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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. His lawyer is his SISTER... *yawn* Sounds like genetic failure to me.
  2. Appreciate what, the TIMES he dropped the ball? You confuse the number with the timing... and this doesn't even factor into his unsportsmanlike gaffes. No one wants a Ronnie Harmon hands in crucial games out there!
  3. Yesterday they backed off of their criticism when they found out his whole quote, to be fair- except Ron Paul, of course.
  4. I listen to CSPAN radio... the calls fuming over Romney on the Republican line are hilarious. They call him Obama's twin brother...
  5. Fine, get rid of it all across the board. Sounds like an outstanding solution. You first... or maybe we should go for the Hitler plan of 1933 so you can no longer have ANY opposition to your policies. Sounds about right after your statement Romney? No one is worried about Romney winning in 2012... the only fear comes from the conservatives as they have as much vitriol for Romney as they do for Obama! Add in the Ron Paul wackos, and you have some QUALITY entertainment!!!!
  6. We need a man like Theodore Roosevelt in office, but we end up getting Yosemite Sam or Daffy Duck... not much of a choice. Men like J.P. Morgan worked WITH the President to avert major crises through the use of common sense approaches that didn't sell the American people down the river. These days, you don't have men like J.P. Morgan... financial strength is gained through buying off politicians instead of responsible governance.
  7. They hire who exactly? Are their profits reflected in their price structure? Are the medicines they streamline safe? We can ignore those questions obviously because only profits should be a consideration for employment in this country, right? Who cares how companies profit, so long as money is made? Horrible philosophy, if you ask me. Who said I agred with the occupy movement? Not me... did you ask? No, you assumed. BZZT... wrong.
  8. The GOP has forgotten its historical roots, and abandoned a truly American approach to government in favor of the ignorant Hoover: "We must protect the crushable elements at the base of our present industrial structure. We stand for a living wage. Wages are subnormal if they fail to provide a living for those who devote their time and energy to industrial occupations. The monetary equivalent of a living wage varies according to local conditions, but must include enough to secure the elements of a normal standard of living--a standard high enough to make morality possible, to provide for education and recreation, to care for immature members of the family, to maintain the family during periods of sickness, and to permit a reasonable savings for old age."
  9. When the GOP candidates start talking about increasing profits for drug companies by streamlining the FDA approval process, giving out tax holidays to corporations that shift workforces overseas, and wants to 'streamline' approval of all energy projects regardless of environmental impact, there is no WAY I could vote for a Republican candidate. This isn't stimulating the economy to help the lower and middle class, but to help the upper class at our expense, as usual. 'Stimulating the economy' and 'Job creation' means subjugating us, and so now those of us like me who are disgusted with Obama will be forced to vote for him. ONE TIME I would like to hear them answer up for a law banning lobbying in Congress... just ONCE. The tumor of corporate lobbying has grown so much that the disease has ravaged our government, regardless of party. Someday it will end...
  10. Anyone trying to make that point now should be laughed at and ridiculed... the progress that has been made as I pointed out above proves this to be a fallacy. We're almost the minority, if not now... this victimization line has grown tiring. It makes me now want to root for the Latino community to moonshot forward to prove a point- it is not your race, but what you do in LIFE.
  11. Thank God the NFL moved the Colts out of our division.. phew
  12. NFL: 6 out of 32 FBS: 28 out of 120 This is a massive improvement from 3 years ago... there has to be available hires of quality for there to be a good hire. As of now, many teams feel there is not much available out there if Mularkey got a HC job; that's how I see it.
  13. He is a big personality and has burned a lot of bridges somehow. His teams made the playoffs, but failed to make adjustments against the better teams in order to take him to the Super Bowl. I wouldn't want him in Buffalo because he would have had another job by now, and too many teams have passed him up.
  14. The Raiders finally have a real GM, and soon will have a real coach and will no longer be a laughing stock. You are now witnessing, like Irsay to Irsay, a Davis to Davis change in ownership philosophy that will lead to success in Oakland. Meanwhile, we are still waiting...
  15. Let no Bills fan who wanted him back complain about him ever again then. You wanted him, then you are going to get him- if he drops crucial passes or costs us wins, then so be it.
  16. 1. Atlanta lost AGAIN in a bad fashion. 2. Mike Smith is a couple of wins better than Chan Gailey, and with nothing to show for it. 3. You'll be back- I have been a Pirates fan all my life and you don't know the meaning of the word negative.
  17. I find it ironic that you posted this TODAY after the Falcons just got embarrassed again, and Atlanta was mentioned as the worst sports city in America in an ESPN column. The object of this game is to win a championship, and regardless of wins, the Falcons don't have the fortitude to win games when it counts- you could see it in their defense in the third quarter and fourth quarter. The Falcons was a bad example to use... they still have won nothing and seem to have reached their maximum potential with the team they have.
  18. How many QBs threw for over 4,000 yards in 1990 and 1991? You are talking about a completely different NFL that has evolved over the years.
  19. PAT WILLIAMS, now and forever, even though peanuts isn't accurate. The worst move... ever.
  20. However, for all of the 1st round busts there have been, it is a fact that 1st and 2nd round QBs win championships. In the past TWENTY years (no, not a typo), only Kurt Warner and Brad Johnson have starting QBs on teams that won the Super Bowl other than Tom Brady. 15 out of 20. The modern NFL DEMANDS a quarterback with the skills to be the man, and although we failed to get one, not trying dooms us to failure.
  21. Teams don't get better by planning to draft 4th round picks at QB as a strategy. Once again, this is a prime example as to why there is such a disparity between Bills fans... you'd keep an unreliable 7th round WR and draft a starting QB in the 4th round instead of doing what successful franchises do- draft your QB in the 1st or MAYBE the 2nd round and find reliable players to build around him. Tom Brady is the exception rather than the rule, and I wish more Bills fans recognized that.
  22. In some peoples' opinion... once again willing to overpay for someone who will not help our team very much. Stevie Johnson will go to another team and will be their T.O... works hard, does stupid stuff to hurt the team, won't stop, and drops a heck of a lot of balls.
  23. THIS. If we had resigned him, we'd be a worse team for it- still weak at WR, still weak at DE, still shaky in the secondary, on and on. Let Peters be someone else's headache... and yet Vick still gets hit a lot. How many sacks did the Bills offensive line give up this year? Did our run production suffer terribly? 'Not having anyone close to his ability' is absolute hyperbole.
  24. What I suggested can be another interpretation, but I NEVER said that this had to be exactly what he meant... to ignore the possibility of it is being closed minded, to be sure. It IS all speculation, but after what has happened, to fear the worst is not crazy or ignorant.
  25. Closed minded is not the right phrase to use in this instance... too open minded would be accurate. Closed minded would mean that what he said relates ONLY to what is legally provided. Opening it up, you could say that he is talking about payoffs, benefits, etc. After what has happened in college athletics, to be insulted for interpreting his comments as meaning improper benefits or payoffs is ignoring past examples of impropriety. If no one questioned his comments, then possible infractions would never be discovered because inevitably people talk.
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