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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. Pay less attention to Special Teams? The few games we have won over the last 4 or 5 years, were mainly because of big ST plays for the most part. ST has been the only facet of the Bills game that has been respectable with any consistency. Every team in the NFL has players on their roster mainly for Special Teams. Seems like the Bills had one in the 90's too, what was his name? Oh yea, Tasker. What else would the punter, kicker and the Long Snapper be on the roster for, if not for Special Teams? I would venture to guess, that a good majority of close games are decided by turnovers and field position, and Special Teams normally dictate field position. I think we can improve on Offense and Defense without taking away from Special Teams.
  2. I am not Mitchell biggest fan, but you are way off on that one. Did you watch the Superbowl? Or better yet, did you watch in 2007 when the Giants came to Buffalo and showed us how the game is played, in the snow yet? Look up his stats for that game they include sacks, Ints, TDs , etc.
  3. I say go Cardinals. Speaking of being like us? How about fans that get their hopes up every year, year in and year out, only to be disappointed-sound familiar? How about up until two weeks ago, we were tied with them for the longest streak in the NFL without making the playoffs-We need to show our appreciation for them letting hold that distinction all to ourselves. How about Philadelphia just experienced a championship in baseball, Pittsburth had one just a couple years ago and the Ravens only 8 years ago. The Cardinals have gone longer than we have without a Championship-and that is pretty pathetic. Who knows Anquan Boldin has been upset over his contract for the last couple years now, maybe we can throw our 1st or 2nd round pick at them and bring "Q" to Buffalo. Go Cards!
  4. Good point, it was actually Beebe that stepped out, by a country mile too.
  5. Old news and not a bit surprising after watching every game. What is really sad, he was elected to the Pro Bowl, yet rookie tackle Jake Long of Miami gave up 2.5 sack and something like 3 or 4 penalties all year. And he wants more money? God help us.
  6. It was wide open this year, and came down to the end of the season for 75% of the division. Too bad for us we are always the %25 who aren't included.
  7. Although a major dissapointment, this season accomplished a couple things: On a serious note: -We have an excellent 1-2 punch at running back when they are healthy -W have the most quality depth at returning kicks in the NFL with Parrish, McKelvin, McGee and others that filled the role. On a sarcastic note: -We now know that if our head coached pissed in an electrical socket, he would show any emotion. -We now know how to play a game with no electricity in the stadium as well as how to straighten out a goal post during an extended tv time out -If we can't lead the league in wins we can in stadium arrests. -Our backup quarterback play is consistent-consistently bad! -We can fumble away a win no matter how much we have the game sewn up -We are the only team in NFL history that can play a home game in a different country, in weather that no way resembles our home field and in a stadium where more fans are cheering for the visitors and wearing their jerseys. Go Bills!
  8. That helps, but Connie Britton (coaches wife) is nowhere close to her 20's anymore, but most 20 something women would die to have a body like hers.
  9. Not totally true. As long as you show up, the signing bonus is guaranteed. That is why they want as much of a signing bonus as possible.
  10. I went to Canton for both Marv's induction in 2001 and for Kelly's in 2002. The first time just a friend and myself went on friday and came back on sunday. In 2002, my whole family (wife, 2 daughters, sister and her husband) we spent about 5 days there. There isn't much in the town of Canton other than the HOF, but we had a great time. What we did was rented a cabin at a place called Bear Creek Campground or something like that. A fully loaded cabin with a/c, fridge, shower, stove, etc. The campground had swimming pool, mini golf, horses, they gave you wood for a campfire, really a great time and only about 10 mins from Canton (1 exit I believe). I am a big autograph collector so we spent quite a bit of time at the only hotel in town, where all the HOF members and friends stay. They have the entrance fenced off about 10 feet or so from the door, and alot of the guys will walk over and sign for you. You can also get autos right at the Hall of Fame a day or so before the ceremony, as alot of ex players (and current players) go there to check it out. There are your usual restaurants in Canton, plus a few local ones. Starting in 2002, they moved the ceremony over to the football stadium and you are now required to get tickets, so go to nfl.com and go to the HOF link to see about tickets and when they go on sale. Overall, I have a great time, and hopefully will get back there soon again. Good luck and have fun. Let me know if you have any other questions.
  11. He would be a great addition to a team that is so close to being at Super Bowl Championship level and needs a little depth and leadership. The Bills are no way close and if they ever do get close, Harrison will be so far gone, he will probably already have a bust in Canton.
  12. I too think we have way too many needs to draft a RB. Also, you might wanna be careful what you wish for. I live only a few miles from Landstown High School in Virginia Beach where he went to school. His senior year, he was suspended the last few games for pushing an official during a game. I really hope he has matured, but if not, he might follow in Plaxico Burress' fine Virginia Beach reputation. But he is another one of this generations amazing athletes who have never been told "no" to anything.
