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Everything posted by cowtippur

  1. Of course they talk about him. Not only has he brought it upon himself, but he is also the biggest talent to be signed by this team since Bledsoe. Owens is such a polarizing figure that people are going to read about him regardless of the story. I do feel however that he could use as much time as possible working with the other wide outs and Edwards. While he may be in excellent physical shape, timing is a whole other issue.
  2. Take away the cheating and NFL rule changing for the Patsys and you have another team. Truth is, Buffalo just may shove that moldy pickle down their throat in week one.
  3. If we are, this is one of my longer and better relationships!
  4. This is exactly my point, just in a more concise form. Thank you.
  5. Now see, that is what I'm talking about. You can't just make your point, you have to throw in that "capiche" at the end, like I'm a dolt that can't figure out the context of your post. All that does is show your ignorance, not mine. However, like K-9 has said now, I guess I should have stayed out of it. Apparently some people can't be reasoned with. You are probably right in thinking that a positive post and opinion are all that should be put on here. Shame on anyone that feels the Bills need to prove something to fans before they throw their hearts under the bus they are riding to Foxboro in. Keep in mind, it's the fans' lack of proof that is needed, not their loyalty. Nobody here from what I can recall has ever said they are going to completely give up on this team. The thought had been thrown about, but never taken seriously. I don't believe calling someone out on this does anything but question their loyalty, which I don't think anyone on here needs. So, yes, while I "capiche", as you say, I don't have to agree. Like I said before, I agree with most of what was said. The team has a chance, maybe even a good chance for a win. I don't agree with this opinion on opinions though. Hey, that's just my opinion.
  6. That's great and I at least mostly agree with you. It does seem that you are saying that the only opinion to be heard is a positive one though. However, the comment in question, which is what I was referring to, not what you said later, was a fairly childish remark aimed to belittle someone for having a negative opinion. It seems that these conversations could develop more and go further without the put down every few comments, especially for sharing an opinion. If 1Billsfan doesn't believe the Bills will win week 1, that's his opinion to share and should not be ridiculed for it, especially by someone with 4 posts who more than likely doesn't have a clue about the history of the the posts on this board. Most of us read through these daily and while we don't personally know each other, we do have an understanding of each other. It seems a bit ridiculous for someone that new to be calling out someone like that. As for week one, I agree completely that we have a chance. It's a new season and anything can happen. However, for those that have accepted the futility that has been the Bills for so long now, we don't need to judge them either because they are right as well. Until something changes and this team shows that they are improved, the fans don't necessarily need to get their hopes up for another letdown.
  7. That's not so much an opinion as it is an insult, is it?
  8. I don't understand the fascination with Cutler. He seems to be an average QB to me. He made the Pro Bowl, but from what I can tell it was more because of poor competition than outstanding play. Once he is away from the Denver offense, or more accurately, Shanahan's offense, he won't be the same QB. He will look mediocre against the Pats and probably about the same as Jets and Dolphins. He will also most likely have major problems handling the NY media, He isn't mature enough to handle that pressure. He would be happy to get away from Rivers though.
  9. Wouldn't it be nice if we could compete and not have to feel like that?
  10. I would like to see the AFC and NFC completely separate until the Super Bowl. Each team would play every team in their conference once. With a couple extra games added to the season, you still keep two games against those in your division. This eliminates one team having a harder schedule than another, except for divisional games. Then, at the end of the season, there is a showdown of the two conferences, having never played each other in the season. Now, let the ridicule begin, since I have shared my opinion...
  11. As it should or he becomes the next Pacman or Chris Henry. It's funny isn't it? A player that is very easy to like can easily be out for a long time if it happens again. T.O., a player that many dislike, doesn't get into any situations like this.
  12. That would be the right words in your quotation marks, but I have to believe you misinterpreted them. He tried to clear it up. He has put himself under a microscope because of repeat offenses. You seem to be looking for a reason to put him down. Coached or not, right wording or not, he seems sincere. I believe he is taking responsibility for his actions. Keep in mind he is a running back, not a public speaker. This conference was put together quickly, so it's not like he had a lot of time to prepare a speech.
  13. I agree totally. For that matter, a lot of positions are more of a need than tight end.
  14. That's a surprise to me. I agree with all of the defensive needs, but QB didn't cross my mind. Before I totally disagree with it, let me ask you this...are you one of the Trent haters that call him a glove wearing mary, or are you looking at it from an unbiased objective?
  15. HOLY CRAP!! That really is a poorly written article. God bless the internet and all who it enables to be a journalist. I do wonder about liking Trent mainly because of badly JP played. It kind of makes sense. After all, Trent really hasn't proven anything. I still have faith in him though that he will be the Pro Bowl quarterback that we are searching for. I'm just not a big Cutler fan. Maybe I should say I'm not a fan of his ways.
  16. No, he hasn't proven it wrong. Schoumann either. Have they been given the chance in the offense we have been running? They may not be elite, maybe ever, but there are still more glaring needs on this team.
  17. It has nothing to do with accepting mediocrity. Fine nor Schoumann really got much of a chance last year playing behind butter fingers Royal. I understand wanting proven talent. However, proven talent started out as unproven rookies and second year players. If every team only takes proven talent, the draft is not needed and there is nobody to become the next proven talent. I just feel that there are more pressing needs than tight end at the moment. I understand everyone wants a strong, seemingly flashy offense, but what good does it do if the defense can't stop the other team? For that matter, Scheffler played in offense that was very productive. They could plug running backs in that they found on the street and be successful. Where did that get them?
  18. I don't completely understand the obsession with Scheffler. With two actual weapons at receiver and two running backs that know how to run and catch and two good to better than average slot receivers, isn't there a strong possibility that Derek Fine will be...fine? He should get more opportunities as a check down if nothing else. With Royal gone I would think he would have a decent year for a tight end.
  19. Shouldn't your powerful connections be able to help you with this query? On another note, I don't completely understand the obsession with Scheffler. With two actual weapons at receiver and two running backs that know how to run and catch and two good to better than average slot receivers, isn't there a strong possibility that Derek Fine will be...fine? He should get more opportunities as a check down if nothing else. With Royal gone I would think he would have a decent year for a tight end.
  20. If he hasn't really said the ending of that cartoon yet, I bet he will in his fist blizzard game. I sure hope he figures out how to hold onto the ball, since the ball is going to be like a rock now.
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