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Everything posted by cowtippur

  1. T.O. would love this wouldn't he? From the Bills to the Browns. "Where else would you rather be...."
  2. this is too funny. half his posts are on this one thread, that wasn't even in the right section. i love it! i think the bills success is rubbing off on everyone!
  3. Leslie Frazier...wouldn't you think his name would be on that list fairly high up? I think he would be great here, if we end up going with a coordinator instead of big name.
  4. I also agree with this. I still think Edwards is a capable, quality QB. Fix the line, see what happens. If he doesn't perform, find a QB.
  5. I don't have an answer for who to draft right now, but I hope it's not Bradford. Bradford is another QB that is too small and will stay injured. McCoy maybe, not Bradford.
  6. If he did, he's a step ahead of the offense.
  7. Don't lump us all together with your issues. Look, I don't know that Edwards is any good. He showed great promise last year before the concussion. Maybe that killed his confidence, maybe it knocked any logical thinking out of his head, I don't know. I do think it would be hard to win on this team, with this O line and this staff, regardless of the name on the back of the jersey.
  8. I would agree with this. With a functional line he could be good I think. He makes good, hard runs when needed. He takes hits and stands in the pocket. There are bad decisions like holding on to the ball, but he probably figures someone has to make a play...it's not like the coaches are helping at all.
  9. Cross finally makes sense...we are pathetic.
  10. I was thinking he may need a pulse check.
  11. at this point, couldn't someone make a fair catch at the ten?
  12. I have never been a proponent of putting Hamdan in, but what is there to lose? Put him in, see what happens, just bypass Fitz.
  13. I don't know what was said last year, but it would be nice if Trent could use this as motivation. Trent may not be Favre or Palmer, but he could be really good if he can turn the corner. Maybe this will help him turn.
  14. How can others not understand this yet? It's been beat into our heads for over three years now, but outside of Buffalo they just don't get this concept.
  15. I can see both sides of this. I think he is a great coach and motivator for a few years. After that, everything that gets said about Jauron, gets said about Fox. Listen to the radio here, read the papers, on tv, regardless of the source, evryone here says he has lost the connection with his players. I was listening the other day and it kind of surprised me how alike the conversations about the two coaches are.
  16. A school girl's outfit looks good regardless of the age, doesn't it?
  17. Read my post. I never said Wade was our savior. I said I don't understand the fascination with Williams. He didn't do anything but mess up a really good defense when he was here. I don't think Phillips is any better than Jauron, Williams, Mularkey...any of them. They all suck as head coaches. Since the Saints "D" stuck it to us though, I have seen numerous posts saying if it could be done over, we should have kept Williams. I just don't get it.
  18. I don't know. I think Quinn hit his peak in college. Weiss got all he could out of him, now Brady is struggling against the better competition. Eventually all that would happen is Brady starts getting a push to dethrone Trent as the starter, then we are a couple more years behind with another struggling qb.
  19. I just don't see the fascination with Greggggg. Why, because his defense held our offense without scoring? If anything, at least Wade "Son of a Bum" Phillips took us to the playoffs...the last such trip of it's kind.
  20. I feel your pain. They all thought the ESPN commercials were funny as hell, all the while laughing at our misfortune. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dmjUolBSItw
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