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Everything posted by BRH

  1. the funny thing is, I usually DO type "stevestojan" instead of "s.h.i.t." without the periods. Hell, it's probably showing up in my e-mails to other people now.
  2. All this reminds me of is Greggo's air horn. There are enough other ways to earn your players' respect without acting like an idiot. Even Parcells wouldn't do something like this. Marv treated his players like men and he won a hell of a lot more than Tom Coughlin ever did. That said, the players should suck it up and pay the damn fines.
  3. Yeah this is the same guy who tore up half our defense when he came in because "this is how we did it in Tennessee." If I recall right, he tore up a pretty damn good defense.
  4. Let me add that I loved Bruce Smith's Fred Sanford sack routine back in the day, but, you know, Bruce Smith was only the greatest pass rusher of all time. Bruce earned the right to do whatever he damn well pleased on the field. When I see London Fletcher and Nate Clements doing this stevestojan (to say nothing of Bobby Shaw and the departed and unlamented Peerless Price), it makes me want to puke.
  5. First time I remember seeing it was during the 1984 baseball season. I remember the Padres fans were doing it in the NLCS at the Murph. It would explain a lot if it were true that Californians invented such a mindless activity.
  6. The people doing the wave on offense, of course. The lineman may not have had any other choice but to hold, and he may not have even held. The wave-doers, on the other hand, made a conscious decision to participate in an idiotic act. These are the same people sitting in front of you who decide to make a beer/bathroom run at the exact moment the teams line up for a play, or worse, right in the MIDDLE of a play. If I were running things I would have gates at the end of each row and at each aisle entrance that lock shut except during timeouts and commercials. Imagine the business these guys could do with such a policy.
  7. I was at the game too and I could not friggin believe what I was seeing. Hey assclowns, for starters, 1984 called and they want the Wave back. Doing the Wave is stupid to begin with. Doing it when your team has the ball in the fourth quarter of a tight game is just absolutely moronic. I was embarrassed.
  8. PPP crap notwithstanding, I'm there with a HELL YEAH. And Mock, I look better in black.
  9. Point conceded, but I think it's more the latter than the former, i.e., that Bush is so desperate to win he'd sell The Man down the river if he had to.
  10. Um, the whole point of the spoof was not that Bush is being hypocritical about his faith. The point was that Bush will do anything and say anything, including take quotes out of context, to get re-elected. Since you've all shown the quotes were taken out of context, you've pretty much made the spoof's point. Thank you.
  11. Let's see. Up until about 1986 he was snorting coke and/or getting loaded with regularity, all the while engaging in a series of failed businesses for which the money was put up by Daddy's friends. Then he found Jesus, who told him to trade Sammy Sosa and bilk the Texas taxpayers into publicly financing a stadium boondoggle. Then he got elected governor in a state where the governor's biggest responsibility is signing death warrants. Then he became president and sat paralyzed for seven minutes while the nation was under attack, after which he flew to Nebraska at the vice president's order. Then he cut Daddy's taxes and increased spending. Oh and he went to war on false pretenses and claimed victory by taking a 30-mile flight on a fighter, after which several hundred more American troops died and continue to die. Oh my bad. That's the other guy. How about: went to law school, became a prosecutor, became lieutenant governor, and was elected to four terms in the United States Senate?
  12. Exactly. And just to prove they can't be wrong on everything, they're right about at least one thing -- they all say John Kerry went to Vietnam.
  13. But they were in color so they MUST be forgeries. After all, everyone knows color wasn't invented until the 1970s.
  14. Is there a reason you didn't read the quotes I included in my post?
  15. You guys are hysterical. It's to hard for me to get tickets too a Bush rally anyway.
  16. "On the radio." Who's "on the radio" right now? Rush? Savage?
  17. Not the American Spectator? That bastion of evenhanded journalism edited by that famed non-partisan Pulitzer winner R. Emmett Tyrell Jr. and published by that great liberal conglomerate Regnery Publishing? THAT American Spectator? Jesus.
  18. The one thing we can take out of your drivel is that more people were working during the Clinton era than are now, and the stock market was higher than than it is now. Thanks!
  19. Well, I tried pretending YOU were smart and it just didn't work.
  20. Hypocrisy works both ways. You took the Swifties' word as gospel and effectively dismissed as "mindless" anyone who didn't.
  21. Let's just say they're not, and save ourselves this mindless little exercise, shall we?
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