, 3rdning, Joe Miner and B-Man..... Yes - because Krauthammer and the National Review don't come with an agenda
  18. I know I am SOOOOOOOO out of my league - seriously you need a link to believe my contention that Jan 2014 was the #4 ranked (just missed the bronze!)? http://www.usnews.com/news/articles/2014/02/20/january-was-4th-warmest-5th-driest-on-record-noaa-finds So - Here you go - but beware US NEWS is a left wing rag known to spew slanted facts as part of a massive left wing conspiracy that is using a combination of iffy anecdotal evidence coupled with researchers trying to get funded multiplied by the crazy coincidence of man made green house gasses rising at the same time as global temperatures resulting in a historical transfer of wealth.
  19. TOTALLY agree...because there is no such thing as settled science....I am still tracking such heated scientific debates such as whether the planets circle the sun or whether cigarettes cause cancer - they just don't show up on PPP - I can give you the links to those threads if you want to add your infallible intellectualness to those debates I know....but then again...compared to you...who isn't? I am just one of the statistically insignificant....
  20. I am simply drawing up comparison for my feeble IQ to understand and compare to the intellectual and grammatical giants on this thread. DC Tom was positing that one month (Jan 2014) being the fourth warmest since 1880 was too small a sample to call climate - rather than weather. Now in spite of this month being at the end of - say - 500 months of continued warming - I had to dig deeper to understand his statistical humongousness. So to looked at a more easy to grasp - for me - example of sample size equating to statistical significance - and I found - after looking at baseball - he is probably quite right in this and all other things.
  21. In the spirit of this board....Are you too stupid to even read the thread? Don't you understand that people post things and then UNDERNEATH that post there are others that may include links and other valuable comments information etc?!?! Here I will do it for you!! http://www.climate.g...ing-past-decade Zing!! So burned and put in my place
  22. The more I think about your statistical view you are spot on....its like baseball....I think the BBWA are completely misguided not to include Barry Bonds in the Hall of Fame...after all he says he never did steroids and looking at a single HR, game or parts of a season - or maybe even a whole season...one could not point to those specific results as the direct result of steroid use...after all he was always a good hitter....and the evidence of losing his hair (he is getting older), changing his physical shape (dude kills it in the gym), bulging brow (hey - he is a late bloomer) are anectdotal!
  23. You are right (happy?)....you have caught up with me...I did not want to include the link because the thermometers reporting this information are apparently are not only part of a large left wing conspiracy but they are also inflating their numbers....if they weren't reporting higher and higher numbers the science community would think there is nothing to see and unplug them. Your aim on shooting the messenger is excellent!
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