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Everything posted by ExWNYer

  1. Yep, agreed. I stated why in the Shanahan thread. I am a little surprised that Schwartz has received so many votes. I guess that's the "continuity" crowd. He'd be my default choice. Wouldn't prefer him but could live with it.
  2. Orton took over when the Bills were 2-2. And last time I checked, they didn't go to the playoffs with him. Or did I miss something during the last week??
  3. I have in-laws who are Stiller fans. They're not too bad as far as Stiller fans go but, generally, I find Pittsburgh fans to be insufferable. Their sense of entitlement is sickening.
  4. Don't like either team at all...but I just can't get on board with this sentiment.
  5. Great player, nearing the end of his career, going to a contender* on a team friendly contract...sounds about right.
  6. Maybe you're the one who "needs a reality check." Shanahan is 32 games above .500 in 20 years as a HC. That's a .552 career winning percentage...an average of 8.5 wins per year. To put in perspective, Marrone's winning percentage this season was .563. Shanahan's back-to-back SB wins were impressive but they occurred after the '97 & '98 seasons, during a totally different NFL era. And don't kid yourself into thinking that he gets there without Elway...Elway's last two seasons. Shanahan's record his first year without Elway? 6-10. In fact, Shanahan's record since 1999 (the last year that the Bills made the playoffs) is a less than stellar 115-109, during which he managed a mere two division titles in 14 years. During that stretch he made the playoffs five times, compiling a woeful 1-5 record. Those lopsided losses included scores of 21-3, 41-10, 49-24, 34-17, & 24-14 (after taking a 14-0 lead). His record during his last gig in Washington was 24-40 (a .375 winning percentage). As part of his deal there, he was named VP of Football Operations so blaming his failure entirely on inept owner Daniel Snyder would be inaccurate. He was knee-deep in the problems and dysfunctional environment enveloping that team and many Washington fans and observers blame him for RG III's regression. Reality check? Not for those aspiring to an eventual Buffalo championship. Excuse those of us who would not be thrilled if he were to be hired by the Bills. That's settling for a "safe" retread with a low floor and a slightly above average ceiling, IMO. Shooting for mediocrity should no longer be the hope of Bills fans. The Ralph Wilson era is over. It's time for bigger and better things than Doug Marrone & Mike freaking Shanahan. GO BILLS!!! http://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/ShanMi0.htm
  7. If I were Pegs and/or Whaley: "Sure...the interview will cost you your #2. If you hire him, it becomes your #1. Deal?"
  8. The title of your thread is very misleading. 'Brady to the Bills????? Possibility?' reads much differently than, say, 'Brady and Pats* could part ways in 3 mos. Should Bills pursue?'. Do you really not see a difference? Your title makes it seem as if maybe an "insider" or "expert" has heard something tying Brady to the Bills. Great click bait though. Carry on, sir...
  9. All excellent points. Personally, I'm thrilled that Marrone opted out of his contract. I was happy with what his hire initially represented at the time: A younger, supposedly forward-thinking mind from the college ranks, not an NFL retread. But it became increasingly clear over the last two years that he was the same old conservative, "coaching not to lose" type of guy. Nothing innovative or special about him. His demeanor seemed to change, as well. He appeared to be upbeat and even joked with the media in his first year. This year, he seemed like a miserable mope, giving clipped and often times unintelligible responses to questions. Further, his background is offense but this offense has steadily regressed under his watch and that of his hand-picked OC. The line has gotten worse, the RBs have gotten worse, and the first WR taken in the draft was underutilized. His game day roster decisions were also baffling. Despite constant red zone problems, he routinely opted to activate a special teams guy rather than Mike Williams, who was specifically brought in to be a red zone target. Williams excelled in that role with Tampa Bay. Was a KO specialist really more important ?? All of that cannot be pinned entirely on the lack of a sufficient QB. Which is another point...where is/was the development of the young QBs he has/had? Weren't he and his staff touted as "teachers"?? All in all, he comes across as a phony, a liar, a bully, and ultimately, a quitter. That said, his choice was probably the smartest thing for him. There's a good chance that he would've been shown the door after next year and never been a HC again. If he's hired now by someone else, he gets to "reboot" and will be given at least two or three years to prove himself. In effect, he's bought himself more time. Nobody is cheering harder for him to be hired by the NJ Jest than I am. PLEASE make that happen, Woody Johnson. When it all starts to unravel in the Big Apple, the media there will eat him alive. You can't get surly and sulk there, 'Mr. Thin Skin'. As for Polian, I may be in the minority, but I 'm also glad that he won't be rejoining the Bills. This is a different NFL. It's not played like it was in the '80s & '90s. He did great things with the Bills but that is distantly in the rear-view mirror now. He looks like he's a hundred years old on ESPN and he's very slow & deliberate in his thoughts and opinions. The times I've seen him on 'NFL Insiders', I haven't seen him present any earth-shattering analysis or fresh perspectives. He's old-guard NFL and it wouldn't be any better than the choice was to bring back Marv Levy. If the rumor is true that he would've brought back AJ Smith, OMG...no thanks. Polian is on TV now and not in an NFL front office for a reason. Exactly which of the other 31 teams are beating down his door to bring him on board? Thanks for the memories, Bill, but it's time for the Bills to move forward, not look back. Hopefully, the Pegulas can accomplish this and bring the team into the 21st century NFL. Just my two cents...
  10. Well, if Jason La Canfora said it, it must be so. He puts the "twit" in twitter...
  11. This is a joke, right? Right?? Hey, Lou...the 1975 Jets called. They want you back.
  12. One thing I think we can all agree on...the Bills need to knock it out of the park this time around. The Pegulas are now on the clock...the new coach, whoever that may be, will not be a product of Ralph/Russ.
  13. Maybe a new HC with a 2015 NFL offensive mindset will change the Bills' archaic thinking. One can hope...
  14. I don't think that anyone is questioning whether he's highly regarded, Kelly. The question is...is he as good as his rep or is he simply the beneficiary of a Peyton Manning led offense? It's a fair and valid question, IMO. He may very well be a viable HC and, hopefully, the interview process will uncover whether or not that is the case.
  15. Whatever. There won't be any Pats* boards once Brady & Belichick hang it up. They'll go back to bitching about the Sawx, Celts, & 'Broons'. Football will be fourth in that town once again, as it historically was prior to the arrival of the Unholy Grail.
  16. This is exactly what worries me about Gase. Is he really any good or is it all/mostly because of Manning? Peyton could've made Nate Hackett look like the next hot OC to be considered for a head coaching position. I'd be very wary of him.
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