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Everything posted by Lenigmusx

  1. Very stupid mistake but in a round about way you guys again proved my point. I am ashamed that I posted "Road" instead of Rhodes that is what I get for posting from my phone in a hurry. Still not a good excuse but at least you guys were there to correct me. I highly doubt anyone on the JETS boards even know what a "Rhodes Scholar" is. Now my screen name happens to be the name of my Music Publishing Company, Recording Studio and my last name is Lenig. So if you got a problem with that you are barking up the wrong tree bud. I figured that was pretty easy to figure out.
  2. After reading some recent posts from fans of another AFC east rival I have come to the conclussion that Bills fans are quite intellectual. Just wanted to say that even though I disagree with many of you at times I am glad you guys are pretty articulate. Thanks for the good debates.
  3. Amen, Stroud was tackled on half of the pass plays today!!!I would watch him get a good push and then the offensive lineman covering him would invaribly wrap his arms around Stroud and take him down.
  4. No need for this really I have been here a long time and this really brings things down around here. The subject line is appropriate. I see no one else here posting about Ryan Nassib yet. I will, just for your anal retentive pleasure, edit it slightly. I however do not deem this necessary.
  5. Yesterday his footwork was very good and I think if this continues to improve so will his pocket presence IMO.
  6. Hey this kid had a helluva game yesterday! What strikes me though is his footwork and pocket poise. We all know SU is not that good all though the finally look to be coming around. However this kid has a Big arm and what seems to be NFL mechanics! 6' 3" 225 with a canon. As a junior I think this kid should be someone we are watching. He comes from Penn. which means he comes from the QB state in my eyes. If he comes out as a junior he might be under the radar and a great pick up. Most likely he will come out in the 2012 draft and I bet he will be one of the top prospects by then. He could be a great NFL QB and he would fit well in Western NY. Thoughts anyone?
  7. Troy Smith does not fit Gailey's system that is why we won't bring him in. Wrong fit thats all.
  8. Actually Will Wolford Started his first season at right guard before he moved to LT and he replaced Ken Jones. They used the guard position to get him expierence before moving him to the most difficult position on the o-line. I know he was a tackle in college, I remember when we drafted him. Maybe with Urbik we will move Leivtre to right tackle since he already has some tackle experience.
  9. Here is who he is and we signed him off of waivers today. http://www.nfl.com/combine/profiles/kraig-urbik?id=71495
  10. I know everyone says he is an interior guy but he is the best athelete on the line. To me ( and I might be high on fumes as I have been Dry-locking my basement all weekend) Wood has alot in common with Will Wolford. The only draw back I see is if his leg injury has decreased his lateral movement. I think his instincts alone would make him a great LT. I know Leivtre did it last year but I think Wood would be far better because of his athleticism and strength. Just a thought.
  11. Hey everyone remember Will Wolford! Could the signing of Urbik lead to eventually moving Eric Wood to Left tackle as our strongest lineman. I think this could really bolster the line down the road. Thoughts?
  12. I agree with you that the attacking style of post is annoying but that is as far as i agree with you. I know some here drink the Kool aid but some here also view the Bills from a glass half empty perspective. If the previevious post didn't attack his points were spot on! I would not touch Bradford even as a developmental prospect. The ONLY QB of value in this draft was Tebow as risky as his throwing motion is. I think Levi many end up being the second best QB taken in this past draft. I think our QB situtation is middling and servicable. If the o-line over achieves Edwards may suprize you with 20-25 TD's. Remember what Spiller bring to the table as a receiver. Now as far as the D-line is concerned Williams was a Pro Bowl alternate last year. Even in the 3/4 he is a good player far above average. I think the only really big question on Defense is the LB corps. IF THEY PERFORM THIS WILL BE A TOP 10 D!If not we will be a lower tier D. I think the season will shed some light or cast a shadow on our situation but the largest overwhelming factor that is in our benefit is our health. This team is considerably healthier going into the season than it was during the whole Dick Jauron Era. Don't under estimate how much of a factor health is in terms of success in the NFL.
  13. Could Antonio Bryant be had for very little money? How bad is his knee? This might be an interesting option at little or no risk. Thoughts anyone?
  14. I think we haven't seen much of Levi because we need to be able to put him on the PS. We didn't want anyone else to get a look at him either. It is probably by design that he has not seen the field very much. IMO
  15. SO ALL YOU PEOPLE WHO ARE STILL TRYING TO COME UP WITH REASONS AS TO WHY JASON PETERS IS NOT A GOOD FOOTBALL PLAYER...GIVE IT UP! OUR ORGANIZATION GOT RID OF ARGUABLY THE BEST PLAYER, CERTAINLY THE BEST O-LINEMAN, THE BUFFALO BILLS HAVE SEEN IN A DECADE! WE WERE UNABLE TO REPLACE HIM THEN, AND WE STILL ARE YET TO REPLACE HIM WITH SOMEONE EVEN CLOSE TO HIS SKILL LEVEL! Mr. Parker, Eric Wood has more talent in his pinky then Jason Peters has in his whole being. I am sorry that you are delussional and have a lazy, albeit rich client. I am glad he made you a boat load of cash and you were able to work the system but get off our Buffalo Bills boards because it is trolls like you that make this place a difficult arena to support our frachise. A franchise that has trimed the fat lazy players (Peters) and is turning the corner in the front office and coaching area's. If a player refuses to work hard enough (Haynesworth syndrome) they should be cut, released and striped of their contract. What would be even beter is if the franchise could recouped the money from the POS agents who are the reason the game is in the shape it is in. The only ones worse than the agents are the owners. If it was about football than I would not mind the money. The problem with Peters, Haynesworth, Peppers etc.... is that they are about the Money for Money sake and once they get paid they stop working. Jason Peters is no longer here and thank god because Philly can deal with his laziness now. He will have brilliant moments but he will make devasting mistakes because he is lazy and he already got paid!! (Sorry for the rant)
  16. My point was Jones was a converted DE who was at the end of an average career. I think Bell is on his way up and can play at least that well. Anyway, his physical gifts would indicate he has more upside. Does that help qualify my original statement a little?
