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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. Justin Armour. I like this game EDIT: And you thought the Colts had a bad year! Look at 2011 for Coach Justin Armour's HS team: http://www.coloradoprepfootball.com/team/manitou_springs/2010/ http://www.coloradoprepfootball.com/team/manitou_springs/2011/
  2. http://www.american.com/archive/2009/june/the-problem-with-the-biggest-tax-break-in-america Those of us who work in this country are now being assailed from people with this mentailty: INCREASE the cost of medical bills, DECREASE services, just to decrease premiums. This is precisely how innovation is supposed to work? Hogwash... why should anyone be subjected to this when you can get health care for free by not working? Whether it is Obamacare or this warped sense that we don't pay ENOUGH, middle class Americans still go with substandard health care.
  3. Suicidal kids, in most cases, yes I could see that, but the main factor is that they are still kids, and don't know how to handle themselves. They see suicide as an easy way out when they have no one to turn to in order to make it stop, and have no avenue to act themselves. How do adults react to these people in real life? Fight back, revenge, ignore them if you can... we have the wisdom; they do not.
  4. I love GOP supporters. They will take anyone to beat Obama, no matter how worthless or cretinous they may be.
  5. You couldn't be far from the truth... kids cannot possibly defend themselves anymore. How can you fight back when the system punishes both bully and victim? In my day, if someone made fun of you, you'd fight them, knock them down, and that would be the end of that. You can't do that now...
  6. As of 1/4/2012: 200 CSCO $18.40 - 3680.00 12 GOOG $662.30 - 7947.60 7 MELA $3.47 - 24.29 Cash = $2.80 TOTAL: $11,654.69 (1/4/2012)
  7. Parrish????? He's bled this franchise for far too long... let's not let this charade continue, please.
  8. We have this running back named Fred Jackson who replaced them, by the way. I guess you choose to ignore that fact when complaining about who we let go. We don't need another TO in Buffalo- Jerry's right, show him the door and move on. What's the real joke here is a player who has no respect for his coach and doesn't honor his own statement to cease with the celebrations that hurt his own team AS WELL AS dropping the ball in crucial situations is continually defended as if he's a Pro Bowl receiver.
  9. Jeff Littmann isn't the only idiot out there I guess...!
  10. 1. Gailey didn't sign Brad Smith and waste $3 mil. 2. Gailey doesn't control injuries. 3. Gailey isn't responsible for a poor track record in the draft. 4. Gailey CAN and will fire George Edwards. Another thing I want add to the list- not running the ball enough. He needs to be more committed to the run. I want Stevie Johnson to go bye bye, but you have to keep Gailey. We're a lot closer to fixing this team if we make the tough decisions and actually smartly draft for need!
  11. We're not in a vacuum, you know. This one play isn't the first time, and of course he ALWAYS makes big catches (sarcasm alert)... you act as if they guy is a Pro Bowl receiver when he is not.
  12. Talent? Leodis McKelvin has TALENT, but he's not starting CB material. TALENT is Ryan Leaf, but PERFORMANCE drives this league. Reed, Moulds, and Evans MADE the playoffs. Stevie Johnson has his record and ZERO playoff appearances. Twisting statistics is a poor response for what I see on the field during the game- a guy who is not worth $7.5 mil a year. My point is why spend this money on a guy who doesn't play like a top WR when our defense needs help badly, among other things?
  13. No, emotional is wanting to overpay for a guy who makes plays occasionally and got 1,000 yards. Let some other team overpay for him... that's what Colin Cowherd would say.
  14. Nope, just saying that Stevie Johnson isn't worth $7 mil more than a guy who came in off of the street, not even close. Like someone said here, where is Ochocinco now??? We don't NEED a guy like that on this team... the drops, the antics. Now we see why Cincinnati is where they are and the Bills still are talking about retaining players the Bengals got rid of. This is the SAME talk I heard about Lee Evans, and it is mind boggling. Accepting mediocrity just because a player shows up once in a while with great plays is just NOT a winning formula.
  15. Productivity? Did you see what Ruvell Martin (yes, Ruvell Martin, a street guy) did today??? This team also gave up 49 points, and as far as I'm concerned, Stevie Johnson isn't going to play defense. We have the ability to find a replacement for him, but it will be our ability to IMPROVE OUR OVERALL TEAM that will get us to where we want to be. We can't do that by paying Stevie Johnson $7.5 mil.
  16. He's like the Michigan defensive coordinator last year... MEAT. 49!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Good players make good plays, can be inconsistent, get over 1,000 yards, and sometimes win games. Great players make great plays, are consistent, get over 1,000 yards, and win games. Stevie Johnson is a good player. You must ask yourself whether or not the Bills should pay a good player $7 mil a year. The choice is clear for me- he is not a great player, hasn't proven himself worthy of $7.5 mil a year, and should walk. What he did today proves that he just doesn't get it- he thinks he's a star, but being a star isn't enough. When you cost your team games, you should be benched and you should lose out on big money. Good for Chan Gailey.
  18. Same as George Edwards should be fired for massively underperforming, and yet Merriman gets a free pass because he's cheap and locked up? NOT buying. I think the thought is very appropriate.
  19. EXACTLY.. I was hoping we'd cut ties with Parrish BEFORE the season starts, and it looks like Merriman, despite his best go, cannot stay healthy either. We can't fall for this same tired act- show them the door and wish them good luck...
  20. Life's a fragile thing Harry... One minute you're chewin on a burger, the next minute you're dead meat. - Dumb and Dumber
  21. I'm going with 20-17 Dolphins because although Losman is starting, the Bills are really devastated due to injuries and the defense has been so bad almost all year that anyone makes us look foolish. I don't trust them to finish a game, and it is too bad our offense is ice cold. Between the Bills and Sabres, I'm pissed off and depressed... Grantland had it right.
  22. Flutie turned the ball over a lot more than Tebow... at least TT has that going for him. I'm a big fan.
  23. When was the last time an African American quarterback was drafted by the Bills? THAT is a question that needs to be asked... the history is bleak. Did Ralph Wilson say NO after starting the first AAQB early on (James Harris)?
  24. DRE KIRKPATRICK, CB, ALABAMA. I am sick to DEATH of seeing McKelvin and Florence get burned like J.D. Williams... enough is ENOUGH! Whoever chose Montee Ball should turn in their Bills fan card.
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