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Everything posted by cowtippur

  1. And the best way to about handling your business and getting paid is to pout and sit out of camp, so now you hurt the entire team by being ill prepared?
  2. Seems to be a fairly accurate prognosis. Just think, a couple years ago we said San Diego was asking too much for a backup like Michael Turner. The inner circle may not do their homework as well as they should.
  3. I didn't see anything that would make him look foolish here. It's his opinion. I agree with it. He didn't condemn Lynch for doing anything, but if he has done something wrong, he should have to pay for it. He got away with a hit and run already. Like I said earlier, Lynch has the same opportunity as everyone else to get the proper permits for a gun. Nobody has stopped him from that. It doesn't matter what he was doing with the gun. From what I have read the arrest wasn't for negligence or anything, just an unlawful concealed weapon. If that is the case, it appears to be his own fault. Why defend him for it? For that matter, why judge either way on this while charges have not been filed, or at least not released yet?
  4. Thank you for a sense of decency. Some on this board have lost it.
  5. I would think the police department would be able to access the necessary information. It would be great if it were a misunderstanding, but generally misunderstandings don't carry a 35,000 dollar bail.
  6. Does race always have to be an issue? The fact is, if Lynch had all of his documents, all of his permits in order, and wasn't doing anything wrong, there wouldn't be an arrest. He has the same opportunity to get permits that anyone else has, white, black, or other.
  7. I think it depends on what actually happened. If the pattern of stupidity with Lynch is true, if he didn't learn from getting lucky after a hit and run, then maybe we should look elsewhere. However, I think we have more pressing needs than running back and think we could wait until after the first round.
  8. I think they may be a little past their playing days.
  9. So you are for him being in Buffalo? You don't mind the quarterback of this team being one benching away from jumping off the Falls? Maybe we should get a whole Texas thing going and bring in a smoked up Ricky Williams and the awesome talent of Mike Williams.
  10. Couldn't agree more. He's the polar opposite of established. I would actually be surprised if he was given any thought in Buffalo. After all, he brings drama and this team doesn't do drama well.
  11. Just think of what he could do with an actual offense around him. That's why I think Holt would be a good catch for this team.
  12. I think it would be a decent move. Kind of an Eric Moulds type number two...a veteran who knows how to help the man on the other side, while the speedsters that may or may not be legit as receivers try to make plays.
  13. I think billsfan was in his happy place. He took something away from the interview completely different than I did. I didn't hear anything that would lead someone to believe Trent is no good, thin skinned, a golf addict, or anything else. He plays golf...a lot of athletes do. John Smoltz will join the senior tour when he is done playing. I think it's normal to have a hard adjustment being that far away from where you have spent your entire life.
  14. I think with a better decision maker at qb he could have made the playoffs. There is nothing wrong with a complicated offense, if the players are smart enough to understand it. And 2007 was the best. It gave everyone hope that after all the injuries we could bounce back and be a viable team.
  15. Crayonz was who I directed that to. I agree that everyone should be held accountable, players and coaches, but I also believe that the current players were not put into the best situations for success. On the note about Kollar though, he may not have even meant it the way it sounds, but being that he is on the defensive side of the ball, he would probably be best served keeping his thoughts there. He had some talent to work with here and didn't do much with it. If it was a scheme issue with the D-line, he should have never come aboard.
  16. How is it silly? You don't think we have any playmakers on offense? You read this statement and see it as "Trent is just not good enough, so I have to leave"?
  17. He's a great owner, completely turned around the Mavs and is the best owner in Dallas sports. It would be nice if all teams had owners with a passion for more than just getting by.
  18. Gruden would be an improvement. A lot of others on here that I've read about I can't say that about. I would love Ralphie to say he was wrong, get rid of Jauron, and hire Gruden. However, we would definitely be getting a new QB, since Gruden likes older veterans.
  19. What has he done as a head coach that would make him any better than what we have? It seems like people want change so bad that it doesn't matter what the change is. I really don't think Haslett would be an improvement. The only way we will improve at coach is if we stumble upon a young guy looking for his shot. Ralph won't come off the money for anyone else.
  20. And a solid veteran QB. But is Ralph willing to do what it takes to get free agents like that? I think the majority of us doubt he will.
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