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Everything posted by cowtippur

  1. There will still be excuses. Half of our defense is injured, the other half has broken bones. There is nothing saying Henne won't light us up just like Rosenfels did a couple years ago.
  2. Steve Mariucci. He may be able to do wonders with Trent. Even more of a reason...he can no longer command big money, which Ralph would love.
  3. No, just different wording. I just think it would be great to see an offensive player exhuding confidence because they know they can get it done. The defense has some charisma and swagger. The offense looks mentally beat down. This is probably in direct correlation to the coach.
  4. This same attitude has done wonders for the Jets this year. It would be nice of someone on this team believed they would beat the snot out of the Phins, even if they don't say it.
  5. I think if he doesn't have a really solid year he may find himself on another team. Freddy has already established what he can do in Lynch's absence.
  6. This thread is funny! It is more and more like an Abbott and Costello "Who's on First" bit the farther you get into it.
  7. It will depend on what the new coach wants. I still think Kolb should have been part of the Peters trade. We have two viable running backs now, we could still trade for him, or someone else, but I think Kolb is pretty good. That being said, Trent may not be bad under a new coaching regime.
  8. Couldn't agree more. There is only one right opinion...his. He is an arrogant know it all.
  9. If you had followed another of my below average teams, the Astros, a few years back, you would have known that Lidge is very capable of a meltdown. Since the Pujols homer in the LCS that is still orbiting the Earth, Brad's psyche has been very frail.
  10. It's funny though. As much as everyone here hates the Patriots, this system is what won them all their Super Bowls. Brady doesn't just keep chucking the ball down field. It's check downs, slot receivers, play action, screen. When avaialbele, the long pass is done. That's why Welker is so important to them. Throwing to the other end of the field all the time doesn't mean constant scoring. It more often than not means very quick three and outs. Our offense is supposed to be doing the same thing from what I can tell. There are a lot of screens and check downs. That's not necessarily Trent's fault.
  11. That's funny. Football wise, there is depression here too. My team, obviously, has issues and the Panthers are just bad. Otherwise, it's nice here. The beach is about 10 minutes from anywhere and the weather is generally ok. Gets really hot, gets pretty cold, but not quite like your cold. Housing is expensive unless you move to the outskirts. Jobs, well, about like anywhere else. It's good to have a job right now, but you probably aren't making what you should be.
  12. You have got to be kidding me. It would be awesome if people would let reality sink in before saying something like this. Losman was, is, and will never be the answer. Edwards, I don't know. I still like him. He barely had a pocket today and when a play was developing it was called back because of a rookie o-line mistake. Reality is, this team is 1-2. Who knows what will happen. Edwards may come out guns blazing next week and then everyone will love him again. Well, everyone but the people that just can't let Losman go.
  13. How would we know? Our tight ends got used so little last year that nobody knows how good they can be. I agree Nelson is going to be good for us, but the others may play better than expected.
  14. Agree. It might be fun to see for a while, but in the end could lead to really bad things. I do think if kept close we have a good chance this weekend though. This could be a huge confidence builder for these guys.
  15. I understand all that, it just seems strange to see our DC actually telling them a four man rush is all that will be necessary. Why not let them have some questions going in? It may not matter in the long run, but it doesn't seem like it could hurt.
  16. Aren't game plans supposed to be at least a little secretive? Is the DC supposed to come out and tell one of the best quarterbacks in the league, "This is what we will do to you Sunday"?
  17. Well, at least we can all be Offended by your spelling and maybe even laugh at it a bit. Otherwise, the display in question isn't remotely funny. I'm sure if the tables were turned on you, you wouldn't think so either. Would you really want your kids to see something like that of you?
  18. It's so nice to see some love and optimism back around here. It was a long off season of doom and gloom.
  19. I didn't read through all of these, since some are basically novellas, so if this has been said, sorry for the redundancy. I can't believe what I'm seeing here though. It's not about his production. It's about his name. TO demands respect from defenses because of what he CAN do, not because of what he IS doing in that particular game. Nobody on our bench can make the impact on opposing defenses that he can.
  20. It's terrible. Too many people and too many "analysts".
  21. I thin it's a shame. If they had continued the pressure in week 1 they would be 2-0.
  22. Without him this offense is a lot worse. The only reason we have anything open, long or underneath is because of two viable threats on the outside. So, yes, it may be an expensive touchdown, but wouldn't an expensive incompletion or loss be worse?
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