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Everything posted by eee1776

  1. I am not sold of the fact that Daboll would leave . All his family and relatives live here, he is from Blo. Plus other factors like a raise in pay and seeing this through to the end with Josh. Anyway this is just a thought on the plus side.
  2. Not one mention about Trent Murphy/ for the money we pay him. This man is the worst Defensive lineman on the team. Look how many time then ran to his side tonight. No gap integrity.
  3. I am in favor of the NFL making a week 18. There are going to be more circumstance like this before the end of the season. all postponed games play in week 18 and then push playoffs back one week if the tv folks agree with this.
  4. We go 8w 5L rest of the way and host a playoff game.
  5. Bills vs Miami December game when Moulds and Price was sill on the team. Major snow when the game started and at one Point you could not se the white Miami Jerseys. Every commercial break everyone was singing "Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow. It spite of Ricky Williams running for 250 Yards that game we still won. Good Luck finding your car in the parking lot after the game.
  6. I think this Saturday and we can dress 48 on game day?.
  7. Red Tails. Tuskegee Air Men in WWII. Someone might have thought of this first, but it makes sense.
  8. Live in Charlotte try to male 1 to 2 games a year, nothing like it.
  9. I might be worth a buy if it makes us immune to him.
  10. Watched to see what Miami and the Jets picked. after that Checked in once and a while on line.
  11. I was wondering how long it would take this off season for someone to come up with a Bills moving post, it happens like clockwork every year.
  12. Charlotte sports radio all morning was saying what a great fit Cam would be for Buffalo. They were very negative about Josh saying the team was built to win now. Cam could take them to the super bowl where Josh was not ready to. This went on for an hour or so. Very negative about Josh being the guy. They use the Houston game as an example.
  13. Did not read all the post but according to Jason La ? on sports talk in Charlotte there is 8 minutes of tape of the sidelines.
  14. Question is this. does McD have a 3 year contract or 5 years. Talk on Charlotte Radio saying McD could come back to Charlotte, might be wishful thinking though/
  15. Get Murphy out of there is the cry from my Bills club room. You want to gain 10 yards. Run to Murphy's side. This man could not set an edge if his life depended on it.
  16. Quick get bread and Milk at the store. What no school today business's are closed.
  17. Going with a dead rat is too kind, This guy could not set a edge if someone walked him to it.
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