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Everything posted by TH3

  1. By the length of your post - which I doubt most will read....you seem like you are trying to validate your decision to become an ex-fan. I am not sure how anyone becomes and "ex" Bills fan if you were one to begin with....
  2. Kid in Massachusetts did the same exact thing only he killed himself.
  3. Criminy: NPV (buying price) = NPV of summation of expected cash flows + NPV of appreciation of asset Making 5 percent on cash in looks pretty good if the asset appreciates in value by 7-10 percent. This of course doesn not take into account leverage.
  4. Sorry Bro....those cars are set up for the rear to break right under throttle to initiate a left hand turn.....
  5. Make your own assumptions about my post....what do you think happened?
  6. Gotta go in with WEO.It seems the posters on the "innocent" of "innocent until proven guilty" are going out of their way to explain away the obvious actions caught on film. 3 time Nascar great known for rough driving pinches young upstart into wall. Young upstart - recklessly and yes could have prevented the whole thing - storms onto track TS - known for attitude and a whole history of mixing things up with other drivers on and off the track comes around where he KNOWS the car he just pinched is. TS definitely taking a higher line on the track than other passing vehicles - sees driver and blips the throttle to - well - be Tony Stewart. Sorry - you are not going to hit the throttle to avoid the kid. The kid was on the right of TS car and blipping the throttle is going to do nothing but swing the end of the car right. The above seems VERY plausible - if not the MOST plausible to that explains everything that happened adequately. I would say that those in the camp of saying TS was not a participant in the fault have a harder time explaining what happened in accordance with what is on film. Can TS be be criminally prosecuted? - doubtful. Will there be a civil trial - probably. I also think there is an element of simple un-comprehensiveness (if that is a word) to the whole thing. It is very hard to even think that something like a typical dirt track dust up ends up as it did - and even more hard to think that TS might have completed the second half of the mistakes with a simple blip of the throttle "message"....... Whatever happened -TS has to wake up every morning....
  7. The portion of Federal Revenues paid by corporate taxes is at a modern era low.
  8. American Exceptionalism is not bound by party affiliation.
  9. She is executing fiduciary responsibility of her position to maximize shareholder wealth under the laws presented - her company should pay its legal tax burden - no more.
  10. Post a pic of your girlfriend/wife........
  11. Dude, I am not a liberal, don't vote liberal or Democratic, don't link websites that aren't simply data or historical tables as back-ups to my position. I can't tell you where I fit in. I look for pragmatic, executeable solutions to the issues that face us. I don't see the TP doing that and I don't take solace in harping on BO....in fact I find that just plain boring. I see the TP take victories as "stopping" things....well that may be good but it doesn't fix things. i find most TP talk, in fact, very detached...so in essence....quite useless and detracting from finding real fixes. immigration, budget reform....put a platform together.....
  12. That the free enterprise system is the most productive supplier of human needs and economic justice, That all individuals are entitled to equal rights, justice, and opportunities and should assume their responsibilities as citizens in a free society, That fiscal responsibility and budgetary restraints must be exercised at all levels of government, That the Federal Government must preserve individual liberty by observing Constitutional limitations, That peace is best preserved through a strong national defense, That faith in God, as recognized by our Founding Fathers is essential to the moral fiber of the Nation. That's Brats platform - says so on the internet. The problem of course - and a general overview - is that there is no connection with these and actually governing. Totally agree with free enterprise - but that assumes free enterprise solves all issues - it doesn't. Individual have equal rights? - don't stand in the way of SSM - in fact stand for it. Fiscal responsibility - man up and present a budget that balances revenues and expenditures - and recognize that your simply not going to be able to get legislation passed that dramatically changes SS and MC/MA. Constitutional Limitations? Last time I checked EVERYTHING that gets done is constitutional....there is a system for checking that stuff... Strong Defense - Sounds great - problem is our defense department is governed as a corporate welfare system - look at our new fighter jet. Strong Faith - Sure - just keep it to yourself... Come on Tea Party - Man UP! Try to actually govern.....
