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Captain Caveman

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Everything posted by Captain Caveman

  1. I really hope they let Davis rest this week, don't try and get him in for the Steelers game. If he's ready next week for the Chiefs, so be it, otherwise wait until after the bye. He isn't the same weapon with a bum ankle. Let's see how Shakir looks this week, and if we need to we can call up Hodgins...
  2. What do you think, will Tre be practicing this week? Dane Jackson and Elam played well today, but if Poyer is out too we could use all the help we can get.
  3. We didn’t defer today, right? We took the ball…
  4. The rain was supposed to get worse as the day went on, meaning our offense should have been better off having an extra possession in the 1st half.
  5. So are most doctors (self employed that is - they run / own a medical practice.)
  6. I think he went straight to the locker room because it was so close to halftime. The underlined text is kind of ***** up, because it's basically saying that if they can't rule out an orthopedic cause (even if they can't confirm it's an orthopedic cause) then they get to use that as an excuse to put him back in. Am I reading it right?
  7. Yes MacGruber is a movie, but to be fair I'd say it's the opposite of "requiring a lot of thinking"
  8. I guess, so, but it seems like it would be career suicide to go against their recommendation (especially should something like this happen afterward.) It seems like whatever has been the process, and whether it was followed or not, some changes need to be made if the NFL wants us to believe they are taking concussions seriously.
  9. https://theathletic.com/3631317/2022/09/27/nfl-concussion-protocol-facts/ If the team’s medical staff feels any player is at risk of a concussion, they are required to pull the player to the sideline and into the medical tent for a focused neurological exam. The exam includes a cervical spine exam (including range of motion and pain), an evaluation of speech, observation of gait, and an eye movement and pupillary exam. If the player displays signs of any loss of consciousness, gross motor inability, confusion or amnesia, team medical staff are not permitted to let the player return to action. Who has final say about the player’s status? Each step of the league’s concussion protocol is determined by a team physician in consultation with an unaffiliated neurotrauma consultant on the sideline.
  10. We know that there is supposed to be an independent doctor who has the final say, who is supposed to ultimately be responsible for concussion monitoring, and obviously they failed.
  11. I know people are upset with the Dolphins, but really the doctor that cleared him needs to lose his job. Most NFL teams would possibly skirt rules to try and pull out a win, and the independent physician is supposed to be a safeguard against that. He failed at his job and is responsible for Tua's health.
  12. I don't think it's soft at all. This is a brutal game, and players need to be taken care of. So many players I watched growing up have had shortened lives, or severe injuries that impact quality of life. This league needs to take seriously its responsibility to protect its players (as best they can in such a violent sport.)
  13. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fencing_response
  14. I hope the Bills are paying someone to just follow everything Boomer Esiason says we should do to make sure we do the opposite.
  15. I do think we are unlikely to win this game unless we get a lot of players back and actually healthy. I think as long as our O line is this depleted, teams will have success keeping us off the score sheet if they keep blitzing as much as they did on Sunday, but I hope I'm proven wrong on Sunday.
  16. I think the backup center and the problems they had with the exchange had something to do with that
  17. I blame Howard Simon from WGR for picking them to go 17-0 last week on pick the Bills
  18. I believe teams are responsible for bringing their own heating and cooling gear to away games. I wonder if we could get away with some giant tents that obstruct the fan views (although in Miami typically on our sideline I guess it's mostly Bills fans) But I did see Josh under a tent at times, I know we have fans, I believe we bring all that stuff ourselves. It sucked to see the heat impact the game yesterday, but I don't think things are gonna change (maybe in another 10-20 years if climate change makes it truly dangerous / unbearable, those stadiums will just be all indoors.)
  19. I got to the gate around 6:20 I think, and the line was pretty long (and security was no different than last year) but we were still in our seat by 7:00
  20. I enjoy it. With that said, it sucks for those who might have a hard time standing for long periods. I don't see it changing though.
  21. One thing I noticed at the game Monday night was several occasions where our O-line got someone on the defense in a vulnerable position and drove them into the ground violently face first, then didn't let them up (face first in the dirt) until the play was over. Just absolutely vicious play by our O line in that game.
  22. still no word on Bills practice squad activations or did I miss it?
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