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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. I would have rooted for Len Dawson, but not Joe Namath. Len Dawson did it with class, and Namath did not... there are MANY AFL coaches and players that were great to me, but to canonize him for one game is insane. I don't care if Super Bowl III made the NFL, I still will not feel Namath is worthy of the Hall of Fame. The argument that a player is better is made all the time by people who didn't watch athletes play (Bill James of SABR, for instance, what of him? Pretty sure he never saw Honus Wagner play), and so I discount that totally.
  2. Spot on. If there was any true justice, the NFL manufacturers would be the very first to be held to account. +1.
  3. Who calls their own plays and throws more interceptions that touchdowns? He NEVER had one season where he threw more than +2 TD/INT. NEVER. Is that the kind of QB you want on your team, and calling his own plays at that? Come ON, be serious. I mean look at his stats by season!!! It is really pathetic... there is no way the Jets won because of his play, that's for sure. 51.2% completion and the Jets went 10-4!!!!!!! http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/N/NamaJo00.htm My other analysis of Super Bowl III of course is ignored.
  4. Mike Leach? Hell yeah... Maryland's loss; our gain
  5. If he called his own plays, then you would think the Jets would have been better and his numbers would have been better, and so all the more evidence that he wasn't a HOF quarterback. Let's look at the statistics: 16-7 Final Score. N.Y. Jets: 1 TD, 3 FGs. Baltimore Colts: 1 TD with Johnny Unitas at QB, in the 4th quarter. Earl Morrall intercepted 3 times in the first half. Joe Namath: "Earl Morrall would be third-string quarterback on the Jets," he said. "there are maybe five or six better quarterbacks than Morrall in the AFL." Even HE knew that it was the key to the game, because if Unitas had been out there the game, it would have been tough for him to keep up with the scoring of the Colts against their defense. Earl Morrall gave the Jets the game, dooming the Colts defense. This is a script written many times- a team who should win does not because of a liability, and the Colts' liability was Earl Morrall. Joe Namath didn't win that game, the Colts lost it.
  6. Jamal Anderson Shannon Sharpe Jay Novacek Matt Birk Donald Driver Marques Colston ...and these are just the great players that were found in the lowest rounds of the draft, not mentioning the good players, the role players, the foundations of teams. The point system is merely a GUIDE and not an absolute; to make it absolute would be inane. Some teams choose to pick for need over ability, and there must be room for those situations. Certain teams with excellent scouting departments and wily GMs will pull the trigger on 'supposed' head-scratching moves when they are acting on a great plan. This is why Mel Kiper becomes more irrelevant as the years pass- sometimes teams may actually know what in the heck they are doing despite his noise and huff-n-puff on camera.
  7. The ONLY reason he is in the Hall of Fame is for Super Bowl III- his numbers are below average for a quarterback. He did not face the Baltimore Colts led by Johnny Unitas for a full game as I said, and didn't do anything relevant before that game or after that game. He may have made the AFL, but if he had lost that game he's not in the Hall of Fame. There is NO other quarterback you can say that about, ever. All of the other NFL QUARTERBACKS in Canton got there on their statistics at least, bottom line. Put Ken Stabler in the Hall then... why not?
  8. Brad Johnson won a Super Bowl, as well as Trent Dilfer, and so they are AUTOMATICALLY better than Jim Kelly, according to your logic. Disqualified.
  9. Tom Brady and Terrell Davis were only worth 23.4 points! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA.. silly point system.
  10. I understand what you meant, but over the course of time quarterbacks like Namath were a flash in the pan, because still today we see that the quarterbacks who are most grounded seem to hoist the championship trophy. As an aside, Don Shula never had to account for his coaching during Super Bowl III and how he let his all-pro quarterback ride the pine because Earl Morrall got them there.
  11. I disagree... Johnny Unitas ALWAYS did it with class, and even though he had to sit and watch Super Bowl III in agony on the bench for most of that game, he took his lumps and moved on. To the end, Johnny Unitas represented the NFL extremely well and personally in my opinion is still the greatest QB in NFL history despite not playing in the protect-the-QB-at-all-costs, pass happy league we have today. All Joe Namath did was become a flamboyant icon and is now consistently embarrassing the team he played for and acting like a drunken fool. We need more Unitases and less Namaths. You never saw 'crew cut' Jack Kemp act like that either, to reference the Bills in all of this.
  12. From now on, after this if it does happen, I want all players who succeed like FJ to hold out for a contract... what the Bills did to him was unconscionable. This turns me off in a BIG way... and it pisses me off to no end. Loyalty to a franchise gets you NOTHING these days. SHAME.
  13. None of these coaches had a chance to succeed with quarterbacks like Rob Johnson, Doug Flutie, Kelly Holcomb, J.P. Losman, Trent Edwards..... Gregg Williams wasted our only 'best of the mediocre' quarterbacks in Bledsoe and must be at the bottom of the list. Wade Phillips will always be top of the list because our defense was dominating and we should have won a road playoff game despite our special teams. Andy Reid should have been FIRED for allowing his defense to be run by a greenhorn non-defensive minded DC... inexcusable for him to be let off the hook for that.
  14. That's not a liberal mindset... where do you get that from? I distinctly remember that conservatives were up in arms about this: http://www.democracynow.org/2007/2/15/shut_up_and_sing_dixie_chicks The Dixie Chicks were against our government's position on the War in Iraq, and spoke out, and yet where did the outrage come from? According to you, it must be liberals. BZZT!!!!!! Talk about ignorant comments from right wing nutjobs: RADIO DJ: Good morning, 61 Country. CALLER: They should send Natalie over to Iraq, strap her to a bomb and just drop her over Baghdad. BILL O’REILLY: They don’t know what they’re talking about. Callow foolish women, who deserve to be slapped around.
  15. If Ralph Wilson is no longer the owner of the Bills before 2013, then yes. If Ralph Wilson is the owner of the Bills in 2013, then no. Chan Gailey's success is tied to the ownership of the Bills- Ralph Wilson and his management team is not committed to winning.
  16. Cliff Avril, baby!!! Now we are talking pass rush!
  17. It is the same affliction that affects the Bills- the point is that no team is invulnerable from the Cheatriots* favoritism.
  18. This obsession with Jerry Sullivan gets really old... he's not the owner, or the GM, or a player. It is kinda sad...
  19. The statement was made that if Germany HAD overcome Russia, not IF they could have. At that time, the USSR was most certainly known to want Poland and part of Germany for reparations, but the other countries were given away by Churchill to keep the peace instead of hard bargaining. Stalin only took what he could get away with... The Germans has a plan to seize the Ploesti oil fields and much more, but of course the loss at Stalingrad and thin movements south buried that...
  20. Lee Evans' fate: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Clayton_%28American_football,_born_1982%29
  21. It always amazes me that when the cozy little nest of bobble heads feel threatened, all sorts of conspiracy theories abound. Instead of debating a topic on its merits, the "kool aid drinking liberal" labels fly like bees around a hive. Congress today is almost an exact duplicate of the mentality on this board, a course hell bent on everything being black and white and no room for compromise under any circumstances while the insults abound. NO SURPRISE we have a mess in Washington!!!
  22. They won't miss an opportunity to make money, but they know that they still hold control. It is precisely this control that maintains the current status quo, and if these nations dare to disrupt it there will be hell to pay. The incidents against South Korea did not lead to a war because of China, and this is obvious. North Korea must show that it is strong without going too far.
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