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Chump Change

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Everything posted by Chump Change

  1. Actually, I heard he got promoted to reconstituting the onions. He's moving up in the world.
  2. Care to share what that meaning is? Do you just like the song or are you an aspiring karaoke singer?
  3. I'm proud that Michelle is proud. It makes me all warm and tingly up my leg.
  4. Agreed. What's wrong with civic pride? We need more not less of this. Just another chip away at the foundation of our society. When the house caves in on itself in the name of 'diversity' some will be wondering what happened.
  5. This one is anything but average. Are you serious or being sarcastic? Because this is anywhere but over. If you fail to see this, I feel sorry for you. Granted, we haven't reached 11% national unemployment yet, but we're on the fast track to it. Additionally, this is a world wide recession. Althought I'd like to be optimictic about this, I think it serves me best to be realistic and see things for what they are insted of what the media and our lying Government wants us to see.
  6. Printing as much money as needed- That'll surely get us out of this mess. Why didn't they think of this earlier! I'm just curious as to what the M3 number presently looks like. But we'll never know because the Fed won't let it out. Trust me though...other countries are figuring this out and the futures so bright, I'm gonna need a flashlight!
  7. That was OK, but it has nothing on the Olberman skit. That IMO was one of the best I've seen.
  8. You know they weren't born with that lisp. Talk to me Goose!
  9. I agree. No distractions there. After a few days of seeing boobs and snapper they would get used to it. What were we talking about?
  10. It sounds like he's been trained by Progressives in the art of making an argument.
  11. Then why not let men shower with women? Isn't this the same kind of progressive viewpoint as allowing gays to shower with straights? There is no difference. Until it is scientifically proven to be a genetic trait, I think it is an aquired behavior. That's just my viewpoint, but it is what it is.
  12. There's so much material in this article, I don't know where to start. OK, here's my favorite: A pirate identifying himself as Jamii Adam told the Saudi-owned Asharq al-Awsat newspaper that negotiations were taking place with the ship's owners, saying the ransom demanded was not excessive but declining to give a figure. He said it had cost the pirates $500,000 to seize the vessel. "We bore many costs to hijack it," he said. http://www.reuters.com/article/topNews/idU...ews&sp=true
  13. I wonder how long it will take for Michele to do that funny head neck swivel and tell Hilary to "Speak to the HAND!"
  14. Then they won't openly be able to drool over your schwantz. Why can't men shower with women then? Another somewhat related question: Why can women reporters have open access to a mens locker room, but a man can't go into a female locker room to get an interview?
  15. Mmmm, tasty. But I've got news for you Mr. LABF, they aren't FREE. Someone has to pay for them!
  16. That's the problem with the entire US! In finance, autos or just about anything, people take the short term, feels good now approach instead of a long term, systematic approach. It's why our politicians are making things astronomically worse for our nation right now instead of letting the cycle run its course. There is no other solution.
  17. What if you believe that gay is something other than OK and normal? What lie are they living? They just can't have a rainbow flag or walk around holding hands with other gays. Why should straight people have to shower with openly gay people? Should men be able to now shower with women? You may not like my questions but aren't they valid?
  18. Maybe if we give them food they'll leave them alone. They're Somalis and starving so maybe that's all they want. If that doesn't work, then shoot them.
  19. Hey feller, who's the funny little man in your avatar?
  20. Why even change the policy in the first place? It sounds like it works good the way it is, why change it if it isn't broke?
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