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Chump Change

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Everything posted by Chump Change

  1. Citizens from both sides of the aisle need to stand up to this pork disguised as beef that they're trying to push through.
  2. The longer we put off taking our medicine, the worse the disease will get. The stimulus 'morphine' will soothe the pain for now, but when the real pain comes there will be no stopping it. How much longer will the Chinese buy our debt? Once they lose their taste for it, its going to get real expensive to buy things around here.
  3. AJ Smith as a man, is a complete ****. AJ Smith, talent evaluator, is a very talented individual. I believe he is and has been very involved with player aquisitions throughout the John Butler years and also stands on his own as a GM. One thing he is not is sentimental. Witness the fact that they are looking at what to do with LT this offseason. In my opinion, his great weakness is his adversarial personality and that he seems to hold a grudge and take things personally. Ultimately, as the GM, the buck stops with him, so he'll occasionally look bad. If you look at San Diego's roster they are loaded with talent. His ego seems to be a bit inflated, but I'd take him back in Buffalo in a nanosecond.
  4. We tried that on a smaller scale with the initial Bush stimulus. Granted the numbers were smaller ($1200 per family). I would argue that if they're borrowing money that I as a taxpayer am going to have to pay back, I'd rather have it in my pocket to spend where I deem necessary instead of Nancy, Harry (Bush and Hank too) and their stooges deciding for me where it was spent.
  5. http://www.nypost.com/seven/01252009/busin..._bet_151972.htm We're not even close to bottom. *Don't kill the messenger*
  6. That's a very good point. I also feel this way about gun legislation. Most people feel that there's no way Uncle Sugar will take away our 2nd amendment rights. I used to feel the same. But when you look at the legislation that is passing through many states it paints a much different picture.
  7. You got me. I wasn't alive that long ago. I did hear Buffalo was once connected by some type of high speed waterway or canal to other parts of the state though.
  8. Double meat pucks con queso for $.99? What's wrong with that? It even comes with vegtables on it (reconstituted, onion flavored flecks).
  9. I'm glad people here are discussing the real important issues facing us. Where would we be without this enlightened discussion?
  10. Good luck keeping that on budget. Maybe we can import some Chinese, wait, nevermind... The website says all the 'major' cities will be connected. San Francisco wasn't one of them on the little graphic thingy. I guess you're not moving to a major city.
  11. I don't think you and I are too far off on this issue. Why do you feel waiting periods are useful in stopping gun violence? I have no objection to background checks (for the record, I am an NRA member), but think that the whole waiting period issue is simply a feel good elixir for the masses. There are already more than enough laws written that restrict and control guns. They just need to be properly enforced. I also agree that it is primarily the big city liberals who are the cultural elite that feel strongest about removing our right to arm ourselves. Look at the epileptic fit they're having over the appointment of a 'hick' Democrat. While I don't know this woman, she apparently is one of the Blue Dog Democrats. I'm all for fiscial responsibility, so from what I've read about her, she sounds good for the people of Western NY.
  12. 'Cept Bush...he's all Bad! don't you read the treads here?
  13. Having read some of your past posts regarding your disdain for the military, I did not feel it was a stretch to take you literally.
  14. See Genie Freckle's post in another thread where he laughably opines that most liberals don't want to take away peoples guns. While there may be a significant body of people who consider themselves Liberals and feel this way, the VAST majority of elected liberals (you know, the ones who make laws) are in favor of various forms of gun control or bans.
  15. Certainly you don't believe what you post or are you really that ignorant?
  16. Shhh, don't share the secret. It might require some critical thought on their part, which could be catastropic to their brain housing group.
  17. Deep thought. Awesome! Maybe Jay Z and Lil' Wayne, two of our nations greatest heros, were hosting a "My President is Black Mutha!@#$er!" Ball for him.
  18. I hadn't heard this, but if true, what a shame. I don't want to draw conclusions, but why not show up to honor (and be honored by) some of our nations bravest?
  19. You know what they say- "Even a blind squirrel gets a nut once in awhile."
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