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Everything posted by BRH

  1. I saw that too, but I wonder if Shelton thought Bledsoe would see the blitzer and dump the ball over the blitzer to him. Except the blitzer came from Bledsoe's blind side... and Shelton played most of his career with Mark Brunell (a lefty), who WOULD have seen the blitzer.
  2. Then there are the people who make a joke in a thread without checking to see if someone already made the joke.
  3. Wow. Damn that IS fast. I was once a passenger in a Benz on a German autobahn at 140 mph and that was enough for me. I hear that if people Rosen on the autobahn, they just plow everything to the side of the road. No point in looking for survivors.
  4. And why did they arrest him for DRIVING without a motorcycle license? Don't you RIDE a motorcycle and DRIVE a car? "I'm sorry, sir, we clocked your car going 140 mph. And I see you don't have a motorcycle license, so I'll have to ticket you for that too."
  5. Are you sure there's not some missing punctuation mark there? As in: "Driving 140 mph, over the posted speed limit of 65"?
  6. In the land bordering the great cataracts An octogenarian shall pass from this world. His offspring shall evince no interest in his possessions And shall trade them for currency. He who will pay much for these possessions Shall have a surname ending in a vowel. Thus will he be the savior and master of two squadrons And be acclaimed throughout this benighted land. The Great Leader shall retain his inept generals As he did with the first of his armies. Thus will the second army sink deeper into oblivion And the people shall wail ceaselessly.
  7. I've always enjoyed seeing the one of the fish with legs and "DARWIN" printed inside the fish's outline.
  8. The tearful press conferences each week will be excruciating to watch. Vermeil will be a basket case by midseason.
  9. THEN THERE ARE THE PEOPLE WHO SHOUT ALL THE TIME. And then there are the people who Capitalize random Words in their sentences as if this were German and you had to capitalize all Nouns.
  10. Common man! If we would of won that game then we wouldn't be on a two-game loosing streek and me and my friend wouldn't of got so drunk and made all these bad grammer posts. Your an idiot. If the Bills just get there stevestojan together then yall will liten up.
  11. Don't forget Dan Manucci and Brian McClure. Oh yes I remember those lean years well, sonny boy. This here ain't even close to that.
  12. Exactly. And while we're on the subject, what's with all the gadget plays? Double reverses, wide receivers lining up at QB, etc. I seem to remember GW/KG getting raked over the coals for exactly this same stevestojan last year.
  13. Well, I'm just glad Thomas remembered there were guys in front of him after he caught the ball. Unlike Friggin' Lonnie.
  14. I'd like to believe that, but we were deep in our own territory. I think it takes some pretty big stones for a punter to throw the ball on his own when he's backed up that far. If the play messes up, Oakland has the ball with a short field.
  15. But Winslow's a soldier. How can he be out for the whole year?
  16. But our problems are correctable! Seriously, though, what you've seen in these first two games, as pathetic as it is, is the best Miami can do offensively. The Bills can play better. Whether they will or not is another matter.
  17. I didn't even notice this until after the game, and I apologize if it's already been brought up. Oakland's defensive coordinator is Rob Ryan, Buddy's son, who's spent the last few years as an assistant to Romeo Crennel and Bill Belichick in NE. Two observations from this, neither of which is good: (1) He obviously had intimate knowledge of how to beat Bledsoe. (And save your cracks. Bledsoe's struggled against other teams, I know, but none more so than New England.) (2) Whatever problems Bledsoe has had against BB and his defenses, they have yet to be fixed. And we play them next.
  18. This lack of tackling is bull stevestojan. :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: D
  19. When did Mark Ingram join the Raiders? Or was that Stephen Baker?
  20. And yet again play action produces a short pass.
  21. Yeah, they could "just give it to us."
  22. I'm calling a safety right here. Might as well just run it out the back of the :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: ing end zone and save everyone the trouble.
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