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Everything posted by Alphadawg7

  1. Wow, this is kind of funny because my wife is a die hard Niners fan, and we were watching episodes 2 and 3 of "Receiver" on Netflix last night where 2nd episode is all on Davante and JJ. She is fed up with Aiyuk drama and the first thing she said was I wish we would just trade Aiyuk to the Raiders so we they can give us Davante because he is so good. As an avid football fan, she also knows "rumors" more often than not are nothing, so she won't get too excited about this. But she is at least gonna love that someone somewhere is at least mentioning it as a possibility lol
  2. As many know, I live in CA not Buffalo, so I don't have the option of going to every home game. So for me, when I do get to go to a game, whether it be to see the Bills in Buffalo or on the road here to play in CA, its just an incredible experience that can't be beat. But as great as games live are, I still do love watching from home. My wife loves football too, so we love making some good food and chilling at the house where we have an 85" main TV and 2 side 42" TV's to the left of it so we can get multiple games on. She is a die hard Niners fan (also supports the Bills when they aren't playing the Niners lol) so our rule is if both teams are playing at the same time, then whoever has the better game or more important game gets to go on the big TV lol. Luckily they don't conflict often with Bills usually the first slate of games (or primetime) and Niners usually the 2nd slate of games (or primetime). So when our games are on TV, we are usually home watching the games either with each other or with friends who stop by. We just love being able to hear our games, the commentary, and just be more in tune with all the happenings of the game. When only one of us (or neither of us) is playing on Sunday due to bye weeks or primetime games, we usually take those opportunities to mix it up and go watch one of the slates of games of either the morning or afternoon out at a local sports bar with friends.
  3. What is crazy to me is that anytime Josh and the Bills are facing 3rd and 10+ I am as confident that they will get the first down as I am if it was 3rd and 1. Even something like 3rd and 18...I still feel like there is still a good chance he is going to convert it with his arm or legs, or get close enough to where he will get on a 4th down conversion attempt. I can honestly say I have never ever felt that any time in my lifetime while either playing football or watching football. But Josh Allen is just that dude where I feel like long or short makes no difference, he is just as likely to convert it. There is even this little part of me that almost feels more confident on 3rd and long vs something like 3rd and 3 because it is almost like you know you might see a little more Superman energy from Allen on the tougher challenge rather than the short one that may just be some short throw or run that doesn't work. Prior to Allen, 3rd and double digits always felt like a low probability play until he came along and somehow almost normalized it to where now I just have this confidence he will make the play as likely as he would at any other shorter distance. Just one of the many reasons Josh Allen has already supplanted Barry Sanders as my all time favorite player to watch play the game. As an avid sports fan as well, I will go as far to say that Allen is my favorite athlete to watch play at this point. Not only can he just do things no one else can, he often makes them look easy and often does things that just make you marvel at what just happened. He is just a blast to watch, and the fact he is an awesome person and human being as well just makes it that much better.
  4. I agree the defense has been a major playoff issue, although 2023 I feel like injuries were its biggest problem not having healthy LB’s. But, his take wasn’t crazy, you just changed the subject to create a different narrative. You’re masking the data he provided of the games that sent us home in the playoffs by trying to prop them up using playoff totals that factors in games where we didn’t lose and had big wins. Winning those games by 1 point of 50 points is 100% irrelevant in the next game where we lost and went home. The only playoff loss our offense didn’t struggle was the 2021 KC game. Hou - Offense disappeared in 2nd half and allowed Hou to come back where our defense was forced to save the game and failed. KC - offense and defense were both terrible KC - Offense comes on late to put up excellent game, Def blows 13 seconds and OT CIN - Offense and defense were both anemic and Dorsey was totally outcoached and Bills could not run the ball to save their life. KC - Offense gave the game back to KC while losing and scoring well under our season average. And the most consistent problem in all those games…we lost in the trenches. Everything from protecting Allen and run blocking, to our front 7 not being able to sniff the opposing QB. So while I do absolutely agree that our defense is the bigger problem, the offense has had its own struggles in season ending games and not winning up front has been a big reason. Even this year, our last 2 plays of the game before the missed FG the OL failed. And part of the reason I am more optimistic about the offense going into this season than I was last year is because I feel our OL is strong and Brady understands how to balance and create a run game when needed. A lot gets made of Brady running so much last year, but it’s skewed by the Cowboys game. He used the run game strategically and our offense became more consistent. And in the playoffs that is important.
