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Everything posted by flmike

  1. Yes, do you remember the no-punt game? Kelly finally outscored Montana in the end.
  2. This is nicely said, but it seems to suggest that the Bills will never draft again. In all honesty, does anyone think we'll make the playoffs next year? The team drafted Bruce Smith high in 1985 and wisely grabbed the rights to Jim Kelly, should he leave the USFL. They got quite lucky in picking up Thurman Thomas in a later round and the Greg Bell trade blessed them with even more. Friends, that's how the Bills built that team in the 90s. It was comparable to the windfall that Dallas got with the trade with Minnesota. We have free agency now and things are different. I say build a good sound team and THEN plug in a good QB. You really want to toss out a college kid into this horror show? We have a few years to do this. Maybe in 2 years we can trade up to get somebody awesome. Not now.
  3. I agree that ADs' and coaches' salaries are out of control. Normally I would say it's a free market, but these are tax dollars and kids' tuitions that are going to this. Someone has to stop this nonsense. What does an athlete get out all this? They get a free college education and sometimes even admission over others with similar SAT scores. If they don't treat that education as an opportunity, how are we to get too worked up? Now if coaches are lying to them about their chances, that needs to be addressed. At the school where I teach, that scholarship would be worth over 100,000 for 4 years. That's more than I made in my early 20s.
  4. If you have been a Bills fan for any length of time, you can take this. Time to forget about football for a few months and look forward to baseball spring training (or hope that the Sabres can reach .500). For those that can't have any positive self esteem unless their football team wins the Super Bowl, I feel badly for you. I love watching football and cheering on the Bills, but if you are going to follow this franchise, you better be able to move on after the season or you will go crazy. In a couple of years--or maybe less, who knows?--the team will have a new owner or maybe cease to be in Buffalo. Let's hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
  5. I watched that horror show yesterday and noticed a couple of things about Brohm. He gave the D a fixed target all day. He never stepped up in the pocket (and yes, there plenty of times it was there). He constantly threw off his back foot and underthrew his guy. I believe Fitz came in after the Trent collapse and found a way to make things work. Brohm knew this was his chance and failed to make it work with backups all around him. If he were and NFL quality starter, he would have been the best guy on the field.
  6. Agreed, bottom line is that Fitz(gibbons) has earned another season at the helm. The stability will do this team wonders. A new DC would make us want to watch!
  7. We got spoiled in the 90s... I just hope that the FO breaks with tradition and doesn't try to outsmart the conventional wisdom in the draft.
  8. I really hope so. It's the first Bills game that I don't want them to win.
  9. We have to think back to the end of last year. The offense couldn't get out of its own way and needed an instant playmaker. It wasn't going to be QB and Gailey remembered how Spiller ran all over the ACC. I can see their reasoning, even if it didn't work out. Not every 1st-rounder does. I would look at picks 2-7 for a better take on that draft. We don't yet know what we have in Easely and the others have held their own as rookies. I say we wait one more draft to see what Nix can do. The man has been in football longer than most of us have been alive and unfortunately has been told to build cheaply through the draft. The competing interests he has to appease are Ralph's wallet (seems he is trying to get his estate in order) and the fans (along with marketing department). I don't envy him.
  10. Did anyone watch Manning stink it up yesterday? A guy has a bad day. This is Fitz' first full season. We just need to design the offense around his strengths. If there was a great QB available at no. 5, we'd get him for later, but there won't be. Draft a stud LB, please!!
  11. Maybe I'm misguided, but I tend to notice that players who performed well in college against top talent, perform about the same way in the NFL. There are probably exceptions, mostly in the sense that some guys fail because they can't adapt to NFL speed and complexity, but I'd bet that he will have as much or more trouble against the fast-big rushers of the next level.
  12. Wasn't it Fred that blocked that Jets chip-shot field goal in 1988 to pretty much guarantee us a spot in the playoffs? I think it was.
  13. Did anyone else notice this? Nice that he admits it, but why say this in front of the very guys you "terribly" drafted? Not cool, really. "Our drafts in the last 10 years have been terrible. So I mean, these guys, before each play you read the scorecard to see who's in there. That's what amazes me. We pick up a guy in the middle of the week and he starts on Sunday."
  14. Exactly right, but they might have stole the "helmet" game if they hadn't lost their poise at the end of the first half.
  15. Wow, you must really hate watching football, then. Only 1 team wins the Super Bowl each year, and luck often has quite a bit to do with it in the current parity league. So, you think the 1975 Vikings sucked because they didn't get to the Super Bowl? What about the early 1960s Bills? They came up short one game being in the first Super Bowl? Boy did they suck! A real football fan appreciates good play. Winning sometimes hinges on things other than good planning and play.
  16. We would have been set if Everett hadn't gotten injured. He was lights-out at U Miami. We are just snake-bit on TE's.
  17. We should keep him, but a #1 receiver makes big plays and scores touchdowns. I'm pretty sure other teams' #1 receivers find a way to do this when double covered.
  18. Yes, I think people forget that our SB years featured an awesome defense. I think that comes first. Seems that we are scoring points right now. We just can't stop anyone from scoring.
  19. Huh? Tasker has been a good analyst. What do you not like?
  20. We also knocked out Phil Simms before our first SB and that didn't work out in our favor!
  21. But isn't it broke? They can't stop the run, which starts with a monster NT. A few negative yards in sacks doesn't nearly make up for the huge chunks of rushing yardage given up. Like I said, he's really good, but not a 3-4 NT.
  22. He sure is good, but the Bills ranking against the run also has to be considered when judging his ability. He doesn't fill the middle like a typical NT. Maybe have him drop some pounds and play DE next year.
  23. I've taught at some high-ranking colleges and I can tell you that not everyone at Stanford is smart. That said, I don't even think the Harvard thing has much to do with Fitzpatrick's eye for the field. That's a special intelligence. Kelly had it, too, even though he ignored what he saw sometimes and threw brutal picks. One has to know the other team's defensive strategy (they can't change that much week to week) and then be able to ignore the smokescreens they set up. The crucial part is that split second after the snap, to be able see the whole field and where everyone is breaking and then make a decision. Trent just couldn't do that. Maybe it was the concussion.
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