  17. BTW, did you read my post? I am not predicting super bowl or anything. I just think we are finally building a line the right way, through the draft. It will still probably be a tough year for this line but hopefully by December we will have something that will last a few seasons and be a strength. 1987 was a rough year for the Bills but they were on the verge. I just think the FO office may have revisited what lead to past success and tried to duplicate it. We don't need free agents on the o-line, we need to build a line with our own talent. How many o-line free agents are very successful when the jump from team to team? I think the o-line is an area where you really have to develop your own talent to be successful. Maybe this is a system thing or maybe it is a work ethic thing. I don't know why but Free agent o-line are usually unsuccessful IMO. Probably because they got paid and get lazy but I just can't figure it out.
  18. You must be too young to have lived through the 1984 and 1985 seasons. I remember the same sentiment back then but there is talent on the o-line be patient.
  19. I remember the darkest period in this franchises history very well 1984, 1985 and in 1986 the light began to flicker on.. I think this year will resemble 1986 and 1987, if only we had a young Jim Kelly. However what we do have is a much milgned O-line that is very young. This is very similar to 1986 and 1987. We had a very strong interior line that was young in 1986. It was Kent Hull at Center (he was an NFL rookie although he played in the usfl). The Guards were Jim Ritcher a 6yr vet but I would say Wood is his equal and Will Wolford a Rookie with a huge upside similar to Leivtre although Leivtre has that extra year. The tackles were definitely the weak spot in 1986 as they are now. Ken Jones a 10 year veteran was at left tackle. He was on the downside of a career that he started as a DE. He did play with Electric company but he was at the stop gap capcity by 1986. I think that Bell has a much better upside than Jones did. That is why Wolford was moved to LT in 1987. As the most talented lineman he was moved. But his inexperience lead to mistakes that year much like Bell. The two places that this line had the current line were RT and Center. Hangartner is not and never will be Kent Hull!! Joe Devlin even on the downside was better than Cornell Green/J. Meredith but even if those positions hold their own this line is beginning to look solid. There are great similarities in the building process much like 1986/1987. Building through the draft with young athletic talent. In 1987 we acquired Tim Vogler and moved him to RG and even though this was a strike year the line play improved over the duration of the season. Then in 1988 after two seasons of growth this young talented O-line began to gel and would carry the team through the Super Bowl era with a couple changes here and there from year to year. In 1989 we drafted Howard Ballard and shifted Joe Devlin to Guard. I think this was part of what contributed to the "bickering Bills". Ballard was a turnstile at RT in his first year and Kelly called him out weekly but he got better. I think that this is where we are at and now and this is the formula that is being implemented. This line will be very good just give them a little time! I have a good feeling that our offense is going to turn the corner on last decades abysmal performances and the o-line will be the reason.
  20. Is Byrd definitely out for week 1?????
  21. Thats cool. Most of the regulars on here are great but you know what I am talking about with the malicious stuff correct? I have been hammered by people who converse in a non-socialized vindictive manor. I would assume this type of attack is what drove TG and Lori away. Sorry I didn't get the joke I pick up on alot of them but I don't know you guys. I wish I could get out there to tailgate with the TBD crowd it would be a blast. I used to go to alot of games when I was in college at Fredonia but alas that was over a decade ago now. I live in Albany and life gets in the way of the trip more often than not. I enjoy supporting the Bills no matter what and hope that they stay in Buffalo forever. I also really like the great info both Lori and TG would post and miss that big time. Sorry again and even though I don't post that often I get the problem and hope it can be fixed.
  22. Joking or not this is the crap that this thread is about. Why some people on this board have to go above and beyond to belittle and contest others points of view is beyond me. I have been here for a long time and I notice the change as well. I don't post a ton but I read alot and the negative tone of posts has definitely escalated in the last two years. Its unfortunate and I think some of the agressive posts are non-bills fans the come on here and attack us to say "you suck". However, it seems the nastiness of some post has drivin away people of value to this board. In the name of civility people should really chill out.
  23. This is one of the many reason that I maintain we are not a 5-11 team this year. If we run the ball and are less predictable on offence, which will be the case, there is no doubt that we will hover around 8-8 and if we get breaks 10-6 could happen. We are not the worst team in the division as so many have stated though. I honestly believe the overblown JETS could be bottom feeders esspecially if Revis sits.
  24. Crayonz I am really starting to get you! I must admit I think you are on to something with ESPN as conspiricy theorist as it sounds.
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