  5. His $30m ask plus the draft compensation is going to limit the teams interested IMHO, so I am not so sure he has as many suitors as you suggested. And I think if the Niners could get a 1st and 2nd they would have already pulled the trigger because that is getting into the "an offer they can't refuse" territory for a WR, especially for one while very good isn't in the consensus top 5 of his own position.
  6. I am doubtful they see Kincaid getting 60 more targets this year, that would put him over 150 and near what Diggs got last year. Their motto has been "everyone eats", so seems they plan to be less heavy on anyone player and spread the extra targets around more. Now I do think Shakir could see 40-60 more targets this year, but that is because he only had 45 last year yet still finished with 38 rec for 611 yards and they have talked about him as having a much bigger role this year. So in a bigger role him getting 85-105 targets isn't an unreasonable expectation.
  7. Next offseason the Bills have two 2nd rounders and three 4th rounders next draft along with all our other picks in the other rounds. They will have a much better cap situation as well with Diggs not having all that dead money and being able to get out of Von's deal overall. So just seems like Beane has set the table to make a big move or two next year and not sure he is looking to make one now. But, what we do know about Beane is that he is not afraid to make a move if he feels its the right one for the team, so wouldn't rule it out either even though I am doubtful he makes this move now. And Aiyuk reportedly also wants $30M a year, plus you still have the draft capital to factor in...so does Beane see him as the kind of player worth that kind of investment is the other unknown factor.
  8. The comparison is games 1-10 versus games 11-17. Dorsey was fired when we were 5-5 with Brady taking over week 11 against Jets. But you are under analyzing here, you are treating those 1 game wins/losses as if all things were equal in terms of class of opponent. Under Dorsey we were 2-5 in 7 one score games with losses to the lowly Jets, Pats, Broncos, Burrow-less Bengals, and mediocre Jags. And quite frankly, we were lucky to even win the 2 games where both the Giants and Bucs had chances to win the game on the final play and blew it. Brady had a harder strength of schedule than Dorsey did and we didn't lose games to bad teams with losing records like we did with Dorsey. Our only loss overall was to a playoff team in the Eagles in Brady's 2nd week as OC.
  9. You wont get any argument from me that our defense has needed to be better overall. I do think it was last year, and I don't think we lose to KC in the playoffs if Milano and Bernard play, and probably don't lose if just one of them play. But my main point is that a team who plays a lot in cold and bad weather late in the season and playoffs should not be focused on passing 60% or more every game. Not having a run game was an achilles heal for this team for a long time. Now that we have one, we should not move away from it for the sake of just throwing all the time again. And like I said, we also should not be a run first team clearly, we have an elite QB. To win in the postseason of the NFL, we need to play to our strength which is the fact we are a team capable of both passing and running at high level and being able to dial one up or down when needed based on the teams we are facing, weather, etc. That is all I am saying...that is what KC is so good at as well. They know how to adjust to attack each team differently very well, and it is something I am hoping we see more of from Brady than we saw with Dorsey and even Daboll.