  13. Tom does not really do anything......so......
  14. Just so you know about my succeeding: I have started 2 companies - sold the first, the second is blowing up (I invent products, patent them and bring them to market). I have raised private capital offerings and have negotiated with huge publicly traded companies to develop operating agreements.I am heavily integrated into the manufacturing and marketing of the products I develop - I don't just turn them over for royalties. I am what some would call a 1 percent-or. My investors have made money - twice - through horrible economic conditions. I have also held public office for 6 years - and lived and worked abroad, I have completed deals in Europe, the Middle East and China..... I am sure though - your C.V. gives you a much wider view of what is going on....
  15. You and your buddies are in a such a rush to prove your douchebaggery you can't even get your arms around a concept. You must have been flummexed by actual empirical data. I am not trying to prove Bush or Obama or any President is any better or worse when it comes to what you and I see in our tax rates. What I am saying is that there have been so many loopholes, credits, exemptions etc added over the last 40 years by CONGRESS that they have a tremendous effect on those who actually PAY the taxes. Why do we feel pinched by high tax rates - when receipts are actually low? The goodies that have been given out. Thanks to SCOTUS....the goodie getters are full of free speech these days....and they are using it. Think 'Merica is a level playing field? I know you are confused because you can't wedge it into lib/con box or vote on it in a simple poll - but hey....Obama did bow once....I feel so eviscerated
  16. Dude if you have a point make it....I didn't imply anything about Obama or say anything about the ACA
  17. Ummmm. These are simple facts. No liberal or conservative slant. Go ahead.
  18. I find it funny that people gripe about Obama and taxes - you gripers haven't taken the time to understand what is going on. Reagan: Average Tax revenue as a percentage of GDP: 17.5 Federal Spending as percentage GDP: 23 Bush 1: Receipts 17.6 - Spending 22 Clinton 1st Term: Receipts 17 - Spending 21 Clinton 2nd Term: Receipts 18.9 - Spending 18 Bush 1st Started at 20 went to 15 - 20 Bush 2nd: back to 17 - 20 Obama 1st: 14.8 - Spending Started at 20 went to 25 Obama 2nd: 17 - Now at 23 projected to go to 20 Federal receipts are pretty much at historical lows. The Bush 2 first 4 years are not repeatable as the tax receipts were simply too low. RR - the god of conservatism raised both taxes and the deficit in his tenure. So how come our taxes are so high? Because in the last 40 years the tax breaks granted to high end individuals and corporations has exploded. This is Dem And GOP legislators giving breaks to hedge fund managers, the NFL, Boeing, GE, the oil industry, the solar industry...... http://thinkbynumber...are-statistics/ Government spends more on Corporate Welfare than Personal Welfare Additional corporate welfare goes to Walmart etc in the form of the earned income tax credit. Our society has decided that people pretty much need $30,000+ per year to live adequately....if your employer doesn't pay - they US taxpayers make up the difference so you can actually live. So the guy working at Walmart cost us $20 per hour - Walmart pays the first 10 = we pay the next. The less they pay - the more we pay.... Tax breaks in the tax code are more than receipts now.... THAT is what people should be talking about....but hey BO bowed once....or twice I guess
  19. This is such a typical ignorant view - ignorant in the sense that you yourself have no idea what immigration reform is about. NOBODY is talking about opening the borders. We have 10-12 million illegals simply because the laws on the books do not match reality. Under NO PLAN will these people be rounded up and deported. Immigration reform is about dealing with the reality of this - but the TP and Laura Ingraham bang the drum and people - ignorantly - fall in line behind a policy that is detached from reality.
  20. Careful.....As I am sure you know....we have the most LIBERAL gun laws in the industrialized world....
  21. Not cause and effect....it was INSPIRATION! Whoooohoooo. Don't tread on me.........awesomeness......let's go get our guns and carry! Maybe hit up a Chipotle on the way just to show the Libs whtat FREEDOM is.....THANKS OBAMA....!!!! We have to fight to get our country back......even if it comes to armed conflict against the TYRANNY!,,,,,From my cold dead hands.....we have to save our country!,,, Think they are the only ones unscrewed enough to take all this rhetoric to heart?
  22. Really.... Just reread several pages.......seems like your fellow protestors were pretty much singing the same tune as the rest of the patriots down there..... They just followed through....
  23. You Bundy guys still feel the vibe after two of his supporting protestors killed 2 police officers and a bystander out west?
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