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Chump Change

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Everything posted by Chump Change

  1. If the executives have to get rid of their jets then why shouldn't Goldenfinger have to get rid of his luxury resport? Ooops, I criticized the union...I'm sure I'll receive a stern rebuking from pBills, the resident union appologist.
  2. Why not Andrew Coumo? Why does this do-nothing who can't even get off her rich azz to vote warrant an appointment as a Senator? This lady is a hack who should stick to hosting lunches for the Manhatten crowd.
  3. I will probably root for the Tennessee Tit's. I like Jeff fisher as a coach and really like boobs, so it's a natural fit. But I asure you and specifically the Bills organization that I will NEVER buy anything related to the Bills ever again if this joke of an organization doesn't do the right thing.
  4. Maybe that's where Sarah Palin gets all her energy!
  5. And now she wants to be involved in the 'process'. How quaint. Just what we need, another drunken Kennedy in Congress. Fan-farcking-tastic. You go Patterson! Raise the roof homey!
  6. Nice attempt at deflecting the question. Do you and the other lemmings support this guy? *crickets*
  7. Jesus was black and Obama is black...what's the big deal? Can't you see the resemblance?
  8. Is this while you, George and Ringo were writing Octopus' Garden?
  9. Up to this point, Wacka doesn't seem to have the type of anti-social disorder you display in your postings. Seriously though, how old are you? What type of medication do you normally take? Because it either isn't working or you need to up the dosage. Were you molested as a child? You seem to be mad at the world? Are you married? Having spousal trouble? I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on television, but anyone reading here can tell that something isn't right in your life that causes you to post the things you do here.
  10. Your comment makes too much sense for the vast majority here. Why would you expect them to answer or comment on facts? The WNY area has been rotting from the inside out for many years. How locals fail to see that more Gov't is not a good thing is unbelievable. You know the old saying about a rotting fish...
  11. Does the warden know you escaped from the asylum? How long have you been off the reservation? Please, do everyone a favor and seek professional help and restart your medication! You seem to be an incredibly disturbed person. Please tell us that you aren't around young children...
  12. Why would your phones have been tapped? Was your family communists?
  13. The inconvienent truth about the Bills is that they are the laughingstock of the NFL and haven't sniffed the playoffs in nine years. The really inconvenient truth is that in the current era, with a professional, committed front office and owner, this can be turned around in one season. The really, really, inconvenient truth is that this is unlikely (read NOT GOING TO) happen with the team I grew up adoring and at the end of the day, we fans are suckers for accepting this.
  14. That's along the lines of how =I'd handle it. But I think I'd rather slash all four of his tires. The payback is instant. He'll know not to screw with you or people like you again and it's a HUGE inconvenience. I did this a few years ago. I was dropping my family off at LAX and left them at the curb with their bags while I tried to find parking. It was Christmastime and parking was non existant in the garage. I literally drove around for 10-15 minutes until I spotted someone backing out who wasn't being followed or had someone waiting for their spot. They were on the end of the row and i patiently waited for the lady to load her luggage and back out. As soon as she pulled out this a**hole pulled in from the exit lane right into her spot before I could react. I was beyond mad and put my car in park, went up to the guys window and told him to get out of the spot. The punk wouldn't get out of the car, wouldn't look at me and just sat there. He knew that I was waiting and tried to be a weasel. I got madder and madder telling him to get out of the car and be a man. At about that time I see a security guard walking toward his car probably at the end of his shift, so smartly I left, got in my car and searched for another 10 minutes for a spot. On my way into the airport i made a visit to his car and pulled out my trusty pocket knife. I proceeded to slash all four of his tires (I lookied for cameras first). I bet that dude will think twice about stealing someones spot again. Now many people think this is wrong and I almost understand. But sometimes people need to know immediately that they shouldn't screw with other people. That's just my advice.
  15. Almost 9,000 posts on a message board in less than two years. Don't take this the wrong way, but if it was me being unemployed for that long I don't think I'd be spending the majority of my time here. Again, I don't want to seem 'heartless' but seriously.
  16. What the heck are you talking about? I was just making an poor joke about the quality of the women in B-lo. What's the Willis thing?
  17. I heard Hilary's a cougar and wants to bring him in for an 'interview'...
  18. I received this last night. Its going viral very quickly as I already received it twice at work today. Well made, funny and like the Budweiser commercial says...True!
  19. First of all, I'm very sorry to hear about your health and I wish you a quick and pain free recovery. I'm also sorry to hear about your experiences. Yes, there are a-holes in this world who are 'Christian'. It is unconscienable that some who truly tries to follow the teachings of Christ would do something so evil. But I respectfully disagree that most are a-holes. While I consider myself to be a rough around the edges, work in progress, I have met some of the most amazing, selfless people through some of the churches I've attended. If i can fill even one of their shoes, I'll consider myself successful. Please don't let a few experiences completely influence your view of all Christians. One does not need to be a believer to lead a moral, ethical life, but for most Christians I associate with, it has helped them immensely. I also have a few (two) firends who struggled with addiction that told me the only way they got sober was through a miracle of God, that they never could've made it through what they've been through without His presence in their life. They weren't believers before (at least one wasn't), and have since led a rightous life and done a complete 180. Okay, enough for one post. I just wanted to post to let you know that while there are some incredibly screwed up people in this world who call themselves Christians, there are many, many more who do walk the walk. It does seem that many here on this board have major issues with people of faith, and that's okay too.
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