  10. I actually agree with you that if we field a "top 10" offense, then it may not be enough this year. Our defense has not been able to come up when we needed them to in the past seasons. I do give last year a bit of a pass given how much better the defense was IMO before we lost Milano and Bernard. I really wish we could have seen what our D would have done with Milano and Bernard playing, or even one of them. Going into the KC game the first thing I told everyone I was scared of was KC's ability to attack the LB position and that they were going to feat on that all day. And the result was just that, we even helped bring Kelce back to life who honestly murmurs he may be losing a step down the stretch of the season were out there. He looked vintage against us as we had no shot at covering with our bandaid group. This year I am worried we are too thin at CB and also while I think Milano and Bernard are a great duo (when healthy), I am a little worried if they can stay healthy being both undersized. On the other hand, I am more optimistic about the offense as I like the potential of not having a target hog in Diggs and a limited Davis opposite him. IMHO, I think the overall group between WR, TE, and RB have better hands, bigger route trees, better route runners, are more cerebral, and tougher overall. It does have a lot of youth and some unproven aspects of course. But still, I think we are improved in those ares. We don't have that proven top end player like a Diggs, but I think what we lack in that we can make up for in depth overall across the offense in guys who can make plays. But, I get the concern, lots of unknowns still between a new offense being installed with Brady and the youth amongst our top playmakers. I mean no opinion is right or wrong right now, we have yet to see most of this on the field yet. But I do like our ascending guys like Kincaid and Shakir, and Samuel I think is a good addition as a Vet, plus I think our RB room is better with Davis over the aging vets we had paired with Cook. Biggest thing for me though is last year I was very concerned about Dorsey going into the season, and this year I am coming into the season a lot more confident in our OC and I think Brady will be smarter about putting Allen in better positions to succeed than Dorsey was. So for me, I think the potential to remain one of the best offenses in the league is still there and it could result in Allens best season yet.
  11. LOL...I very specifically countered your point about his snaps with the comment that I thought I saw on here that his snap % decreased a lot once Brady took over. that was the info to confirm...you didn't do that. You instead saw that it was correct, and then instead of just acknowledging it you presented some other comparison that wasn't being discussed that "suggested" it wasn't correct. And LMAO...persecution complex? This from the guy who follows me around trying to do it all the time? And I wasn't even doing that here, I even said I wasn't sure if I was even remembering the info correctly or not. You are the one who tried to twist an answer to create a different perception...which honestly isn't all that surprising.
  12. 14.3% drop in snaps is not a mild decrease. In his last 5 games he only had 1 game with over 79% snaps and that was the final game. The 3 games leading up to it he had 46%, 60% and 65%. Does not change the fact you looked the answer up, saw it was CORRECT, then proceeded to CHANGE the narrative to manipulate a different answer to hide the fact it was correct rather than just acknowledge the info was correct. If you wanted to try and diminish the answer with some comment like "it mildly decreased" then fine, but to flat out try and lie and cover that up is just a waste of everyones time.
  13. I mean I clearly didn't say from one year to the next...I very clearly said during the season it went down under Brady compared to Dorsey. Ok, so I just checked myself to get the correct answer, and yes I remembered correctly, and it is a significant drop actually. Diggs average snap count % for the first 10 games under Dorsey: 87.2% - Only 1 game under 80 (76%), with 4 games between 93% and 99%. Diggs average snap count % for the 7 games under Brady: 72.9% (a 14.3% difference) - Only 1 game over 90 (92%) and 3 games under 66%. But here is the rub - You obviously saw Diggs snap % for each game and were staring at the necessary info to confirm that it was correct, otherwise you wouldn't have known the only game under 60% was Dallas. Yet rather than just simply confirm it was accurate, you very obviously changed the narrative to be a different comparison so you wouldn't have to acknowledge the info was correct and instead try and spin it as if it wasn't.
