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Everything posted by cowtippur

  1. I bet that would be costly. I wouldn't think there are a ton of them that sold, being that he had basically no production, sans one nice TD.
  2. No more popcorn...buffalo wings now! As far as the Super Bowl goes, it was a good game. I would put it top three at least.
  3. Overall I have to agree with you, Dean. I'm much the same, I was kind of hoping for DJ's dismissal but I have always liked his ethics. I have never heard a player, coach, or analyst say anything negative about his character. Now, let's hope something was learned from last year's offense and hope T.O. can be logically put into the game plan. Not to mention, maybe some defensive help, which seems to have been forgotten by most around here since the signing of "That Player", as Parcells would call him.
  4. All I can say is...we will see. I hope that a one year contract means T.O. will be a poster child of a good teammate. If we don't have a line that blocks and a tight end that blocks and catches, it may not matter. If our defense can't stop anyone this all a moot point. On another note, this has pretty much guaranteed a make or break season for Jauron too.
  5. The difference between T.O. and Moss is that Moss had given up with the Raiders. The talent was still there. T.O.'s talent has been steadily eroding over the past few seasons. If you go for an older receiver, shouldn't you at least go for one that holds on to the ball and doesn't raise hell and complain of collusion among the other players if he doesn't get enough catches?
  6. I just can't grasp this concept. What you are saying is that we have a weak team. What we have is a fairly young team. T.O. will destroy a young team. Without a veteran, solid core whatever team lands him will be in trouble. I also don't think he will play second fiddle to Evans. The attention has to be on him. He won't want you to get the popcorn ready for him to be the number two receiver on the team. Not to mention his numbers. What has he done over the past couple seasons that would make him a viable option for this team? Lead the league in drops? That's not the way to build the confidence of a young QB or a young offense.
  7. We would be a joke with Owens too. Being in a negative spotlight doesn't mean good players want to be here anymore than now. I don't see free agents beating down Dallas' door before he was cut.
  8. Some people are scared of clowns. Especially clowns like T.O.
  9. You have actually turned on this team haven't you? He wouldn't bring relevance, he would bring a circus.
  10. This is my bet. Belichek is vain enough to think he can make it all work.
  11. That's a true fan right there. At least you still have your car and the ability to stand on the other side of the "do not cross" tape while you have your picture taken.
  12. It is too much. There are still some veteran free agents and others worth exploring a trade for out there. If not, maybe Hardy or Johnson will have a good year, probably Johnson.
  13. I think the Bengals are even further away than us for that one.
  14. I think he's holding out for when the Arena League comes back. It may be his only option.
  15. Kind of harsh isn't it, even if everything stated was actually true. However, like The Dean said, you should read the posts throughout the thread before making snap judgments like that. Graham has actually been very good to the people on this board with answers when being called upon. There is another thread just asking for his input because most here think pretty highly of his comments.
  16. Would be great if it happens, in my opinion. It would also be a little surprising though.
  17. I couldn't agree more. I watched Rivers all the way through N.C. State and the NFL now and he is far better in my opinion than Cutler. Not to mention, Cutler has a terrible attitude. Some call it confidence, I say he's crossed over to arrogance and obnoxiousness.
  18. I would like to see this come together. Reading through a lot of the posts tonight it looks like a lot of people don't want Coles here because of injuries, age, or whatever reason. I think it would be great. For me, hopefully staying overnight means something positive, not just that he wants to hang out with Lynch and run down pedestrians.
  19. You like people to think you're smart, don't you? This isn't exactly hard to figure out what you are saying...you think you and certain others are better than the majority. Your big fancy words show that. However, the original premise for the topic at hand, however inane, is still ridiculously over thought and really, since you posted it, overstated.
  20. What kind of car do you drive? Do you hang out with Skooby? Something tells me you two would get along swimmingly. Why even bother with this idea? Do you think you'll be changing the plans for the upcoming season?
  21. Probably not too good with Edwards. He doesn't like young quarterbacks. He is always looking for the older veteran to play for him.
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