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Everything posted by 26TrapDraw

  1. and then do what? See this is the point. Why bother.
  2. Like Hailey? That's his problem this year. He doesn't give a @#$k. Not hungry anymore. When he sees the rest of the team is just not at his level why should he? Would You?
  3. not with the garbage we saw last night. Let's just deal with the fact that this team for whatever reason is just not good this year .
  4. Just don’t streak in Zubaz body paint. We can’t unsee that and I’m not gonna bail you out of jail …again.
  5. I won’t even Watch it Because Collinsworth is the biggest Bengals homer and I’m sure he will fellate Burrow throughout. Pass
  6. Same as Miami a few weeks ago. No one Gave the Bills a chance . We smoked the fish. Josh gets up for Big Games. Let’s hope the rest of the team can too. Personally I’d love for Josh to remind the Media that they don’t know *****.
  7. Nope he’s just marking the Trolls for the rest of us.
  8. Even Fournette with his quads on the back and front of his legs won't score from the shotgun handoff...Dorsey you mother*&#!er 🤬🤬
  9. You're not wrong odds are they will win one with Josh as QB. the problem is I doubt it's under McDermott. I just don't think he's a good enough coach. he's too conservative IMHO.
  10. ok then 4 years of him being elite. DO you think in Today's instant gratification NFL he'll get that much leash? yeah no chance. But since I've waited 35 years what's a few more
  11. Even if we take away year before josh and Josh's rookie year. He's had 5 real seasons with an elite QB and no championships. Clock is most definitely ticking.
  12. I come here for therapy because it’s free. I really enjoy the camaraderie with all my fellow fans who get more emotional than they should or care to admit (me included) to getting about our team. I enjoy all the people who take the time to post stats and do research because I know it’s time consuming and a labor of love. Also to all of us long timers who will eventually be rewarded with a championship there’s not another fan base on earth who deserves it more. But the main reason I think is to-make sure that any insolent bastards who prefer ranch over blue cheese are shamed into leaving the site forever. Love you Boys!!! GO Bills!!
  13. I think you have the “need to know basis” setting selected on your viewer
  14. You think Christian Benford is that much better than Douglas?
  15. You probably meant best WR and I agree 100 percent. Let him cover Chase. I'm excited that he's here and feel better about our secondary now.
  16. That’s why I want him to play Sunday night. I need him to eat sleep and learn the playbook . He’s a professional and a veteran and I think he can and should play Sunday night.
  17. Is he gonna play Sunday night? Do we know yet?
  18. Did you also know that wherever you go there you are?
  19. Didn’t you hear? We are already missing the playoffs so might as well.
  20. How about Davis and a 3rd today. Adams is done in LV. I’m sure he cleans his locker out today. If I’m him I meet the GM in the parking lot this morning and tell him to get me the $&@k out of here.
  21. We have 2 3rds. Beane would part with 1 for Young me thinks. Will the commanders take it though? I make that call if I’m BB. Chase Young’s a good player.
  22. Thank you Buzz Killington Bet Young could be had for a 3rd. worth it?
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