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Everything posted by JMF2006

  1. I think he had 109 yds yesterday 106 I gave him too many
  2. I think he is too busy coaching to go sit on those wussie azz warming benches The Bills were not built for the weather we got yesterday....cold wet and windy favored the ground and pound team.
  3. I knew it was going to be a rough day when one DB held Gabby while the other intercepted the pass and there was no flag.
  4. I am pretty sure you know how I feel. I still think the Bills are a playoff team. We got the perfect storm with Star and Pred out and cold windy rainy weather. That game was custom built for a team with a great line and big tough back. I bet the Bills would beat them in Indy in the nice dry warm confines of the Big Oil Can This team isn't built for days like yesterday unfortunately the Colts are.
  5. They just want to see us crushed again They didn't say they want us to win it.....only in it
  6. I think Josh drank a few of those brewski's Just proves how much the Bills need Star and Predator
  7. Well the good new is they get to climb back into the saddle right away
  8. https://www.msn.com/en-ca/weather/today/Buffalo,New-York,United-States/we-city?ocid=winp1taskbar&form=PRWLAS&iso=US&el=S7q8MEYwblvxtaQOUe9Khe80bk%2F0HRoiO9c%2BtmbDpbrFcZ2xld1XibwSj1YcHXPZVtwrx5kEyrWHQsndyAwA9N3DErjC9DgLd0YU%2BhZt8z7JU4JiHve5hfHnsjRMc5zX&weadegreetype=C The chance of rain during the game is low it goes up significantly after 4pm
  9. Thats because you have a full second after the play clock hits zero if your Phil Rivers BTW my GF was laughing as I called almost every play with almost perfect recall How can I forget the Bills first playoff win in 25 years? its like its burned into my brain If they replayed the Ravens game the recall wouldn't be so good
  10. Bruce played most of his career as a 3-4 end The 4-3 guys should have it a bit easier. Bruce is the G.O.A.T at DE
  11. I am going strictly by the numbers this week The Colts give up an average of 23 points per game The Bills give up and average of 16 points per game So its Bills 23 Colts 16 You have the score backwards
  12. Don't tell Chuck that....his Moms still alive You can get a test here at Shoppers Drug Mart just make sure you return within 72 hours of the test. BTW its $150 bucks
  13. You will not even need that if your vaxxed and your trip was under 72 hours. The rules were tougher for Canadians reentering their own country than for Americans on a day trip. They just didn't make any sense at all.
  14. Yes but I am pretty sure this is the first home game since the border reopened to non essential travel. So you can test here then travel then show your test at the border within 72 hours and they let you back in Molson's and Labatt's Blue are the big sellers here Thats one way of getting her wet
  15. At least track the throw to be able to make a play on it.
  16. Did you see him cost Stafford that long pick? OBJerk ran toward the front end zone pylon and Stafford threw a vertical post. I think the defenders did a coin flip on who was going to field it OBJerk was so far out of the play he couldn't even help defend the pass. I don't billieve for a minute that Beane had any interest in this character.
  17. You know what I find funny/interesting? That the Titans used him at LT and he allowed 2 sacks and had 3 penalties in 101 snaps. I swear he had that in 1 quarter of a preseason game with the Bills Just making a roster as a 7th rnd pick is pretty good and he has made 5 so far https://www.pff.com/nfl/players/bobby-hart/9659 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobby_Hart_(American_football)
  18. Looks like we got a couple of bulls rutting in this thread
  19. A lot of crunching going on down in those trenches....like a couple of bull mooses rutting
  20. I said it before and I will say it again Mac is a game manager nothing more. I think the Bills have shown they can defend against these dink and dunk QB's effectively.
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