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Everything posted by cowtippur

  1. Thank you for the info. I've been a Trent supporter all along, but I have had questions about him being able to play in cold weather. Hamdan should be able to do that after his time in college and Europe. Hopefully he will give us some hope.
  2. It seems like I'm the only one who doesn't know this...where did Hamdan's nickname come from? Was it earlier in his career, college or NFL Europe, or is it something that TSW posters came up with? Someone help enlighten me please? And by the way, I welcome him to the field this weekend. I really don't think I could stand another Losman game.
  3. There's no chance of the Cowboy's being where they are without him and his antics? He takes away the whole concept of "team".
  4. High character is a good thing. Look at Cincy, no character doesn't equate to wins. We can have high character and tough playing players. There are many examples, but Carolina comes to mind because they are all I see around here.
  5. I would say they are good. Not great, but even with a pathetic offense we have still been in most games. I believe that shows good defense, even if the sack or turnover stats don't reflect it.
  6. I have 2---Bledsoe and Edwards. I never dared buy a Losman because I didn't think he would last. Maybe I should have thought that way about the other two as well.
  7. If Hamdan plays well and creates controversy, DJ has more of a problem with the qb's. His job can't withstand a qb controversy at this point so he has to start JP...who he knows, though may not admit it, is a failure. DJ is smart. smart enough to know he can't be wrong about another qb, so JP gets the nod. He is just praying that JP doesn't get hurt and Hamdan has to play.
  8. This is exactly what I was thinking. Whether they respect the fans' intelligence or not remains to be seen, but I do believe 8-8 would be the justification for keeping DJ. I believe he stays regardless, but the one game improvement would be the "evidence" Ralph needs that this is an improved team, especially since he has already blamed our troubles on poor player talent. The only hope that I believe any of us really have is that if he wants to see a winning product on the field, he needs to make changes sooner rather later since he is not the healthiest of people.
  9. They said the roof was sealed for the winter and couldn't be opened even if they wanted to. Probably for the best anyway, it doesn't look like we have a cold weather team built. Of course, the outcome probably wouldn't have changed much.
  10. I still don't believe Edwards is scared. I also don't believe his injury is faked. The team, Jauron, nobody gains anything by having Losman in there since he will be leaving at the end of the year regardless of how he plays this weekend. Of course, even if he does have a good game, the next would be the opposite, but that's a different topic. These guys are all pros and I have a hard time believing they faked the injury. Word would have gotten out if it were true. I think Edwards still has confidence, I'm just not sure he's being prepared correctly. He can't be since they haven't figured out the 3-4 defense yet.
  11. JP will be promoted to head coach.
  12. This is the most likely candidate.
  13. You are right about one thing though, I don't get it...how in the world can professional football players and a coaching staff not figure out a 3-4 defense by now? That I don't get. Regardless of who is under center.
  14. Doesn't get it? How so? Did I say Trent was great? Actually I said he wasn't doing well at all. The one major difference in the two of them is that Trent will get rid of the ball usually. JP has had his chances and has proven time after time that he can't perform consistently at this level. I don't blame the loss on him. I think it took an especially horrible effort from the entire team for this one, but I also won't just let him slide on this one either. I get it, do you?
  15. Trent may not having been playing especially well either, but i hope this brings an end to the JP needs another chance sentiment that has been so popular lately. He just doesn't get it. He holds the ball too long and takes unnecessary sacks. I can't believe he didn't throw a pick with one of his trademark high passes.
  16. This is still a TEAM game, isn't it? Shouldn't the whole team, coaches and all, be held accountable? The only other option would be to blame it on the fact that we have played better competition over the last month and showed the teams' true colors.
  17. This again? I hope he grows a unibrow, shaves his head, and gets a giant Mike Tyson-like tattoo on his face. Maybe all this will give you and the rest some more to talk about. Gloves or no gloves, I'm guessing he does what he feels is best for his performance and the team.
  18. Wow, you really have something aainst him for wearing gloves? There have been posts about how TE is well groomed, has highlights in his hair, now because he wears gloves? Dude, is it just a jealousy thing? He is doing what we can't so you have to pick him apart for silly things? Where were all the "Trent is not the answer" posts when we were 4-0? Or when he took over last season and faired fairly admirably, for that matter? Sheesh, give me a break.
  19. I admit he has been less than stellar, but I find it hard to put all the blame on ML. He may lose some plays for us by trying to do more than he should, but then if he does break a big one by extending the play we sing his praises for getting something out of nothing. If the o-line that was supposed to be so great this year would do some decent blocking, we just may be able to see the ML that we expected out of Cal. Maybe we can trade our line for one of those other running backs' lines.
  20. I can't believe you blame this on Trent. Just because he's well manicured? The O-line, yes, we can blame them. I still say it comes to an ineptitude at the running game. They can't stop the run on the defensive side and they can't run the ball effectively on the offense. When a team can only htrow the ball, of course there will be int's.
  21. At the risk of sounding like a bandwagon guy, I have to say Edwards. If not for glaring numbers, just for compsure and demeanor. Even the defense has said they play better with him at the helm. They are more confident that the offense can take a lead or come back from a deficit than they were last year.
  22. No, we need Favre in there to throw his usual 4 int's.
  23. I really liked it better when he was not picking us because his buddy T.D. got fired.
  24. That's a good question. Potentially traded one week because of not playing up to potential, trade nulled because of a failed physical, then a mainstay in a divisional game. Go figure.
  25. I think I would have to put Carolina on the list instead of Steelers. Pitt can't pass block, going to get Ben killed. Buffalo, despite last week, is still on the rise and not far off the list though.
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