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Everything posted by flmike

  1. The white helmets are awesome. My opinion rules
  2. Anyone notice that most of the sites have been seized by Homeland Security?
  3. Let's see what happens when the season starts and he disappears in real coverages. Ability will look good in preseason, but I'm curious to see what happens when real blitzing and good corners get into the act.
  4. I like the red standing buffalo better - it breaks up all that blue - but the new unis are far superior to the monstrosities they've had for a few years.
  5. Same here. The charging buffalo doesn't really look all that clear (more like a blob). The standing red buffalo is classic.
  6. Why don't they just train him to be a safety?
  7. I like this. Hope it all works out on the field. One really never knows, though. Looking forward to finding out.
  8. I'm sure all these guys are just camp fillers. Maybe one or two might surprise and a couple end up on the practice squad. Nothing here to see.
  9. Guess I'm the only one who likes the standing Buffalo. The red buffalo just looks better than the blue one in the total scheme.
  10. I've grown to be OK with this. To keep the Bills in Buffalo, the team has to tap the Toronto market. The crowds will come if the team gets better.
  11. At least they look like the Buffalo Bills again...
  12. If they come out as expected, it will be a definite improvement, but I still prefer the standing buffalo. Much classier IMO.
  13. And exactly where would those players take their services? I would say that a good percentage of football players would not be making $50,000 if they were not good football players. Their other prospects would be quite a bit more limited. Not all, mind you, but a healthy percentage.
  14. She probably ditched him as soon as she heard the word "Minnesota". No girl like that is going to live there.
  15. What happened to Little League? Did it go out of business? Before that I remember playing in a league that had fields that progressively got bigger and the kids pitched. Lots of walks, but just as many strikeouts.
  16. I went to FSU. She is one of many there. It almost seemed that you had to send a picture to accepted there. It didn't suck, my friends.
  17. I really think you are worrying too much. The FO of the Bills looked at the team and asked themselves "What can we do with 7+ rounds of draft picks that will make the a better team down the road." Drafts rarely do much to fix a team the very next year. Only the 1st and 2nd rounders even have a chance to see the field much outside of special teams, so your worry is not really well founded. We picked up some good offense last year and the year before with an RB, WR and middle linemen. Next year will likely be more offense. It will take time to fix this hot mess so just enjoy the improvement you will see next year. If things go really well, the Bills might contend for a wild card spot, but that would take some luck, I think. Relax and enjoy the baseball season.
  18. No "franchise" QB has ever performed as such w/o a good OL. The Rams managed to win one year w/o a defense, but that was a huge exception. That magical QB may come to your team, but until he does, build a great team with a QB like Fitz who won't lose games for you. I have to wonder how Tom Brady does on a team w/o a good OL.
  19. My goodness, who cares what a guy in his mom's basement thinks?
  20. Buddy will be smart to stay away from Mallet. Didn't impress me in the Sugar Bowl.
  21. No way, find a journeyman backup and go LB for round 2 (or OL).
  22. Couldn't believe that he fell to no. 3 but I love this pick. Who knows how he will turn out in regards to durability, but I'm just glad the FO didn't outsmart themselves this year. Competence seems to have invaded the war room.
  23. I'm not a fan of taking Miller at #3 only because I think the 3rd overall should be someone only needs to develop his game, not change it. That stuff is for later round projects IMO. Dareus, baby!
  24. I've watched Ponder for a few years now and I think he will be a good one with a good team around him. He's smart and often had more rush yards than the FSU RB corps. He's also tough. Yeah, he had the arm thing, but he's not fragile. When he throws a pick, he takes it personally and clobbers the guy (just like Kelly used to). Face it, there is no sure thing at QB in this draft. Just bad luck for us. I wish there was a great QB who played his HS ball in the snow, (like Kelly) but there's not, so get the defense and OL fixed.
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