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Chump Change

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Everything posted by Chump Change

  1. Awesome, another tough guy who beats up women. This will help him sell more records. He's straight gangsta! You know it's only a matter of seconds until someone pulls out the victim card for poor old Chris and let's us know that its not his fault because he had a rough childhood. Counting down, 3,2,1...
  2. Why wouldn't it? They have no right to be in the country let alone to trespass on his land. So therefore they are wrong twice. Although you didn't post about it I feel it necessary to point out that the 'nice' illegeals aren't the only ones coming across the border. The drug cartels who have taken Islamic murder to the next level (killing in acid, beheading children, etc) are also trespassing regularly and who knows how well armed thay are. Actually, we do know how well armed they are... Weren't you the poster who doesn't see the need for Americans to arm themselves? The guy who "Talked his way out of being held at gunpoint" numerous times? Or am I mistaken?
  3. I just ordered a book by Larry Winget titled "People are idiots and I can prove it". This guy gets it. He's not into the kindler, gentler crap. The synopsis contains sage advice such as the secret to losing weight- Eat less, exercise more. He states that people who don't pay their bills on time lack integrity. Good stuff that goes counter to todays touchy, feeley victim attitude that is being pushed hard by Motherment as I write. It sounds like required reading for the whiners here.
  4. Indignant Outrage? C'mon Genie Freckle, it was merely scarcasm directed at that joke of a paper. John Adams was correct (BTW, nice job parrot), that it was a blog and not a column. Yes, I should've noticed that prior to posting. As far as indignant outrage is concerned, I save that for the complete selling out of our nations future with this schit sandwich your peeps are trying to pass as beef. Have a nice day parrot boy.
  5. I don't see what the big deal is. Printing money employs Americans in the printing industry. And with the decline of the newspapers, there are many printers out of work. This stimulus measure should help them. A trillion here, a trillion there. No problemo mi amigos!
  6. WTF is wrong with this country? That this sham of a lawsuit is even being considered is further proof that our nation will be destroyed from within. This is unfukken real. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/f...rizona-rancher/ This reminds me of a joke: What do you call 100 Lawyers at the bottom of the ocean? A good start!
  7. I heard the Obama's do a lot of fisting. I just wonder who the receiver is.
  8. If living beyond our means on a micro level got us into this mess then please explain to my simple mind how living beyond our means on a National or macro level is going to get us OUT of this mess? I'm sure smart guy Johnny Coli has an insult for my heartless question...but I doubt he has a reasonable answer.
  9. C'mon man, give her some credit! She also worked at the Rose Law Firm.
  10. For how long? If we continue to print money as fast as the presses can get it out (I know not all of it is printed, so please save the lecture), it will cost us much more to finance. Couple that with China having its own domestic issues and they will be forced to dedicate more and more of their resources toward keeping their population happy and their power base intact and less investing in other countries. http://www.economist.com/world/asia/displa...ory_id=12987564
  11. I agree that there is an opportunity with the 'average' Iranian. They may have had their fill of Akmedinny-Jihad and vote to throw him out in June. That is if Isreal doesn't act first: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090129/ap_on_...forum_netanyahu Ak-Jihad is not the only problem though; he is just the mouthpiece for the mullahs- so we'll see if any fundamental change is likely to happen. Personally, I'm doubtful anything good will happen, but if anything, the Obama Presidency offers a fresh chance to engage. I just hope he's not as naive as I think he is.
  12. Well all that fisting they do is practice for what they're about to do to the American people if he signs that Pork Package in its current form.
  13. Allow me to add this to the thread file. Gotta love "The Goracle". http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...2803318_pf.html
  14. Is it too late to nominate him for an Academy Award?
  15. Why not just automatically give all kids two A's? That'll fix the education problem real fast and be much cheaper. Kelly, please take the blinders off and admit it that this bill is chock full of Democratic pork that does nothing but satisfy and reward their consitiuency. This bill is NOT good for our nation.
  16. I know what you're saying, but that look on GW's face is too funny!
  17. I doubt he's laughing. That is if he's serious about leading in a bipartisian manner. This is truly disgusting. The Democrats in Congress have no regard for the future of our country. Although the Republicans are almost as much to blame for letting the last bail out bill pass, this is beyond comprehension. Well America, we're getting what we asked for.
  18. No kidding. At a lcoal plaza where I live there is a starbucks right next to a grocery store. Apparently the grocery store has a relationship w/ Starbucks because about two years ago they remodeled the store and added a Starbucks kiosk- no more than 30 steps from the Starbucks store. And I'm not just talking about buying beans either. Its a full service stand. Yea, that makes a lot of sense.
  19. http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idU...=22&sp=true http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CN...;show_article=1
  20. You right...for now. What happens when China sours on purchasing our debt? We'll have to raise interest rates to make it appealing and that is when we'll see inflation begin. And when it begins there is a very high probability that it could get quickly out of control. Nothing 'chicken little' about it as it is a very real and probable outcome in the not too distant future.
  21. "Ask not what you can do for your country, but what the country can do for ME!"
  22. Actually, femi-nazi Camille Paglia has frequently praised Palin. She suprised me by calling out the Libs for trashing her out of hand. Of course, it might just be because she wants to snack on her beaver.
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