  13. I have to agree, it is one of the, if not the best made show I have ever seen-and not just because it is about football. It isn't all about football, which is one misconception which leads to its lower ratings than a show this special should have. It if filmed and acted brilliantly. I switched to DirecTV about 5 years ago to get the Sunday Ticket, and I have to be honest, I have looked forward more lately to watching FNL than the Bills games. I will have to sit and hold my breath like I have after the first two seasons, and hope it gets good ratings on NBC so it comes back for a fourth season. The second to last episode of the season, this past wednesday, was so good, I have already watched it a second time. It is without a doubt, the best kept secret in TV history.
  14. Is it a class at the University of Miami that makes you behave like an idiot when you get to the NFl? Sure there are some goods ones, but they are far in between or years ago. Look at the stars from "The U"-Winslow, McGahee, Michael Irvin, Ray Lewis, Clinton Portis, Jeremy Shockey, Sean Taylor, Vince Woolfork, etc. Like I said they aren't all like that (before everyone starts yelling that Jim Kelly went there-I know he did), but they sure do have some loud mouth, arrogant trouble makers dont they?
  15. Not sure I would want that personality on the team. He progresses each year towards being more and more like Terrell Owens, except Owens doesn't really have health problems, and Winslow seems like he is always hurt. I think we might have something in Derek Fine, the couple games he played much at all he looked pretty good. As far as the guy who said he wanted to bring in Winslow with Derek Anderson-no way to you bring in a career backup making that kind of money. He will never be a top line QB but is getting paid like one.
  16. That would be great, having a player tied into a murder trial and never shuts his mouth? Rae Carruth is available in about 15 years.
  17. I cannot think of anytime in any pro sport where the fans were able to fix a disfunctional organization. The only solution lies within the people who own, run, manage and control the dollars for the team. Nothing the fans do, short of maybe hijacking the opponents transportation to the stadium, has ever turned a team around. Please correct me if I am wrong and you can think of a situation where fan(s) restored the pride in a once prideful organization.
  18. Not that Ralph will still be here 10 years from now (the odds are against it), but it would punish the fans alot more than Ralph, he will still get his millions and the stadium will still be full, jerseys will still be bought, concessions will be sold and we true fans will still be disgusted.
  19. If anyone that logs into this forum agrees with you, they probably shouldn't be in here. Who in the F#*k would route for thier team to lose 8 months before the season even starts? Not a fan that is for sure.
  20. I don't believe Bledsoe ever threw to Billy Brooks? At least not in Buffalo.
  21. Kelly wanted to keep playing, but Ralph said he wasn't going to resign him, and why would he, he had Todd Collins on the sidelines to guide us into the future (yeah right, how did that turn out?). But showing the class that he usually does, he opted to retire as a Bill instead of going anywhere else (although a year later he came close to playing for Ted Marchibroda in Baltimore). His play did in fact decline so it probably was the right time to retire, although if he stuck around another year or two, he still would have been as good as half the QBs in the league. I was really pissed at the time that Ralph turned his back on him, although looking back, part of me is glad now, all we have is pretty much good memories of his years in Buffalo. Haven't had too many of them since!
  22. As long as it isn't to force the best player in the league (Hasek) out of town. Oh thats right, we don't even have a player on the Bills that is even close to the best at his position, so no worries there.
  23. Excellent post and good research. I don't have a real problem with any of your grades, just a few minor tweaks that I would make: Whitner, he gets a bad rap. Tough to play safety in coverage when you have hardly no pass rush and have to spend as much time making tackles on running plays, because the runner almost always gets passed the first 5-6 yards untouched. As far as his playoff guarantee, I will never hold it against a player for showing confidence in himself and his team. He shows leadership that is all to absent on this team. McCargo-when you combined what he has produced and what the organization gave up to draft him at a time when they needed all the picks they could get-a bust similar to that of Erik Flowers (remember him?) Kyle Williams-for a 5th round pick, we got way more value than you can expect at this point of the draft. Keith Ellison-as you stated, too small for full time linebacker play. Could be driving force of special teams. The ultimate over achiever, always plays hard and gives his best, sometimes with his lack in stature-that is not enough. Overall the 2006 draft in a few years will be dwarfed by the results of the 2007 draft with Lynch, Edwards, Posluzny and others.
  24. Although he did suck like dog excrement as a GM in Detroit, before that he was one of the better commentators on tv, which actually led to him getting the job to begin with, with no experience in management. His best move would have been to stay in the booth to begin with, but a big paycheck often puts common sense out the back door.
  25. I spent 40 years watching him and thinking "God he never gets old", but after his stroke, it is hard to watch him,and American Icon, struggle just to talk. He is a legend, but it probably is time for him to enjoy his life out of the public eye, if he can do that.
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