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Everything posted by BRH

  1. Maybe TD got snookered again by a "good interview."
  2. Passing on third and one. Too bad I already mowed the focking lawn this afternoon. I need to find something else to do
  3. ...seven yard pass to the fullback.
  4. Not to search for the silver lining, but the Raiders are actually letting us hang around. Like we did to Jacksonville last week. Maybe if they let us hang around long enough to get our stevestojan together, we can pull out a win. Of course, that assumes that we actually have any stevestojan to get together.
  5. Well it was just the cleats. Maybe if everyone changes their cleats now it'll be okay. Don't these guys, like, warm up on the field before the game?
  6. Maybe not even. Christ, have we even had a receiver that far downfield this year? Burned three times in two quarters on long pass plays. Yeah, Dick LeBeau didn't have anything to do with the defense last year...
  7. This team sucks ass. You just saw the difference right there.
  8. Hm what did the Bills' D see that made them call time? Jerry Porter looked PISSED when the Bills made the call.
  9. Well, hiring three offensive masterminds (Mularkey, Clements, Wyche) has really done wonders for our O, hasn't it? We've got exactly ten points in five quarters, all off defensive turnovers in the red zone, and the one TD was on blown coverage. Nice.
  10. One quarter gone. Will the Bills show up for the last three?
  11. Who knew that when I decided not to go to Oakland for the game, the whole team would make the same decision?
  12. I guess five wasn't enough. Let's give 'em 50 more.
  13. Way to give 'em five yards there, D.
  14. Oh but he did! He brought in McNally!
  15. Looks like Moorman's our best player again... just like last year.
  16. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: Drew
  17. But didn't you know? All the records were released. They were all released in 2000. And then they were all released again in February. And then they were all released again in July. And then they were all released again a couple weeks ago. Now they're going to release all the records AGAIN!
  18. Especially when he's doing the Werewolves of London.
  19. Well, I can imagine he'll be buying his wife some more serious bling-bling after she reads this part:
  20. I am still collecting them, and have the first 26, but it seems the Florida and Texas quarters (the last two released) are damn hard to find.
  21. That turkey was making the league minimum as a rookie. Lindell counts more against our cap. The Titans didn't end up with dead money on their payroll by releasing Elling. We would. Therein lies the difference.
  22. Of course, one cut-and-paste from a partisan source (Drudge) deserves another (Salon). From http://www.salon.com/news/feature/2004/09/14/bush_service/:
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