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Everything posted by BRH

  1. I'd like to care but I don't. The larger point is that the Bills played like stevestojan on Sunday, and a crappy team has no right to whine about bad calls. I'll B word about No Goal until the day I die, but last Sunday we deserved to lose, and we did.
  2. This phenomenon is caused, of course, by the five cars who speed through the intersection coming the other way just as the light is turning red.
  3. He's probably just trying to show Lindell how it's done.
  4. Bulldog's reading the Wall, of course. Someone mentioned this (Fletcher kicking the ball twice) here yesterday. I forget who. Yo Bulldog. What up.
  5. Ditto here, although I can't really say Scott beat me to setting up the site. I'm not really sure how we all migrated over here. Probably someone posted on the old site and said hey we're over here now. Gad that was like 1997 or so.
  6. You're right! He blows goats. We need to get somebody else in there stat.
  7. Ritcher and Hull are on the Wall for a reason, and outside of Dermontti Dawson, Hull was the best center in the league for about a decade. You also forgot to mention that turncoat Wolford. He was only a Pro Bowler for a while. Those guys were good. But like I (and DCSabres) said, Jimbo made them better because he demanded it.
  8. Well, I do remember "Mickey Mouse! Mickey Mouse!" That pretty much sums up the last 16 games, doesn't it?
  9. We also sometimes forget that whenever the line futzed up, Kelly was in their faces giving them chapter and verse of what-for. Yes they were good, but their quarterback wouldn't accept anything less.
  10. My problem is he spends 45 minutes talking to ICE on game day.
  11. Just to clarify, it wasn't Marv making people pay for the blitz. It was Jimbo. I have fond memories of Miami bringing the house on the Bills' 17-yard-line and Jimbo hitting Reed across the middle for an 83-yard TD. I'm far from the biggest Drew-basher here but I just don't see him getting rid of the ball near quick enough to do something like that.
  12. Ditto. The last two games were JUST like what we watched last year against Houston and Dallas, just to name two games that very nearly put me in the market for a new TV set. Putrid offensive production, dropped balls, curious coaching decisions, an inability to make THE play when it counted... nothing's been fixed. I'm on the bandwagon forever, but don't tell me it means I have to be Pollyannaish about what I'm seeing.
  13. We have no tight end. Campbell dropped an easy pass Who's Ryan Neufeld?
  14. Thank God for the bye I don't have to watch this crap Sunday afternoon.
  15. That was how I watched the third Super Bowl. Worked like a charm. I may have to go back to that strategy if this continues.
  16. The sky is falling. We are all completely d-o-o-m-e-d. The Stadium Wall.
  17. I went to college in New Jersey, and a few days after the first Super Bowl I walked into a local pizza shop wearing a Bills hat. The guy behind the counter took one look, said, "Beels? Beels?!" and started guffawing. I took my pizza business elsewhere for the rest of my college career. The very day after that game, I was standing in line at the local sub place (Hoagie Haven, a place of legend) and a couple of guidos (I'm married to an Italian and that makes my kids half-Italian, so don't take offense; these guys just fit the term perfectly) were yapping about the game. I muttered something like "they got lucky." Guido #1 turns around and goes "Who's YOUR team?" I proudly said, "Buffalo." He stuttered for a bit -- he probably expected me to say the Eagles or Jets and was ready to talk stevestojan about how my team would never get there -- and finally said, "Well, I'm sorry YOUR TEAM didn't WIN the Super Bowl." Guido #2 goes, "Jints are gonna win it again next year too." That's when *I* started laughing.
  18. Hey! He can't do that to our pledges! Only WE can do that to our pledges! Hey Sports Guy. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain:
  19. I remember 1984 very well. As bad as we looked the last two games...we've got a long way to go to get to 1984. 1984 Bills roster Our receivers: Preston Dennard, Byron Franklin, Mitchell Brookins, Julius Dawkins, Mike Mosley. Our tight ends: Tony Hunter, Mark Brammer, Buster Barnett. Our running backs: Greg Bell, Booker Moore, Speedy Neal. The linemen: Joe Devlin, Jim Ritcher, Justin Cross, Tim Vogler, Jon Borchardt, Tom Lynch. The quarterbacks: Joe Ferguson, Joe Dufek, Matt Kofler Just because we only scored 20 points in 2 games doesn't mean we're worse than the '84 squad. The '84 Bills scored a total of 21 points over three of their games that year. And a number of other times, their defense was SO bad that they threw the ball incessantly to catch up (often against second-stringers), thus padding their offensive stats. We've been in two close games and haven't had that opportunity.
  20. Imagine what they would be saying on Patsy boards. That is, if Patsy boards existed. "Things are so bad in Buffalo that their fans want to sign Rob Johnson, Doug Flutie, and/or Jeff George! " I mean, really. This is the kind of Chicken Little stevestojan we gleefully bring here from other (i.e. Dolfelon) boards for our enjoyment. Are we really no different from them?
  21. If the term "million-dollar arm, ten-cent head" wasn't invented to describe Jeff George, it should have been. To turn the question around in an answer, there's nothing Jeff George can do that Drew can't. Except maybe make everyone on the team hate his guts.
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