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Everything posted by Lenigmusx

  1. 1986 was a bad year for the Bills, 4-12 bad. Some of the pieces were in place but no one new how to win. The first half of the year was in the toilet under Hank Bullough. The offense could score points with Kelly but it was always countered by defensive failures and turnovers. The game that I remember most was Marv Levy's 1st or 2nd game as coach. It was the first Bills game I attended 11/16/86 Buffalo vs Miami Dolphins in Rich stadium. It started out as a banner day Kelly threw two first half touchdowns and the Bills were up 21-0. Then Jerry Butler broke his leg (career ending). This was the turning point, in the 3rd quarter Miami came out and smoked Buffalo. The point is the bad third quarter was our demise much like this year and yesterday. The Final of that Game was 34-24 Miami. 1986 was a "Building Year" and I see the signs of life that I saw back then. Everyone can hate on Fitz as much as they want but I think he is the real deal. It has been a long, long, long time since the number two rated passer in the NFL was the Bills QB. Be patient everyone.
  2. Dude, this is the first time since homerun throwback that I felt the officiating did take a game away from the Bills. You know how it works in the NFL though when your bad you have to work 5 times as hard to earn a win and no one ever gives you the benfit of the doubt. When you are the Jets, Patriots, Colts, Ravens etc.. The officials give you every call because, after all, you are "Good" according to the masses. It propetuates a self-fufilling prophecy.
  3. I suspect that once Moats and Carrington get up to speed and healthy the will be upgrades at linebacker.
  4. “We are going home and then we are going to the bye week,” he said. “It’s going to be rough on Buffalo.” I hope Gailey has this posted all over the locker room! There used to be a time that a statement like this would anger players and I hope Gailey is the type of coach to use the headlines as fuel. I'm not saying we stand a chance in Hell but if a coach can motivate his players he should use any fuel the opponent provides.
  5. LOL!!!!! DALLAS VS BILLS 1984 replay 14-3 Bills Fred Jackson 80 yard TD in the first minute. (One can dream right???)
  6. I wonder if he was a 900 back in the days of the 1600 point scale. It wasn't that long ago. I am not defending him but if that is the case he is a little above the old national average. The test gave you 200 pts for your name back then.
  7. I agree bring training camp back to Fredonia! I am a Fredonia Alumni and I will say the lack of distraction at Fredonia made for a much more effective training camp. I no Rochester is no Metropolis but it is still HUGE compared to Fredonia and Dunkirk.
  8. Thurman Thomas 35 Carries 144 yds I would love to see Fred Jackson get 35 carries I would almost guarentee victory if he did!!!!
  9. Our O-line sucked in 1986 yes some of the players were there but they were terrible. I remember quite well. Before Levy the team was no better than it's 1985 predecessor.
  10. Thanks for the great post! Just think we "The fans" really kind of forced Ralph to ask Kelly to retire following 1996 ugh. We forced Joe Ferguson out in 1984 too. Kelly and Ferguson both could have played through their slumps and still been good QB's for longer. Look what we brought apon ourselves. God we thought Collins we be better than a declining Jimbo we were freakin crazy.
  11. Once again the inmaturity of some lessen the true insights the rest can gain from this board. I will admit I am saddened but not surprised.
  12. Fitz and JaMarcus are diametrically opposed in terms of what they represent on the field. I would rather take the Field General with an IQ above 140 to be honest. I know he has some glaring weaknesses in the accuracy dept. but JaMarcus has an IQ of maybe 80. Give me the smart player with descent athleticism any day of the week. Let Fitz have time and he could be a big suprise. He is the 6th rated passer in the league right now.
  13. JaMarcus Russel=Mike Williams
  14. Look Parish seems to be performing as well. He also looks like he has bulked up a little. I think our Skill position players are OK it is our lines that are horrendous.
  15. Purely speculation but perhaps Polian is part of his ownership group.
  16. We did make the playoff's a few times from 1967-1986 and posted winning season in 1973- 9-5 1974- 9-5 1975- 8-6 1980- 11-5 (Division Champs), 1981- 10-6 (Wild Card). Not a rosy picture but not as dysmal as you paint. Right now however we are bad.
  17. Maybe if you give Wang some Leivtra the Line will stiffen!(bad I know flame away)I am just desperate for anything at this point it is bad really bad!
  18. Thank you for the logic and true football insight. This is rare on here these days. This is the only reason I would sit Fitz. We do need to know what we have in Brohm. I do however believe that George Edwards is the primary problem right now. He may be a great linebackers coach but I don't think he was prepared to be a "D" coordinator yet. Is there any expierenced "D" coordinators not coaching right now. Maybe we could demote Edwards to linebackers coach with us and bring someone in to fix this mess.
  19. Dude you really do not know what you are evaluating. Go watch some footage of Flutie from 1998-1999 on youtube. He made the same types of ugly throws Fitz makes but seemed to lead us to points and victories. Quarterbacks with smaller hands have a tendancy to have issues like this on occasion it doesn't make them bad. Brohm would get killed behind this line (and I like him and want to see what he has). Fitz makes a lot of plays with his brain and feet. This is the reason he has been more successful than Edwards. Just look at his Stats and rating he is in the top 10 QB's in several categories. If we had any defense at all we would be 2-3 right now. Don't kid yourself George Edwards is the problem. I wish we could have retained Perry Fewell as the D coordinator because our Defense was always passible under him with the same personel we have now. Fitz is far superior to Joe Dufek, Bruce (Int) Mathison, Matt (Noodle Arm) Kofler, and Vinnie (Freakin) Ferrigamo. When the coaches gave up on Ferguson in 1984 this was the littany of QB's we suffered through. I would also say he is better than Todd Collins, Rob Johnson, Alex Van Pelt, and JP of course. With the Defence from the 1998 and 1999 teams we would probably be 4-1 right now. Anyway Fitz is not the problem George Edwards is.
  20. I will eat crow! I said I thought a lot of things preseason. I feel like it is 1984 again. I try not to get to bent because after all it is just a game but this team is the most misarable I have seen since the Lions went winless. We will probably win 3 but those will be gifts. I say the FO starts cleaning house now and keeps only the players who the have to to field a team. Jauron might have been a miricle worker to pull 7-9 records with this lack of talent. The Linebackers are the worst I have ever seen on an NFL roster. The don't hacve a clue where they are supposed to be on any given play it is ridiculous.
  21. It was clear from his post game press conference that I think he sent a message. If Edwards can't fix the "D" before the bye week not only do I forsee more mid-season cuts but perhaps a new defensive coordinator. Chan was truly disgusted with this team after today.
  22. Thanks for the nice post! I am a huge Bills fan! (I lived through 1984 and 1985.) I went to Jets boards checking out stuff for this week and that is why I posted this. Go check out their boards.
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