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Chump Change

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Everything posted by Chump Change

  1. Bump. I'm jonesing for some Palin juice...who's got the dirt on the MILF? It's been over a week for crying out loud! I'm sure she's done something stupid since then! Hook a brutha up!
  2. Why not name Joe Mesi as Senator. He's probably brighter that that Kennedy lady and he could literally kick some azz up there in the Senate if anyone screws with NY.
  3. Um, isn't that what Uncle Sugar is doing for (to) our economy right now? These freaks are pulling out all the stops to keep their power base intact for as long as they can. That is, until the sheeple wake up...
  4. Shh, don't trouble these peopel with facts man...you'll ruin the whole thread!
  5. Gotta love old Barney the Fagosaur trying to rid the agreement of any concessions that would allow the companies to at least begin the process of competing with their foreign adversaries. As Tony the Tiger says, "He's Grrrrreat!"
  6. C'mon now buddy. You're just jealous because his schtick is probably bigger than your schtick, aren't you?
  7. Bump...What's happended to this thread!? Palin hatred should be enough to keep it going at least as long as 'Donohoe drinks babies blood'! Now all you want to talk about is some celebrities epileptic son. Big deal...can't we get some Palin news here? I heard she gets her news from reading Spiderman and the Fantastic Four! Can you believe it? Olberman just reported it, it must be true!
  8. I know...Repigs is soo much more original and mature!
  9. We trust our young men and women with lethal weapons and expect them to make life or death decisions in combat at ages as young as seventeen yet we refuse to allow them to consume alcohol until they're twnty-one. This is nothing more than nanny state politics at its worst. For the record, I had no problem getting both alcohol and weed when I was twelve. I think we sell our kids short today. Actually, I think they're better prepared at eighteen than I was at the same moment in time based upon the demands and speed of todays world.
  10. Was wondering what freaks voted for that guy. You and that Billzrul freak voted for him for sure. I haven't figured out who the other two are yet.
  11. I'll be dere wit my Dubs and grillz! Fo shizzle my nizzle!
  12. Agreed. McCain got it right during the campaign in criticizing Bush after 9/11. Quoting him loosely, he said that "After 9/11, GW should've talked to the American people about sacrifice not about going shopping". That's the conundrum we face in this situation. To fundamentally fix what ails us, we need to save more as a nation and get our personal and Gov't finances in order. But to quell the pain, we're printing dinero at the cyclic rate, which may be a short term elixir, but long term will allow the situation to worsen.
  13. Would you prefer that he lies to us like the Bush Administration did (We're not in a recession)? You can't tell me that the Bush boys didn't see this coming. I prefer the truth to a glossing over of it. The fact of the matter is, Mr. Sunshine, that we aren't close to the end of this regardless of how good Obama choses to say things are.
  14. Refried beans manufacuters are responsible for 2/3 of all methane gas produced by humans. They should be taxed as well.
  15. I'm selling or getting rid of all my Bills schit. I'm done. PM me if interested.
  16. Vote with your wallet...don't buy anything Bills related! How many times are you going to take this?
  17. Why the fuk does he care how much money he dies with? He can't take it with him? Committment to mediocrity? don't you have to have at least an 8-8 record to be mediocre?
  18. I wish to offend no one, but you're a fool if you still root for or worse yet spend your hard earned dollars on this complete joke of a team. I have been a Bills fan since my earliest memories and have seen the Bills play in The Rockpile, but as of today, fuk this team and Ralph and all the other fools who continue to root for a perpetual loser. Shame on you for accepting this, and worse yet, asking for more of the same. The jokes on you, not me.
  19. I do not live in Buffalo anymore and let me tell you, yes, we are the laughingstock of the NFL. But no more...I'm done with this team. Ralph's refusal to field a competitive team has left me no other decision. FWIW, I plan on writing the team to express my feelings and futures (non) actions like not buying any Bills related merchandise EVER AGAIN. I'm done with these losers!
  20. I wonder how long it will be until Barak the Magic Negros daughters start hitting the crack pipe? I mean they'll be attending school in DC and all.
  21. I also am offended by the use of the word "magic". He's not a magic negro, just a regular negro.
  22. So are you in favor of or against him being named to Daddys seat?
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