  14. No disrespect, but not only is this not a good strategy at all for a team playing in bad weather, it is the same failed strategy where all anyone could talk about was how we lacked a running game and Josh needs help from the run game. By no means should we become a run first team when we have Josh Allen, but to disregard the run game again and force the pass no matter what is a terrible approach and one that had us at 5-5 last year and staring at no playoffs. Running the ball more we went 6-1 and won the division and the 2 seed after a 5-5 start. Some of you seem to prioritize the "style" of football you personally like over winning football. What the Bills are fortunate to be able to both pass and run the ball at a high level. What they need to do is play the style of football that gives this team, this roster, the best chance to win the game against that specific opponent that week, the conditions of the field, etc. That means there will be games where we are pass heavy, games we are run heavy, and games we are balanced. To commit to one way to play and force that no matter what when you have a team that is capable of both passing and running the ball is exactly what get's coaches fired. Many teams do not have that luxury, they may only be good at one or the other (or neither). Bills are fortunate to be able to do both, and to take one of those away as dramatically as you are wishing for is absolutely the wrong way. Look at Dallas last year...we DOMINATED that game with Allen doing very little which killed my fantasy teams that week, but who cares, we crushed them and it was glorious. I didn't care that it was because we ran all day on them because we could. That is what we need more of...adjusting to what our opponent is giving us and play to win the game, not to entertain fans with their favorite style of football. Then there is the opposite like when we lost to the lowly Mac Jones led Pats where he threw like 3 total passes and all we did was try and pass in a blizzard because we couldn't run the ball. The good news is that there is 0% chance the Bills are going to over commit anyway to the pass or the run, but its just a wild thing to hope for.
  15. If I am not mistaken, during the final 10 games, didn't Diggs snap count % kept going down? I am not 100% on that admittedly, but I feel like someone posted that data here in this thread or another that showed Diggs was actually surprisingly taken out a lot more on passing downs under Brady than he was when Dorsey was the OC and that trend increased throughout the back half of the season. Again...not totally sure I am remembering that correctly though, but also don't have time to go double check that. So if anyone else knows for sure or not please chime in.
  16. And just in time as the threads are just non stop bickering of either the same recycled things like we are stuck in the movie “Groundhogs Day” or over the dumbest most trivial things. Which is pretty par for the course this time of year with nothing happening.
  17. I mean in the last 3 drafts, they used 4 of their first 6 picks on offense so they have certainly made an effort to address offense these past 3 seasons at least. And that first draft they had just extended Diggs and Davis was coming off of a 200 yard 4 TD playoff game and the offense had played better after Sanders injury made room for Davis to take a bigger role the back half the season. So at that time, it looked like what we needed was a slot WR and depth. They took Shakir in the 5th to be the future at slot while they signed Crowder to compete to start at slot until injury gave way to McKenzie. They also took Cook in the 2nd when one of our biggest area of need was helping Josh with a run game. Then the next year, they restructured Diggs thinking he would be here still this year and knowing that Davis didn’t step up with his expanded role while battling an ankle injury they went and got Kincaid after a run of receivers in the first. They then further helped Josh taking O’Cyrus in the 2nd when we certainly needed OL help as well. But at this time Diggs was still part of the future plans, hence the restructure to make moving on from him expensive and more difficult. And of course this year. Now for me, I think of all the years that made more sense to take more than weapon/receiver for Josh it was this one given how many picks we had and the depth of the position. But, we also had already signed Samuel too and the Bills have made it clear they are quite high on both Kincaid and Shakir after last seasons breakouts. Personally, I think they wanted to balance all the youth on the team after trading Diggs with some vets as probably the main reason that they didn’t feel the need or want to take another WR this year. I think it just came down to they cut ties with Diggs a season or two earlier than they had planned while they were still adding more weapons while planning to upgrade and move on from Davis and others.
  18. Ramsey! That is who I kept forgetting about. Should have made my honorable mention list at least.
  19. I didn't misread that as that was not was I was referring to nor was it even something I read, it was an interview I watched like I watch almost every Beane interview and press conference. But I can't help but notice you once again deflected away from the main part of the post where you were asked to commit to something. You said Samuels is probably WR1 while also saying you believe Shakir is putting up 900 yards. So are you going to commit to Samuels putting up more than 900 yards given that for him to be WR1 he would have to at least top Shakir? You are always so keen on people committing to takes, so here is your shot to commit to yours.
