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Utah John

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Everything posted by Utah John

  1. They did this with Shady too, and let Jordan Phillips walk early on, when both the Bills and Phillips liked each other but both knew the money wasn't available for him here. These were classy moves, and help contribute to the positive image of the Bills around the league.
  2. All I can figure is, that the Bills told Brown that if he wants his job back eventually, he needs to amclay the uckfay up.
  3. The best Bills team of the past 10 years is the 2020 season as it's already played out in all our heads. 14-2 and a home playoff win.
  4. The other owners won't want Snyder expelled, because he makes them all look good by comparison. And he doesn't cost them money. There's just no win there for the other owners, or Goodell, to do anything.
  5. Reich's claim to fame, the big comeback, wouldn't have been necessary if he'd played well in the first half and the start of the second, when he threw the pick six. He was really bad before he was good. Fair is fair, you have to consider the entire game.
  6. I became a Utah Utes fan when I lived in Salt Lake City, and Moss was my favorite Ute. He is both tough and elusive. He does have speed but isn't really quick, but he has the power to make people miss if they guess even a little bit wrong about where he's going. I told this board before the draft that we would love Moss if we drafted him, and so far that's looking good. He reminds me of how Freddy Jackson played with heart, but Moss is more talented, bigger and stronger. (Freddy is actually taller but Moss is thicker and stronger.) The end of THIS season is a long way off, let alone two or three or four years from now. Let's hope both Singletary and Moss are having good, productive, injury-free careers, when the time comes to make a decision about whether to keep both, one, or neither.
  7. May I suggest we evaluate who the best QB in the AFCE is, AFTER the season? It could be Tua, for all we know right now.
  8. I was playing soccer back in my younger days, when a 30-something man on our team had the ball kicked directly into his abdomen, which ordinarily is fine since the ball drops to your feet and you're in control. This time, it ruptured his spleen. This was a very fit man in good shape. Odd things happen. Someone falls on KJ (like that never happens in football) and it ruptures his liver. Some guys are just unlucky, and it's a shame. KJ was a good player for the Bills and I wish him well.
  9. If they limit the size of the crowd to 10K or so, the lines in the bathrooms won't be very long, if any. They could set up a roped-off lane to allow only so many people into the bathroom at the same time. Same thing for the gates outside -- set up rope lanes and use spacing between the people in line. With smaller crowds, this won't be insurmountable.
  10. I was working in the stands a pop vendor that season, and I was there for the first game. The next year I had turned 18 so I was old enough to sell beer, so I made a lot more money from then on. (Yes, the drinking age was 18 way back then.) 1973 was the year OJ broke 2000 yards in 14 games, which no one has ever done again. To me, he was the best RB ever, other than Jim Brown who was the best football player ever. Because I was working, I got into the games for free that year. I didn't make much money but I did get to see a lot of OJ.
  11. Phillips is probably not going to be as good at the start of this year as he was when he was injured, because that injury takes more than a year to recuperate. However the Bills are going to keep him around in expectation that he'll get back to where he was. In the meantime, they've loaded up with other guys, which is good for Phillips who won't have to play much while his recovery proceeds. Let's hope all is well with his knee and he's back to beast status by 2021. He's a great guy and could become Kyle Williams v2.
  12. The Jets remind me a lot of many Bills situations. They're plugging holes in their dikes as fast as they can, but new ones pop up they can't deal with. It's a constant churn of talent. The Bills broke out of this partly because of McBeane, but also through the leadership of a core of veterans, and the addition by subtraction of some foot-draggers (Dareus, I'm looking at you). Kyle Williams and LoRax and Hyde and Poyer were the right guys in the right place. Gilmore was a very good player and a tough loss, but the Bills would have had to tie up too much money to keep him. Instead, they bit the bullet and let the expensive guys walk. They're in a prime position now, with few really expensive players and a core group of guys who now see they have what it takes to win. The Bills are going to have to do some cap magic in a couple of years when Allen gets his new contract, along with Edmunds and White and Diggs and possibly Singletary or Moss.
  13. I don't think there's a single thing about the Bills management team that needs changing. Both Beane and McDermott are young, doing a great job, and seem totally dedicated to THIS TEAM. Leave well enough alone. It took the Pegulas a couple of tries to get the current leadership team in place for the Bills. They haven't found it yet for the Sabres. When they do, their best move is to let hockey people make the hockey decisions.
  14. This sounds right. Not the top LT money, but not the top LT either. The Bills are built around a concept of good to very good players at most positions, instead of a few top guys and lots of JAGs. With the salary cap, this is the way to go.
  15. A related question is, if the NFL cancels its season or just plays a few games, how will the draft order be set? Just use the order from this year? Use the results from a few games?
  16. This is a key point. When your list of holes is a more solid backup QB, a more experienced 4th LB, and which of the good players fighting to be the #2 CB will be the guy -- you're in better shape than almost any team in the NFL. I love that McBeane haven't gone out and grabbed the most expensive FAs. They have a team of very good players, all across the board, with good depth. Very few of them are the best at their position in the NFL. The players might care about that, but I don't. The Lombardi Trophy goes to the team that wins the SB, not the team with the most Pro Bowl picks.
  17. Well, according to the legal system, he WAS not guilty. Now that he's out of prison he can devote his time to tracking down the real killer. HAHAHA
  18. Ralph Wilson wasn't really cheap. He had senior advisors he trusted who WERE cheap. The chief culprit was a lawyer named Littman or Lippman, who constantly found ways for the Bills to cut costs. In the glory days, when the Bills played the Cowboys in the last two SBs, the Cowboys had loaded up on FAs who were being paid from Jerry Jones' deep pockets. The salary cap was a toy for these guys, who found ways to buy the players they wanted. The Bills couldn't compete using the money the Bills got from tickets and sponsors, and Littman wouldn't let Wilson spend Wilson's own money.
  19. At this point it's all a crap shoot about who's going to get a positive test result. No one can say what the opening game roster will look like, assuming there actually is an opening game.
  20. It's sad watching a formerly great player hanging on too long. But since we're talking about Marcia, I don't feel bad at all. As for Shady, take their money and run.
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