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Everything posted by transient

  1. 1) The current regime put their eggs in the EJ basket well before this weekend. They went out of their way to bring in a shiny new toy, a couple of big uglies, and more insurance in the backfield in an effort to ensure that they're giving him every chance to succeed. On top of that, no playoffs this year and a new owner cleans house. They don't have the luxury of worrying about next year's draft. Makes sense to me. 2) The Bills tried to cover their bases last year, but a slippery mat, and a hit to the head took care of that. Give Lewis and Dixon some actual prep time in the system and they will be better than any rookie in terms of insurance. Tuel... meh. 3) SJ had a knack for coming up big until you needed him. And when he let the team down, it was never his fault (it was His fault). Better to let the young guys play without the mentorship of someone who so often couldn't be man enough to own his own mistakes. 4) Wisdom, patience, and judgement in the form of Levy, no one, and Nix has consistently missed the playoffs. Maybe someone with a win now approach to building a team will fare better. Besides, Whaley has shown more willingness in a single draft to find a way to get what he wants to succeed this year than we've seen in the last decade combined. I, for one, found it refreshing. Amazing what a GM with an understanding of cellular technology can do. 5) Year one of a coaches tenure is always in some part roster evaluation. As we turn this roster over, I'm interested in seeing what Marrone's plan is. Loss of Byrd and a few bit players aside, the 2014 version looks to have a true #1 receiver, a beefed up o-line, a better cast of run stuffers, and likely 3 QBs with a full season and offseason in the system. These pieces in place last year and I'm betting our coaching staff looks better than what you're giving them credit for. 6) I think the Brown trade was predicated on the BC back being picked. Plus, it appears, if I'm understanding it correctly, that the pick is a 4th next year, unless Stevie kicks in the incentive to make the SF pick a 3rd, in which case it becomes a 3rd in 2016. This for a proven NFL player as opposed to a questionable draft pick. 7) Until the Bills are a "destination" frachise with a chance to win the Lombardi every year, they will have to overpay for players, same as every team in the bottom third of the league. Be upset about it if you want, but it is a fact of life.
  2. If God gets credit for the drop, and Stevie gets credit for Dareus... who gets credit for the Spice in Marcel's car?
  3. The 3rd demension was not yet discovered when the Ralph was built.
  4. I'm guessing she chose his pants to match his toenails.
  5. This thread is making my ____ ______. You're all a bunch of ____ drinking ____! You'll buy anything _____ is selling! In your world ____ and ____ shoot out of your ___! WE'RE ALL _____!!!!
  6. A whole minute? It was 2 short paragraphs. Have you ever considered... https://secure.hookedonphonics.com/offers/learn-to-read-scrn-2stp.aspx?vc=ECG1&pc=SECGCI&gclid=CPOhn8fGir4CFcU-MgodbxEArQ
  7. Hell yeah. In fact, I'd trade 3 first round picks for him... ...Mike Williams, Donte Whitner, and Aaron Maybin.
  8. Did I hear someone say Donte Twittner is a whiney douche? Or maybe it was Jason Peters is a entitled schmuck and a bad teammate? Who's this guy with all the w's in his name, and why the hell is he apologizing? And
  9. Depends on whether "cancerous mole" = melanoma or not. If yes, then it is potentially, now or later, a "biggie."
  10. Are you suggesting he is military? Police? Royal Canadian Mountie? Royal Palace Guard? Or maybe Royal PITA has a standard dress I'm not aware of.
  11. Definitely wide right. In hindsight, it was the only one we should have won.
  12. Slightly masculine features aside, she's a 5'11" Brazilian supermodel worth $300M. I don't think he could have found a better beard if he tried.
  13. Whew, I'm relieved to find out this thread is about a delinquent wide receiver. For a minute I thought they were going after one of those smarmy limies.
  14. Stop leering at the children, Tommy! After your little pansy dance at Carnival, people are starting to talk.
  15. I'm in... same sentiments, different drummer...
  16. http://www.dogfish.com/brews-spirits/the-brews/occassional-rarities/120-minute-ipa.htm
  17. Was Switzer's point of view ever relevant? He was a validation of Jimmy Johnson's collection of talent... an (almost) English speaking version of a crap flinging monkey with a team on autopilot... more social experiment than coach. How 'bout dem Cowboyz.
  18. You can't tell when you're being smoothered with sarcasm? You prefer your taunts with a few more wrinkles?
  19. No way Thad Lewis, Dennis Dixon, a 5th and a 6th gets you Hamdan... all that Chroise don't come cheap.
  20. Dr Trooth, you ignorant misnomer. My personality profile is not at issue here, any more than is your inability to achieve orgasm. The issue is the Bills. How can we expect to have the confidence of any football team when we stab one of our most faithful allies in the back. I suppose you'd like us to conduct our football fandom the way you conduct your private life, hopping from bed to bed with anyone that can do you some good. Then what do you have? An old, dried-out scuzz that no decent football team would want as a fan. Is that what you want for the Bills? It's too late for you, "Trooth", but our fanbase still has some dignity left, you hosebag! But I suppose that sort of fashionable promiscuity means nothing to someone like you, Trooth, who hops from bed to bed with the frequency of a cheap ham radio.
  21. Lest we forget that they didn't actually draft Rivers, but instead got picks and Rivers in exchange for Eli, whom they did draft. Talk about a GM playing with house money.
  22. I didn't see the game. How did the Bills D return an INT for a TD and FG sans PAT in one play?
  23. I had to check twice to verify that wasn't posted on The Onion.
  24. We would never have been this bad if Wade Phillips would have just worn an effing headset.
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