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Everything posted by billsfreak

  1. No Biggie. As far as the 4-0 start, yeah it was fun, but I was about as confident as if we were 1-3. With the weak teams we played, and the teams history, I didn't read too much into it. 4 games does not make a season, not even close.
  2. -? How can they pick up a player that is already on a roster? I guess I will use your phrase-GET A CLUE!
  3. True it is called the Pro Football Hall of Fame not the NFL, but is it really that? If that is truly used to vote on than Flutie should be a first ballot HOFer, but we all know he will never get it. Herschel Walker would be in with his USFL years-they were unbelieveable.
  4. You are too quick to call someone else Pathetic-look in the mirror. My entry of "Wins" was in reply to the Topic-Difference between Bills and the 09 Super Bowl Teams, I wasn't getting involved in your little tiff of whether QB play was the reason we didn't make the playoffs. That isn't even what this thread is about. How pathetic!
  5. Since coaching isn't really a position (neither is ownership), I would have to say center. As the quarterback of the Offensive Line, I saw too many penalties on the center, not knowing the snap count, not knowing if the QB was up behind him or in the shotgun-all unexcuseable.
  6. Although it sucks, your point has quite a bit of validity. There are quite a few things this team has in common with the team 3 years ago at this time. 1. We have a young quarterback with all the potential in the world, but after a couple years hasn't done much of anything yet. 2. We have a young running back with potential to be a star, that sometimes can't keep out of trouble in the off season. 3. We have a coach that at least half of the fan base wishes would be replaced. 4. We are at the bottom of the division (aren't we always lately-or at least close to it) 5. Coming off a season where the offensive game plan was pathetic. 6. More holes that need filled than the Titanic. 7. Heading into another season where they have thousands of fans (myself included) hyping some unfounded and unrealistic optimism for the next season.
  7. Mine wasn't really one play but one drive. The drive leading up to the Norwood "Wide Right", it appeared to me that they could have gotten closer, but were content with the longer field goal attempt. I thought the play selection was terrible, to the point that I was not surpised at all when he missed the kick, in fact I even told the individuals watching with me that he would have a tough time making that kick.
  8. If it was that simply I would do it in a heartbeat. But, it would probably cost more than just our #1 and the most difficult part would be coming to a contract agreement with him, he is going to want the moon and maybe a few other planets too. Don't see Ralph paying that much at this point.
  9. Amen brother, you hit the nail right on the head. Also, as far as Lee Evans, besides never having a threat on the other side, he has never had a QB anywhere close to Kelly when it comes to making the right decisions and being able to get them the ball.
  10. I really don't think that you can point out a Hall of Fame QB (including Kelly) who didn't have great players around them, no QB wins by himself. I do agree though, that missing the Superbowl with an injury and Hostetler getting the win, hurts his chances quite a bit.
  11. I listened to the entire interview when he had Simms in the studio with him, and I never heard him say that Simms was better than Kelly. The way I took it was that he thinks that only the very elite should get in the Hall of Fame and he didn't think Kelly, Dawson and a few others were actually at that level. He basically said that he thought that if Kelly and Dawson were in the Hall, than Simms should be too, and actually as a life long Bills fan, I don't disagree. He is tight with along of NYC athletes and he should be, since NYC is 99 percent of his listening audience, and he is opinionated, but a pretty good radio guy. I have been listening to WFAN for years, since I have been a Mets fan since the early 1970's. There was a good reason why, when they had to break up Mike and the Mad Dog that Mad Dog isn't on the Fan anymore, they clearly kept the more knowledgeable and interesting sports guy of the two.
  12. It normally takes longer for a young receiver to get a good grasp of playing in the NFL, a lot longer than most positions. I really hope he does well, and yes he is a very nice and polite young man (I know that doesn't matter in Wins and Losses, but makes me have higher hopes for him), having met him at camp a few times. I just really hope the knee injury doesn't throw his career off track too far to get it back on. He has all the skills, the build and the attitude to be a big part of the offense, hopefully he can put it all together.
  13. He is in the team picture of best wide receivers, but not ready to say he is the best, especially not "clearly" the best. Hard to say who is the best as there are a few at that high level (Fitz, Moss, Smith even Boldin on the same team). He has been one of the NFL's best kept secrets playing in the desert. So many people are saying he is the best in the league, but how many of these would have even added him to the list of best receivers just 4 weeks ago?
  14. Who was good enough to help his team get to the Superbowl? In the most important position on the O-Line. Who showed up to camp and didn't put a crappy atmosphere around the entire team for all of training camp? That lasted well into the season too.
  15. Did I miss something? Who is the 3rd inductee? Besides Bruce and Ralph?
  16. I would have made the call Arizona did 100 times out of 100. You can't count on scoring and jumping out to a lead on a defense like Pittsburgh's. They really didn't move on them until the middle of the second half.
  17. If neary half of our team would start for the two bowl teams, why are they playing and we were 7-9 again?
  18. Moorman would start for either team. Lee Evans would start for Pittsburgh. Lynch would probably start for Arizona. Probably Stroud and Mitchell would start for Arizona. Just think, if Jason Peters started for either of these teams, they would probably be on a backup QB and wouldn't still be playing.
  19. Not as bad as giving a huge contract to a Tackle who gave up the most sacks of any Left Tackle in the NFL-and not by any slim margin either. I say make him play under his current contract, and if he shows up on time and has a season resembling 2007, then give him a new contract up there with the best in the game, but he would have to show that 2007 was no fluke first.
  20. No way does McGee bring a 1st or 2nd round pick, you might get a 4th rounder for him. I say keep him for his last year and we will have depth at one of the most critical position on the field. Not sure how much a hit his signing bonus would be against us either, but why trade him away for such a low pick.
  21. Unless there is an unusual wind factor, which there normally isn't in Tampa, I expect whomever wins to defer. They have been all year, why change now?
  22. I believe there were a few reasons, the biggest being money. Ralph isn't going to pay a coach for 3 years while he is sitting at home or on someone else's sideline. Also, DJ is a Yes Man, and that fits this organization, always has, always will. As far as the Jags, don't bet your lifetime savings that they will never move. I have heard rumblings of that, the community doesn't support them. As far as them being a Super Bowl city, they did host one game, but are not a Super Bowl City. It was maybe the biggest mistake the NFL has ever made as far as scheduling the Super Bowl. There were not enough hotels, public transportation, places to eat, among many others. The Super Bowl will never be in Jacksonville again, and if they area doesn't start supporting the Jags they might not be there forever either, they have been mentioned as a possible team to move Los Angeles.
  23. He will be back, he is still better than half of the kickers in the NFL. He really only struggled in a few games, other than that he had a pretty good season.
  24. 2 1sts and a 2nd? He isn't Peyton Manning in him prime. Have you seen the few trades that were made over the last few years? Brett Favre couldn't pull in one first rounder, Thomas Jones went for one pick on the second day of the draft. We would be lucky to get a second rounder for him much less 2 firsts and a second. My guess in maybe a 3rd rounder this year and a conditional pick next year (maybe 2nd or 3rd rounder) next year is the max we could get. I would like to see him leave, I really used to like him, but he is turning into a cancer-and not a very good left tackle. We all know if he isn't given another new contract, yes "another" new contract, he is going to hold out again. He screwed us over last year missing all of camp, so Langston Walker had to jump all over the place in the preseason and the first 3 or 4 games. One real god year and he thinks he is Anthony Munoz-not even close.
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