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Everything posted by JMF2006

  1. Pretty sure it is back to work day for the Bills After Friday through Monday as days off they should be rested a bit and ready to prep for the Pats
  2. Both QB's helped Josh in the MVP race tonight Thank you Lamont and Baker
  3. Although they are not mathematical eliminated yet it should happen in a week or two Funny how they trade VM and become a better team Their D is playing real well.
  4. I have noticed a lot of defenders reaching for the ball carriers junk while making a tackle lately. That used to happen at the bottom of the pile....now I guess they are more upfront about it
  5. When that wind blows across that lake in Nov/Dec you can get some pretty significant accumulations even into January.
  6. 2 different games. The game I was referring to was Jax Nov 7th my post is dated the 9th But I agree that did happen in the Indy game and I couldn't billieve they got away with it.
  7. I am more happy for the 4 TD passes. Brees gave a good explanation of Int #1 and Int #2 was just crappy luck. If he threw a pick like Simians then I would be more concerned....he basically through it into triple coverage with a LB under and the CB in coverage with safety help
  8. Why? They are there having fun enjoying themselves. Thats what life is for...to enjoy it.
  9. Time to put our foot on their throat The Bills need their killer instinct tonight
  10. Like Brownie and Tasker said... "there are no more mulligans"
  11. You should probably change your handle to something like "The Bills till they hit a rough patch then I change teams"
  12. Bills 42 Saints 13 The flip flop continues Theses refs must want the spot light and the turkey leg This crew is 7 road and 5 home average
  13. Well deserved and I hope this is the year for #89 Good Luck and all the best Steve Rabble Rousing again
  14. At a 7-5 ratio I would take that even with 10yds thats only 70 for the game to 50 or even 25 if all the home side got was 5yds. That would be livable
  15. I work with a Pats fan ,he is also a Yankee lover and his only redeeming thing is he is a Leafs fan The first thing he says is what is your excuse this week? I said I don't make excuses...I give reasons 2 O line men out meaning 3 position moves our run stuffing DT out starting MLB out. Plus they were built for this weather with a power run game which I found funny as they are a dome team. . He says sure sounds like excuses.....I said take it anyway you choose. I said enjoy first place for a few weeks...then he says the division is ours this year So I say lets put up a wager I propose $100 and he says no..so I say I guess your not that confident and say $10 and he still says no. So I just walk away.
  16. So I guess all the "Real Bills Mafia" who bought plane and game tickets should just stay home? Com On Man grow a set and man up. This is our team and they are going into battle and need our cosmic good karma GO BILLS
  17. Yes they do Its an autographed picture of his lawn
  18. Compared to the parking the chicken tenders are a steal How much are the stadium lots now?
  19. Lots of good teams have lost to bad teams this year. The Colts have been on a roll for 6 games...it is what it is....time to move on to the Saints
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