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Utah John

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Everything posted by Utah John

  1. OK this won't be the popular opinion but I love it that the Bills are being aggressive, trying for the extra yard. They're not taking their foot off the gas like the Bills of old used to.
  2. Great that they made the play but if Josh throws it farther out in front of Davis, it's a TD.
  3. And to rip their guts out by jamming it down their throat. This is a statement for the Rams and the rest of the league.
  4. And refusing the covid shot making him unavailable was probably the reason he's gone.
  5. There's a huge dropoff from the Bills starting O line to the subs, except for RT. This is bad.
  6. This is a statement. We're bigger and stronger and tougher. Also faster and deeper, but we all knew that to begin with.
  7. Well you can't blame him for asking. But a call there after a no call on Josh's pass to Davis? Nah, can't do that.
  8. Allen 20/23 -- One was a good throw to McKenzie that the DB stole (good play by the DB, not Josh's fault) -- one was a 3rd down pass to Davis where Davis was interfered with, without a call -- the last was a bad (late) throw or a bad decision by Crowder not to keep running to space. Not bad. Wait till he gets warmed up.
  9. The only poetry I'm interested in right now is Allen to Diggs, or Singletary in the secondary. Good job, though.
  10. As far as being fooled by defenses, the only people I'd listen to are professional coaches. They watch tape to see what defensive alignments show, and what the QB does in response, and then what the D does. They can decide after the fact whether the QB made a good decision, evaluating what the D was going to do. It is entirely possible that Josh sees a D, makes a call in response, and has it not work out to the point where there's a negative play or he has to ad lib something. Only someone who can accurately decide what all the parts of that process are can say whether the QB got fooled. No one being perfect, I'd imagine the QBs who do the best at decoding what a D will do, are the most experienced, the smartest, and the ones who study tape the most (and learn from it, not just watching). Josh seems to have great football IQ, to the point where even the slightest "tell" from any of the defensive players can give the story away. So whether he routinely gets fooled, I don't think any of us can say, but I don't think the writer can say either.
  11. There was a point fairly late in last season where it seemed entirely possible, even if not likely, that the Pats would grab the AFCE crown away from the Bills. The Pats had come to Orchard Park and beaten the Bills physically. It was only when the Bills pulled it together, went to Foxborough, and beat the Pats that the Bills were able to reassert their dominance. If things had gone sideways in that game, the Bills might have missed the playoffs altogether. Belichick the GM is a disaster. Belichick the player developer is a failure. But Belichick the Xs and Os guy, the motivator, the tactician -- is still brilliant. Maybe Don Shula could take his team and beat you, or take YOUR team and beat you. Belichick can take toxic sludge and farts and either beat you or at least scare you. Of course then there was that playoff shellacking in the frigid cold, when the Pats gave up and kept looking longingly at the sidelines with the parkas and heaters. I don't care who was lined up against Buffalo that game -- the Bills were unstoppable. So I don't really want to crucify BB for that one, either. The best thing Kraft could do as the owner is sit BB down and tell him he can coach as long as he wants, but the team is going to have an actual GM, and BB is going to have to get used to it.
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