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Everything posted by TH3

  1. might be appropriate to add ".....from the government"
  2. You really need the link? Seriously? What do you think my "true colors are"? My point is that NEITHER party is what I would think of as "conservative". The GOP is as activist and as involved in picking winners as the DEM's. Yes there are the Solyndra's but he biggest source of economic activism is the tax code - and that is what I find disappointing about Ryan's budget proposal - it makes NO moves to reform the the revenue side of the budget. Federal tax revenues are pretty much at an all time low - 17 percent GDP (excluding 2002-2012- the Bush tax cut years - 15%) - so why do we all complain about paying high taxes? (BTW Reagan years taxes were 20+ percent of GDP). The reason is - the tax code has been formed by special interests on BOTH sides of the aisle...... My true colors? Make sure you walk the walk (GOP) before you talk the talk......
  3. Ummm not at all - don't put intent in my words . What it means is that you can't see the unimpeded actions/rights of an individual may impede on the rights of others......get back to the zoning....if you can do anything on your property - such as open a crematorium and stinking up the neighborhood (actually happened)....that action is the one infringing..... Who is infringing on who? You can parse privileges/rights...who cares....society is better off with rules - its just a balance....
  4. The problem with TYTT is the libertarian myth - sounds great, works great.....in your mind....when the rubber meets the road society has decided that actual rules are needed for the common good. Yes - its a balance.
  5. "Texas offered Toyota $40 million to move, part of a Texas Enterprise Fund incentive program run out of the governor's office. At $10,000 a job, it was one of the largest incentives handed out in the decade-old program and cost more per job created than any other large award. Last year, Texas spent about $6,800 to lure each of 1,700 Chevron Corp. CVX +1.40% positions to Houston and $5,800 for each of 3,600 Apple Inc. AAPL +3.87% jobs shifted to Austin." Guess it ain't liberal if its good for you!
  6. Including those who can't see joke about a seldom used word.... As far as the article I posted......there is hardly anything "conservative" or "constructionist" about that cave womens views......orthodox 19 century church going maybe......
  7. So getting birth control included as part of a standard health policy is bad? Plus I beleive it is the GOP that is not interested in legislative efforts to even pay out.....but then again you have this to fall back on: http://www.christianpost.com/news/facts-and-fallacies-about-paycheck-fairness-117959/ Did the word hypergamy really exist prior to this column?
  8. Yes - it is so unjust to ask for rent......there is a system for determining what is not just....called the courts, appellate courts....SCOTUS....commonly called the rule of law..... There is nothing about this case worth defending.....and the more anyone defends this case the less credibility they have....
  9. So you don't want the government to be able to execute the rule of law?
  10. How is this an example of federal over reach? Dumb ass racist rancher who thinks he lives in the 1850's breaks laws for 20 years, loses court fight, flouts the rule of law, his defenders want to shield themselves with their wives, gets embraced as a shining example of federal over reach? Which part of this situation does the right want to be hypocritical on? Rule of law?, Freeloading? Taking something for nothing?Racism? Heroism? Are you saying you are willing to overlook the simply grotesque aspects of this situation to glom on to the dubious angle of federal overreach in it? THAT is why I am registered independent.....
  11. Things like this are exactly why I did not re-register as a Republican. The parts of the GOP that seem to run things have become like a bad labor union....nothing that any of their members can do is wrong....and we will defend them them till the end. There is nothing that this guy has done that is defensible on any level, from any angle, from any viewpoint that isn't totally wrong or hypocritical. When the GOP lives consistently by their own self professed virtues - and call out their "own"....I'll be back.
  12. #11. Only in America do conservatives fall for a fabricated "made in Canada" list.
  13. Still waiting for documentation/back up the the black market costs that make hc in other countries equal in costs to ours.....our is it just smoke and conjecture like ^^
  14. oooooo you got me....as with most other posters....and the GOP these days.....when presented with something substantive it is more interesting to find a gotcha moment than deal with actual issues.....
