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Everything posted by notwoz

  1. If I were a Jets fan, I probably wouldn't be reading a Bills' message board to find out what I should think.
  2. I'd like to think it was the Mike Stratton hit on Keith Lincoln. But I'm afraid that's the exception to the rule. That hit was a game changer, though.
  3. Sorry if someone else said this, but I'd ask for a really long contract extension.
  4. Companies will often settle out of court -- even if the person(s) suing them is(are) full of s**t. The sad truth is that it's cheaper to settle than to deal with the legal costs.
  5. Seems like some labor lawyers side with the company, citing NY law. http://www.bizjournals.com/buffalo/blog/buffalo-law-journal/2013/11/falling-bills-fan-raises-questions-of.html?page=all “Under the at-will doctrine, they have the right to terminate an employee for any reason as long as it’s not something protected under the law,” he said. “So if he was engaged in conduct outside of the workplace which they believed reflected negatively on them, they have every right to do that.”
  6. Bingo! If the Bills had this technology, which would ban anyone who has been kicked out of a game for being drunk as a pig, they probably would be lucky to sell 50 percent of their seats.
  7. I'm not a lawyer, Jay. But I would assume that the language on the ticket says the Bills are not responsible. That said, I don't think the language on the ticket would prohibit the guy who was fallen on from suing the guy who fell. That's assuming the guy who fell has any assets that would be at risk from a lawsuit.
  8. I have to assume that the fan who fell was sh*t-faced. If that's the case, I feel bad for the fan in the 200 level.
  9. The game was close, and the Bills couldn't close. To me that's the same old Bills. But I'm glad you're happy.
  10. But the sad truth is that the Bills have been owned by a QB who sits when he pees. That said, I hope it ends today.
  11. I give him credit for hustling to improve his career. Carucci will: host a new daily radio show on ESPN 850 WKNR in Cleveland contribute to ClevelandBrowns.com. continue to host his weekly SiriusXM Radio show. To me it sounds he's getting more money -- which frankly is a much better deal than rotting at the Buffalo News just to be able to sit in on that B-S Bulldog show on WGR.
  12. Checking the site and reading the site are two different questions. Depending on the time of year, the volume of news and my level of boredom, the number of visits fluctuates from several times a day to several times a month. The amount of time I spend reading threads depends on the topics.
  13. Wow. I can't believe I read through this whole f***ing thread and didn't gain an iota of perspective. (Actually I can believe it, because I'm a regular reader.) Thanks people. What a waste of my f***ing tme.
  14. Does this assclown think he's the only player to be drafted lower than he thinks he should have been drafted? Didn't Thurman have a chip on his shoulder his entire career? And what about Tom Brady's draft position? I don't remember either one of them whining like a spoiled child. They just went out and proved that the "experts" were wrong.
  15. Why are we even talking about this looney tune when we all know the Bills need a quarterback?
  16. can you describe your methodology? Will it be like the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index?
  17. Sorry, I don't follow college basketball -- neverdid, never will -- so I dn't have a clue what you're talking about. And since I don't follow college backetball, I don't care, either..
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