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Utah John

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Everything posted by Utah John

  1. My biggest concern is that this will put too much pressure on Harrison Phillips, who shouldn't be expected to do a lot in this recovery year after knee surgery. If often takes more than a full year for a guy to come all the way back, and too much pressure too early could get him injured again with long-term limitations as a result.
  2. Hmm -- the hall of very good, at least. Reminds me of the line -- Where can you find Golden Globes? Go to hell and hunt. (Look up the name of the lead actress in "As Good as It Gets")
  3. The Bills suffered even more at the hands of the Dolphins, and these days that's all forgotten (except by us old farts). Some day we'll be dominated by the Jets for a decade (stranger things have happened) and that's all we'll be able to talk about.
  4. He's not old but in a couple of years he will be. The Bills gave him a guaranteed contract including money in 2020 and 2021. By 2022 he probably won't be the same guy he was expected to be. Well, that's how the breaks go, I guess. I can't blame him for not wanting to be at risk, or living inside whatever bubble the league directs.
  5. His play has been declining recently. Sure, sign him and bring him to training camp, but let's not fool ourselves that he's the same guy who left.
  6. IIRC it was the Jets' MLB who was the key to their defense, and not Adams. The Bills would probably have lost their game in New Jersey if he hadn't been injured in the second half. I don't remember Adams making an impact at all. I look at this as two desperate teams making what will be a lose-lose trade in the long run. The Jets get two firsts that they'll screw up on as usual. Getting a good player like Adams is the exception for them. And now they will have to hope one of those firsts pans out because they couldn't hire a HC the players respect and because they couldn't work out a deal. Odds are not good. For Seattle, the desperation is trying to patch up an aging, collapsing defense and win one more before Wilson starts declining. Seattle in three years will be tanking for the best available QB in the draft.
  7. The Jets finally draft someone good, and now they trade him for a lesser talent and three more draft pick misses.
  8. Somehow I can't imagine Tom Landry having a beer with his players. Or Bear Bryant hanging around the locker room, telling jokes. Or Vince Lombardi hugging anyone.
  9. He needs almost 1000 yards to reach 12K. He would need two seasons to get that much. I don't see that happening. He was a great pickup for the Bills. At the time I thought it might not work out, what with giving up Kiko who'd had such a stellar rookie season before sitting a year out due to injury. But then it turned out Kiko was a flash in the pan who never turned into a very good player. We got much more out of Shady.
  10. IF everyone on the team -- players, coaches, trainers, etc -- follows the protocols, these guys still have a better chance to catch covid than a life ending accident driving to the store. If several people don't follow the protocols, the risk goes up a lot. For these young, very healthy men the risk of dying is low, but they could still catch it and transmit it.
  11. I'm not going to read umpteen pages of comments to see if anyone posted this -- I'm betting there aren't any undrafted free agents who don't want to see training camps held. Even late-round draftees can't be sure they'll have a job, when they haven't shown they can beat out someone on the squad from last year. The incentive for veterans is to minimize the opportunities for coaches to find someone better than they are. Without the coaching, and the game planning, and the stadiums, and the refs, and the TV announcers, and the crowd, and the fans at home -- -- all you'd have is a bunch of really good athletes playing in a park somewhere. For free. The NFL includes the players but it wouldn't be the NFL without all the rest.
  12. The expression for this I like best is that you have to "look the ball into your hands" which I believe I first heard said by Bud Wilkinson. This isn't very good grammar but it really makes the point that you have to have the positive, affirmative intention of watching the ball's flight all the way into your hands, and looking at your hands too to make sure they're set properly to make the catch, rather than the more passive idea of seeing it coming and catching it. Part of the difficulty with not doing so is that your hands no longer are set properly -- you are likely to move them as you visualize what your body is going to do next, to make someone miss or to absorb a hit. Race car drivers say the car goes where your eyes go. If you keep your eyes on the track you'll stay on the track, but if you're worried about the wall and look at it, you're more likely to hit the wall. I have learned in my own normal driving that it works on the highway, too. If your intention is to look the ball into your hands, and concentrate on that rather than the other players on the field, you will be much more accurate in placing your hands and securing the catch.
  13. The Bills have game planned to let their defense win, and the offense do enough. This is probably McDermott's plan going forward, too. This year could be different with all the talent upgrades and experience added, but it should happen because the players are better and not because anyone is trying to force things to happen. 12-13 wins and a home playoff game >>>>>> any number of yards and number of PB players.
  14. The Bills are in great shape now, and for the future. They have a few players who are getting paid more than they're worth, but no one getting the kind of money some of the other teams are handing out (see: Myles Garrett, Chris Jones). But, in a couple of years, some of their B+/A- players are going to need to get paid. All those good drafts lead to tough decisions, and some of the good players will walk away as FAs (and they'll get rich somewhere else), but for the Bills they'll have to be replaced by cheap labor: rookies.
  15. The Washington DeeCees The Washington BOHICAs (google it if necessary) The Washington Tiger Mosquitoes (if you ever lived there, you'd know about them -- they're half hypodermic needle and half piranha)
  16. Half a billion here, half a billion there, sooner or later you're talking about real money.
  17. McBeane are not shy about signing former Panthers, obviously. The best-known of former Panthers, they passed on. If you haven't noticed, they have a plan. Call it a process. Signing an expensive backup QB, especially a guy who considers himself a starter, isn't part of the plan.
  18. Doing what? PRACTICING over and over and over until he can't do it wrong.
  19. This, my friends, is what a professional does. I think Diggs is going to work out great.
  20. The game has moved on. If you have to punt from the other team's 40 (instead of taking a 57 yard FG attempt) you lose a couple of scoring chances a game. Granted, with our D, punting from their 40 should mean a good chance to pin them back, and get the ball back after a 3 and out, but with our punter that doesn't happen often enough. Too many touchbacks when we punt. So If we can get a guy who consistently hits from 55+, move on. Thanks, Haus, but you aren't the guy anymore who made all those consecutive 50+ FGs a couple of years ago.
  21. I hope it's true that the Pegulas are loaded, and aren't at risk if the fracking industry tanks. But there's some reason they slashed staff. If it isn't money, is it that they just threw up their hands and figured, let's start over? Or, hey, we've been losing after we spent a lot of money, so let's try not spending and see what happens.
  22. The McD approach sometimes didn't work. The Bills lost to Cleveland by not finishing the game. Sometimes even a great defense gets scored on.
  23. I went with the Hughes trade because McCoy, though still very very good, was also very very expensive, and at the time the Bills were in bad salary cap shape.
  24. In 1973 our HS band (from West Seneca East) did a band exchange program with a school in Maryland. They came up to WNY and got a day at Niagara Falls, and we got a day in DC. A group of us boys found our way to Rep Kemp's office and asked if we could see him. His secretary cleared some time on his calendar, and he had us all come in. He couldn't have been nicer. What I remember is that while my friends were all looking at the photographs (there was one of Ernie Ladd in the air about to come down on Kemp, who had just thrown a pass -- and Ladd was a very large human), I talked to Kemp about politics. I was sort of a young radical at the time and I told Kemp I thought the people of China were benefiting from the Communist system they had in place. He was mortified that an American youth would feel that way, and we talked about that for half an hour. I'll never forget his real interest in what I had to say, even though he didn't agree with it. He was, as everyone is saying, a real gentleman, and a very smart man.
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