  20. This is now flip flopping the "priority" comment from prioritizing a position to now prioritizing a specific player. Whether or not you think Keon was "priority" enough or not is irrelevant to the comment made about the Bills prioritizing the position. Now had Beane taken a DB or some other position and got Keon with his next pick, you would have a point. But weighing how much he specifically prioritized Keon is a completely different topic. When a GM makes a small trade back they do so because they have multiple players they are good with taking and know at least one will still be there. Beane verbatim even said this about his initial trade back from 28. Then Beane said that they were set to take Keon at 32 but decided to call Carolina last minute to see if they move up one since it was no secret they wanted Legette. This was confirmed on Embedded when they showed it unfolding. So if you want to doubt how much of a priority Keon specifically was is one thing, to doubt that WR was a priority after Beane stated many times it was and then used his first pick in the draft on one is not accurate.
  21. They extended Diggs to be here still, then restructured him last year that made moving on from him a huge cap hit...why...because they clearly believed he would be here this season still at that time. Now Davis, they knew they had to plan for and they looked to add a weapon last year but a run of receivers went and the best pass catcher available was Kincaid, so they took the weapon. So IMHO I think it is still inaccurate to say it has not been a priority and more that it was they expect to need to replace both Diggs and Davis in the same offseason. 2022 they drafted Shakir to be the future of the slot with Cole gone, 2023 they drafted Kincaid to be another weapon knowing Davis was likely gone this year, and then this year, they knew they needed to draft a WR early because Diggs situation resulted in it being best they move on from him now, even with his cap hit.
  22. History will show it was a 2nd...but the reality is that the Beane took his first rounder and invested it into Keon...to deny that is just a stupid exercise for people what want to be difficult for the sake of being difficult. Beane not only said he was taking Keon in the first before the 1 slot move back, but it was confirmed on Embedded when they showed the footage.
  23. The trivial things some of you get hung up on and want to keep rehashing is comical. But since you want to get all uppity about it..."WR1" actually has NO official NFL designation or meaning...none at all...not as a position nor as a label as you said earlier. It is a slang term...and the only place it is an official term is fantasy football and fantasy football ONLY. But for some odd reason you want to waste all this time arguing the meaning(s) of a slang term.
  24. Listing their cost when our top 3 weapons are on rookie contracts in Kincaid, Shakir, and Keon (with 1 of those being a 5th round rookie contract) is a disingenuous way to judge "priority". You want to talk priority...how about the fact that in 3 of the past 5 drafts the Bills used the first pick in the draft on a receiving weapon for Allen. How about the Bills last 2 first round picks were used to acquire weapons for Josh to throw to. Then there is the fact that they paid Diggs multiple times big money in the 4 years he was here after investing a 1st and 4th round pick in him. They also invested a lot to keep Knox after he came off a 9 TD season and had proved to be a good TE. So yeah...isolating rookie contracts to say the Bills have a low priority in investing in WR or weapons for Josh is on returning a false positive conclusion. It isn't the "low priority" some of you exaggerate it to be by cherry picking obscure facts like this.
  25. Gaslighting? OMG that is rich coming from you haha. FYI: Brandon Beane literally said Keon is playing the "WR1 and X role with some Z" for the Bills...verbatim in one of his post draft interviews. No one spit anything out. But again...this wasn't even about Keon, you are deflecting as usual considering this started by addressing your post that Samuel is probably the WR1. You stated that Samuel is "probably the WR1"...you have now made clear you mean in the sense as being the top receiver for the Bills. Now you have simultaneously told me that you believe Shakir himself will put up 900 yards this season. You have said both these things in the last couple of days. This isn't like an old take vs a new take. You even stated that defenses are going to assign there best corner to cover Samuel...which is an interesting take on its own considering he plays a lot in the slot and backfield and teams don't even always do that with legit WR1's. So no time to waffle now Badol or try some PR spin here about these statements...go ahead and own that and state you believe that Samuel is going to be WR1 and exceed 900 yards...because you can't believe he is the WR1 if you don't believe he will surpass Shakir who you very specifically stated you believe will put up 900 yards this year.
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