  15. Here is my voting record: - Bush 1 - Perot - Dole - Bush 2 - 2004 No vote for President - 2008 - Obama - (sorry - Palin was a dealbreaker) - Johnson I have NEVER defended the ACA - I think we should start with a clean sheet of paper and design a new HC funding and delivery system. I have never really defended BO - I have said all along he is mediocre at best. Your problem with me is I challenge the posters on this board to come up with something better than BO sucks. Citizens are hungry for leadership in this country.....BO sucks is not leadership. If the GOP were to take the lead with STRONG, pragmatic, executable proposals that were developed without lobbyists - they would strong position to put the US on the right track. - Develop clean sheet HC funding and delivery. We have to get our HC costs on par with the rest of the world and eliminate employer funding - it makes our private sector carry costs that our international competitors do not. - Clean up the tax code - for real - eliminate all deductions over a 10-20 span - no exceptions. The tax code has become the single biggest form of federal govt intervention. The deductions developed over the last decades are more than our entire budget.....from there you can adequately reset the tax rates. Want to know why your taxes feel high - you are making up for someone else s deductions. - I don't have a well developed answer - but middle class income growth is the key to our economy. Our current economic condition is from stale demand - the leverage the middle class used to fuel economic growth from 1998-2008 is gone and we are back to a new norm of static growth in the middle class. I tend to think this situation is the result of globalization, technology. We are in a wage growth dead end right now - low demand = lots or resumes = no wage pressure = no wage growth = no demand growth. We somehow need to get out of this circle.
  16. Federal taxes are pretty much as low as thet have been in the modern era....in fact much lower than the Reagan era 20 vs 17 percent GDP. I dont think that the ACA is the most effecient delivery structure for HC at all. Not sure what you mean by voter fraud.....but if you think that screwing with voting rules is one of your best strategies to win an election something is wrong. Tell me where I am not
  17. I did not vote for BO....just telling like it is.....our county was in my 50 years....at its lowest point in 2008-2009...at the end of GW. Sorry if I do not think if Obama Sucks is a good platform
  18. 1. Did not start two unneeded wars. 2. Did not cut taxes to unrealistically low revenue rate (15 percent gdp) without any corresponding cut in expeditures. 3. Started the process of getting our country on par with health care with the rest of the civilized world. 4. Did not participate in jiggering voting rules to disenfranchise voters. BO has been mediocre at best.....but I would say our country is going to be in much better shape than when he took office.
  19. Richard Tol, a professor of economics at the University of Sussex in the United Kingdom and an expert on climate change
  20. Let's not construe "conservative" with anti liberal. I have NEVER proposed any type of HC structure, supported the ACA etc....I have merely pointed out that the USA pays pretty much 2x for health than the rest of the industrialized world. I do have some structural concepts that might be interesting - I have shared them with health care professionals as well as corporate leaders with positive comments but on this board anything that doesn't rhyme with "Obama Sucks" doesn't get real airplay. There is nothing conservative about the way we deliver HC through mandated employer provision. There is nothing conservative about not coming up with a pragmatic executable alternative to the ACA. I would lay this alternative out but I believe that most posters here don't want to talk about actual solutions but more dream like no government panaceas. AFA GW - Yes one can say there are not enough data points etc....but the data points that are there strongly suggest that the earth is warming and humans have there fingers in it....the CONSERVATIVE thing to do is take heed....there is nothing conservative about ignoring data or relegating it to merely political talk. If humans are causing GW and it continues - then by the end of the century sea levels will be raised by over a foot based on the current levels of rise and that wipes out TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS in coastal development. There is nothing conservative about ignoring that this is a possibility. The title of this thread already presumes that any argument not on the side of the OP is a liar..... If you read my earlier posts you would see that i don't believe there is a pragmatic executable solution to replacing FF with non carbon alternatives. As far as the Singer article - come on...if someone had posted a link that was not in line with your thoughts and the author of that article had been on the payroll of industry participants - you would immediately call him or her out as not credible - Gotta keep your standards equal or your own credibility is questioned......
  21. Dude - R Fred is a fraud, bought and paid for by the Tobacco people, chemical companies and now the fossil fuel industry. If people on this board are going to vilify lame ass left wing people - as least live by your own standards and don't take up defense of a TOTAL fraud. I am a conservative republican by the way. Do you own research if you don't like my links.....
  22. Couple things - I have not seen any legislation proposed/talked about etc from the "left" in several years - Yes BO is tightening the restrictions on coal plants - but the forces who do not believe in legislation regarding GW have won the war - there will be no GW legislation in the US. While legislation is dead - the science continues. Second - Whose lies? Are we saying that the thermometers are lying? 2013 was - what - 4th warmest on record? So we have the science community maintaining that this is continued evidence. So the right wing points fingers at the science community and says they are liars and simply want to take over the world.... I suggest you read the article from Wired regarding coal plants - it is a very straight forward view on the demand of power to raise hundreds of millions from poverty transfixed with the pollutants and the Chinese government attempts to balance these two. Seems the Chinese don't have an issue with accepting the science of GW - they are just at the point of balancing its use with its detriments.
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