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Everything posted by 947

  1. Whoah whoah, pump the brakes here a minute! Peterson is definitely NOT the best all-around corner in the league. He isn't even top-5, unless "all-around" means including his punt returns. Peterson may be among the best all-around athletes in the NFL, but he is an above-average cover corner at this stage of his career. He's highly overvalued due to his punt return skills and his ability to take an INT to the house, but at actual CB skills- he is NOT elite.
  2. You guys are quick to forget that Pears was an average to above-average RT 2 years ago, which is also when he last healthy. Ditto for Urbik, he's a solid player when healthy. I'll be surprised if anybody surpasses him this year barring injury. Chris Williams will be solid at G as well. I don't expect Richardson to beat him out until 2015, which is what the FO probably expected when they drafted him.
  3. Flowers is a very good player in the right system, but he's not scheme diverse. He was a bad fit in KC's new defense, as evidenced last year. Think Warren Sapp in the Raiders 3-4. He'll catch on & be a good player again. I don't think he's a good fit for us-especially at his price tag, but Atlanta seems like a good fit.
  4. I totally agree with this. Which is why I'm confused that we signed Spikes to a 1-year deal, and gave multi-year deals to Keith Rivers & Chris Williams. If Spikes plays like he talks this year, he'll walk for a big FA deal.
  5. I'm really starting to like Spikes, despite hating his guts the past few seasons. He's exactly what this team needs. But if the Bills do "shock the world" this year, does he walk? I really wish we'd have given him at least a 2yr deal. We gave Keith Rivers 4.5mil, why not offer Spikes at least the same?
  6. I think this was primarily to see if Hairston can fill in at LT. Glenn had to move somewhere, in that case, why not try him at LG?
  7. Good Point. I was gonna post that Finley is done, even before knowing about the $10M. After his first concussion last year, he said he'd consider retirement after the year. Then he got lit up again, only twice as bad. Any contract a team would offer him would be incentive-based and have little guaranteed money. Very slim chance he plays in the NFL again.
  8. All the jerseys in the official Bills store have the old half white stripe collar for both the Limited & Game versions. Even the Watkins jersey. http://www.shopthebills.com/pre-order-first-pick-jersey-nike-home-game-buffalo-bills-jersey.aspx
  9. The Pats are no longer an elite team. But they're still savvy enough to put themselves in position to get the breaks to fall their way. Last year they won 12 games despite never being dominant like the other top tier NFL teams. If a few breaks go the other way, they only win 9 games. That luck will eventually run out. Hopefully it starts now.
  10. I had to work that day. I was still in High School and was working at Service Merchandise as seasonal christmas help. The awesome part was that I worked in the electronics department, and most of the 50+ TVs were tuned to the game. It was super busy all day, and it sucked having to help customers being as dejected as I was early on. Then it sucked even worse when the game got interesting and I couldn't stay glued to the TV. I vividly remember nodding at customers without hearing what they said, while only paying attention to the screen over their shoulder. I'm in Chicago, so I didn't hear Van. We only had the national broadcast.
  11. Clomid is a fertility drug for WOMEN. It does absolutely nothing fertility-wise in men. He should get an extra game suspension for this moronic excuse. I guess it's smarter for him to claim stupidity rather than admit steroid use, but he'd have to be really really stupid to believe his own story.
  12. Stevie will follow Lynch's lead and be the next Bills's cast-off to win a Superbowl. He probably won't top 50 catches there, but he has a great shot at playing for a ring. The 49ers are the most talented team in the NFL. I know the oddsmakers will put Seattle & Denver ahead of them, but they'll be better than both this year.
  13. It's gotta be Aaron Curry. He was said to be the only "can't miss" prospect in that draft and the safest pick at any position. The Bills' Maybin pick was panned by many, but 100% of the talking heads & NFL people liked Curry.
  14. I don't like any of the 1st round OTs except Matthews. I can definitely see Robinson & Lewan being busts. Bortles too. Jags fans must be thinking Gabbert all over again, though I doubt Bortles or any QB in this draft can be as bad as Gabbert.
  15. Pettigrew is a step up from Chandler in both blocking & receiving. If Chandler is a 5 out of 10 at both, Pettigrew is at least a 6. Aside from Gronk & Vernon Davis, He's a better blocker than any other pass-catching TE I can think of. If Pettigrew got cut, he'd be an upgrade worth pursuing, but he won't, this year at least. The Lions drafting Ebron was moronic IMO. They just re-signed Pettigrew and added Golden Tate. Adding the draft's top TE when they have numerous pressing needs just made no sense. That's like a Whitner-esque 1st round blunder.
  16. Can't blame Maybin for the Bills drafting him over legit NFL prospects, he's just a guy who parlayed 1 good college season & combine into the most money he could. It's the Bills' FO's fault for that debacle. Besides, if we'd drafted any of the studs who were available instead of Maybin, we probably wouldn't have been bad enough last year to be in position to move up for Watkins this year.
  17. That's a definite concern, but I have to think Whaley will be more proactive at re-signing our own talent than Nix was. At least he's already working on a Plan B for if/when Spiller walks with Bryce Brown. Plus he went all-in on Watkins knowing who his agent is. He must be ready to be just as aggressive when the time comes to re-up him.
  18. Ditto for me. I'm hoping the Watkins jerseys are ready in time for Fathers Day. I'm already dropping hints.
  19. Fred Jackson, Kyle Williams, & Pears- who may not even be on the final roster. That's it. Just looking over the roster, I knew we had a young team, but I didn't realize just how young. If this draft pans out how most of us think it will, we'll have a very solid core for years to come. Exciting to think about. PS- I'm not counting Moorman, for obvious reasons.
  20. I still can't believe we couldn't have gotten a 3rd this year from Carolina. They are a playoff team with a championship-caliber Defense, but have literally nothing at WR except a very raw WR/TE tweener. It makes too much sense. You have to wonder if the Bills FO was hounding them.
  21. I really hope it's #13. We can do the jersey name plate swap like when Spikes/Poz.
  22. At this point- the Bills can tell the media exactly what they want to do in the draft, and everybody will think it's a smokescreen.
  23. I fully support drafting Evans, but only if he slips to #9. He is not worth our 1st and 2nd, or 1st and two 3rds. If we move up, we'll only be getting 1 immediate contributor from this entire draft. The Bills cannot afford to do that.
  24. Um, no. Barr cannot contribute right away, he is probably the most raw of all the 1st round prospects at any position. Right now, he could probably only handle a role like Hughes has, and Hughes is better at it right now. Barr would need at least a year before he's ready to contribute, and that's not what we need. A team like the Pats/49ers/Seahawks could go for him & have time to develop him, but not the Bills. If we draft a guy "to rotate with Hughes" at #9 overall, I'll be irate.
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