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Everything posted by TH3

  1. @ DC - Most of the Scientific community is not skeptical of that simple equation - one can argue what the implications are and what the future will look like and the cost benefit analysis of making changes to our energy supply structure - but most scientists I would for lack of a better word "rely on" agree on that simple equation. @ Az - Not sure what to say - most of that equation is High School Science and seems relatively easy to get ones arms around.
  2. What part of the equation that I laid out are you skeptical of?
  3. Or I was driving and using my phone. Listen - if you are gonna be an OP challenging a subject such as GW surely you Google "2014 Warmest" and see the 50 or so articles referencing that subject and choose which source you are either going to believe or disbelieve. That action would probably take less time and effort than responding to a post. Weak posting is firing up an opinion merely for the purpose of picking a fight with your already cemented opinion. GW: Temps have raised in correlation with CO2 rises. Take two aquariums - one with 220 PPM CO2 and one with 400 PPM - put in sun and monitor temps. Add up all the fossil fuels we have burned and see how it has raised the C02 content in the atmosphere. You say you are a skeptic - not sure what in the above equation warrants skepticism - perhaps you can separate the math from the politics and show me the cracks in the science.
  4. Really? It's kinda a big deal and has been noted in several places....
  5. It's so hoaxy that 2014 was the warmest in our lifetimes and That Co2 has - what doubled- directly attributable to humans.
  6. Re above: I thought GW was a hoax so what is this author talking about?
  7. How is WNY? I have lived in Boston, NYC, overseas, Pittsburgh, LA. i have no commuting time, golf is accessaible and 40 bucks a round where in any of those other places it would be $100. I can easily go boating, fishing, skiing, biking. My kids walked to a good school. The people and my neighbors are friendly. I live in a great house in a great neighborhood at a fraction of the cost of other more "better places to live". The City is finally in the right direction. WNY will never have great economic metrics as it is a mature city but from my standpoint in the metrics that matter....
  8. Talk about a bunch of negative Nancy's....people here siding with Brandon? (who has presided over the longest drought in our playoff history). Super Bowls, NFC Championship game, probably one of the best talent evaluators and GM's in the history of the league. We would be lucky to have him back.
  9. As a non religious person I see Pope Francis as a shining example of what organized religion can do.
  10. @gator. Dont you see everything is a choice? By banning fracking in NYS all that the opponents have done is redirect energy sourcing to more coal - winning!
  11. I can't believe the HC didn't come on and criticize his OC - in the middle of the season before a huge game - and let on that he was going to fire him after the season was over.
  12. I have traveled quite a bit through PA over the last decade and the one bummer is fracking involves ALOT of heavy trucking - and it is a real bummer - but on the other hand - we ALL need the energy and it s the cheapest cleanest option we have
  13. @ gator - Alt energy would take off if it were feasible - and what about the communities in NY who would want fracking....now they can't.....
  14. @gator - That is THE DEFINITION of nimby - I don't want it here but I will be glad to enjoy the benefits
  15. “ Yes, NG really is great, no doubt. But there was no way the governor was going to rule against the local communities that didn't want this” @Gator….That is the hypocrisy – everyone in NY benefits right now from fracking – every community – every person – and now Cuomo and the nimby’s claim a “victory” in environmental causes – all the while using the products of fracking – I have been through PA every month for the last ten years – I ask all the time about any anecdotal evidence of fracking problems – nothing. I would respect Cuomo and all these communities if the stopped using fracked NG – put your money where your mouth is.
  16. Cuomo and all the celebrants this morning wake up in their heated homes, take a hot shower, and turn on the lights - all powered by fracked NG that has replaced dirtier coal....if people really want to make a stand build a house off the grid and show us all an alternative to what provides their current lifestyle
  17. This issue is what I find exemplary of today's politics - what is conservative and what is liberal? in many ways the language will allow banks to be more liberal in their actions which are guaranteed by you and me. Warren argues for a more conservative stance by defintion - but gets blasted by the right. We have the most liberal gun laws in the industrialized world defended by conservatives, we have the most liberal congregation, speech, press, religious freedoms - our nation is the center of the most - by definition - liberal structure in the world...yet conservatives claim liberals are ruining everything while they stake claim in reclassifying our country as conservative. We are the most liberal country in the world and have been doing nothing but becoming more liberal - by defintion -since our inception.
  18. I don’t understand the “conservative” stance on this issue – are conservatives for or against following the law and following the rules of reporting to your superiors? If you are for the rule of law and following reporting – how can you be “for” the torture outlined in this report? Or are conservative’s ideals not strong enough to be seen with Democrats? The one conservative who is strong enough is John McCain – who was on the receiving end of torture and probably knows it is something below our country and as well doesn’t work.
  19. How do you propose eliminating gerrymandering? Good question – Doesn’t some state already do it with an algorithm? I just think it would change much of the political atmosphere we have today which rewards far left/right stances coupled with uncompromising positions. When one thinks about it – gerrymandering is about as anti-representative as you can get and its completely legal…of all the subjects discussed that seem to threaten the republic – I really believe this is having the biggest long term effect – and it has the good possibility to not change – or get worse for decades to to come.
  20. Eliminate Gerrymandering and most of the issues above would be greatly diminished
  21. It is irrelevant to me with respect to the topic of the gas tax funding infrastructure. If one wants to discuss the merits of the stimulus spending – that to me is another topic – I think what I am trying to say – we seem to be at a point in the governance of our country where every topic ends up getting extrapolated by one party in order to make a point on a separate issue or to leverage it into some action on a different topic. You seem to want to make the subject of funding our infrastructure via the gas tax – as has been done for decades – into a requiem on the Obama stimulus package. As long as we do this to every bill/topic/subject we will not – and have not – gotten anything done.
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