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Chump Change

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Everything posted by Chump Change

  1. Kelly, you're not funny, so where does that leave you? I will say you are one hell of a cheerleader. I hope you're on the payroll.
  2. I know what the Libtards have coined a 'cop killer'. But 99% of those posting here in opposition have no clue. Thanks for playing. As far as owning a bazooka, that argument is as ridiculous as my car argument (posted to prove a point). No one is advocating owning an exploding projectile. Same with Holders fear mongering explanation corolating hand grenades to 'assault' weapons. While he wasn't directly quoted in the article as saying that, it was inferred.
  3. You know, I forgot to add that...thanks for catching it. Maybe we can enact legislation to make hand grenades and automatic weapons even MORE ILLEGAL! That will surely stop the flow of them from the US to Mexico!
  4. Wow! when I posted this morning I really didn't expect much of a response. But I must say that I am overwhelmed by the Obama supporters responses to this so far! They really are on top of the issues!
  5. So great one, care to enlighten me as to what a 'Cop Killer' bullet is? I mean, it sounds terrifying! I'm just glad we're banning them!
  6. People are truly clueless as to what's transpiring right now. If this keeps up we're going to lose more than a decade. We might just lose a nation.
  7. What's wrong with driving a car? I use mine to get to work and back.
  8. Boy, we have a trifecta of idget's in this thread so far. You weap for them? Go back to school and learn how to spell kid.
  9. What kind of Meth are you on Karl? You must have a problem with reading comprehension. As this amateur further destroys our economy, you think he is going to balance the budget?
  10. Go back to school dipschit $250,000 < $1,000,000. But wht let facts get in the way of your ignorance. BTW, let me know if you need a class on what that thingy between the numbers means...
  11. It is all about cosmetics. If the gun has a bayonet stud, it is considered an 'assault' weapon. We all know that makes it more dangerous than one without one... If the gun has a flash supressor, it is considered an 'assault' weapon, because they are spooky too. I think another feature that made it an 'assault' weapon is if it had a pistol grip, because tose are scary too. If you are too ignorant to even look into the legislation, then why come on here and automatically flame those in opposition to it? BTW, can anyone tell me what a "Cop Killer" bullet is? I've never seen that brand in Walmart of the local gun store. But I'm sure you retarded Lib's are opposed to them because they sound scary...
  12. Wait a minute...I thought Obama didn't want to ban guns? Was I mistaken? I thought some 'staffer' filled out his liberal survey years ago? Fools- all of you who believed this lying fraud.
  13. I had to bump this...check out today's headlines: $750 Billion here... http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=was...id=aY8vuevw1NKs $643 Billion here... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...2502587_pf.html $75 Billion here... http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=206...refer=worldwide Oh, and these ass clowns want some more handouts too. Think they'll get it? You betcha! http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090226/D96J8RGG0.html Which all adds up to: http://apnews.myway.com/article/20090226/D96JA8J83.html I really don't see what the big deal is and maybe I'm making much ado about nothing. Boy, the Dems sure are doing their best to make Republicans look like conservatives. But move along now...nothing to see here folks. Change we can believe in- Woo Hoo!
  14. Well you could always work for the city, state and federal Gov't to round things out...
  15. Granted the market will not stay down forever, but do you think that bounce will bery big if The One is able to actually pass the things he wants? I would argue that investors will not run back to the markets to invest in Government programs.
  16. It's amateur hour at the Improv. And unfortunately, we're all going to feel the effects. This isn't funny any more. Hey, did you hear the latest? Harry and Nancy want to spend ANOTHER $400+ Billion! WTF?
  17. What, did you expect that they would drop to thier knees and slob his knob like you and Johnny do here daily? Give me a break! Are you and Crayonz the same poster? Because your posts are as absurd as his. So you thought the Republicans would roll out the red carpet for The One after Democrats like yourself were so respectful of Bush. What freaking world are you living in? I will say that I'm hopeful that they all can get along for the sake of our nation, but with those nuts Pelosi and Reid running Congress, it looks unlikely.
  18. Unfortunately, they will likely be remotely detonated- as IED's against Israeli's.
  19. Do you not understand that Republicans were locked out of the final negotiations for the bill? How could Boehners staffers read 1100 pages when the bill wasn't even printed until midnight on the eve of the vote? You're usually a balanced poster who, while liberal leaning, tends to call a spade a spade. I respect you for that and the fact that one can have a informed debate without the usual partisian blinders (unlike the usual suspects). However, in this case, I think you've put the blinders back on. For the record, I am not against a smaller bill that would've focused more specifically on infrastructure, but this schit sammich is not the answer. I do not like the fact that the Congress did not have a chance to review the final bill. As was opined above, if this was such an emergency, why is The One taking four days to sign it? I thought we didn't have a minute to spare?
  20. Let me help you out here...it's a crock of sh*t! Gotta love the transparency promised by "The One". But I think if you put even an ounce of thought into it you'll agree with me...
  21. Partisians- please ignore the fact that the author is Jerome Corsi and try to focus on the numbers. Does anyone still believe that this is just another 'normal' recession in the ecomomic cycle? http://www.worldnetdaily.com/index.php?fa=...mp;pageId=88851 I don't see a happy ending here...while the world will continue to rotate and the sun will also rise, the future of our nation as we know it is clearly in doubt. Keep the blinders on or see the world for what it is, your choice.
  22. Another insightful comment from Karl the Retard. Keep them coming Molson, er, Karl.
  23. Theatrics aside, you honestly don't have any problem with the largest spending bill ever rushed to the floor for a vote? This is nuts! Who knows what was thrown into the bill at the last moment. 1100+ pages of this...there's all kinds of opportunity for the Left (in this case) to insert whatever crap they wanted at the last minute. I've heard that the bill actually contained text inserted in the margins! Why not give additional time to consider it. Oh and by the way, it also contains gun control language. I'm sure that will stimulate the economy. I don't think you're being honest if you can't see the problem with the rush to vote.
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