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Everything posted by Lenigmusx

  1. Thank you. Our QB's are here and we need to develop the Oline. Tyrod and EJ are both are fine. Why people want to blow up the team at 3-2 year one of a new coaching staff is beyond me. We are not the best team in the league guess what that takes time and development. I appreciate your voice of reason!
  2. You can say all of these things but remember it is all compounded. McCoy opened up the running game for Karlos in the early games and in turn the run game made the pass protection hold up well enough for Tyrod to get the ball to the wideouts. The wideouts were more open due to the double coverage and rolling safety's to account for Sammy. The missing skill players made a mediocre o-line seem better because that is what a good running game does. The Titans were able to send a lot of Blitz packages yesterday because of a lack of respect for our run game.
  3. Probably not at a Holiday Inn Express but maybe Goodwin did
  4. To be fair here the "Bison" is known historically as the North American Buffalo...
  5. Wow, Terry and Kim have to be on cloud nine! Bills look like a force and their daughter just won her first round match in flushing meadows at this years USO. She went right through the qualifying rounds which is not easy. She looks to be a real up and comer in American Women's tennis. The Pegula's a really owning in the sports world right now😊
  6. This is so dumb and shows no loyalty or respect. Brown sucks cut him. I have loved Whaley but this move is downright awful. Fred deserves his chance to be a part of this year and this is as bad as not starting Flutie in the playoffs. I hope this doesn't envoke the curse of Freddie😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
  7. If the competition were in a vacuum I would agree however EJ's 14 starts, albeit them a downward slope under the direction of a offensive moron, mean something here as well. He at least knows what being the opening day starter feels like. After all he has done it twice. I will be fine with Tyrod but for some reason I think EJ gets it and shows us why we picked him in round one.
  8. But hey I hear Tom Donahoe and Moobs Williams are available once his litigation is over...more our speed in B-Lo don't you think?
  9. You make great points. I was simple playing six degrees of Tony Dungy because everyone around here thinks that is how Jon Gruden wins titles..
  10. I think their is alot more to these Hybrid 4/3 3/4 schemes than is credited. I think someone like Darren Perry coming from an attacking style like Green Bay could transform this Defense quickly with one more piece. Tao!! Fair enough but it does at least give them a little closer liason than previously was credited.
  11. I think he and Gruden have developed a relationship at ESPN. I don't think that can be overlooked as they are both employed there in some capacity. Sad but very true. but I think they could win with Fitz and an addition at LB and a true number one WR. They have a full draft to get those things.
  12. They Definitely were not a one man team when we lost to them... Their defense is much better than advertised.
  13. Now this I can buy. Thanks! I thought his rise was because he was "a chip off the old block" so to speak. If he just got handed the keys to daddy's car because of who he is I don't want him either. I just look at the Colts path compared to The Bills path in that same time frame and had to assume with has fathers guidance he is better than what we have. I will check out those drafts. My reasoning for the Polian duo is that they could hopefully land a big named coach more easily. I also heard they have been seen at One Bills drive recently. Chris could be horrible and you definitely have more knowledge about it than I do. thanks. Awesome!!!
  14. You mean the biggest "FLOP" in the history of the NFL. Now I understand and look at where that franchise is today. In the playoffs. Perhaps that was also the Polian's plan i guess we will never know. The talent on that team that is in the playoffs was still assembled by the Polians and IMO reflective of their ability to assemble a successful NFL franchise.
  15. I won't disagree with you. It just seems like the players aren't buying into the system and perhaps their lack of effort is reflective of the fact that they feel the are executing a losing game plan before they step on the field. I can only point to Stevie's frustration as an example but again i could be way off base here.
  16. Yes, but from what I hear they want to give it another try and Bill was quite successful in Indy for quite awhile. What is so bad about Chris??? you must know something I don't please elborate. If he is that bad i don't want him either.
  17. What about Ryan Nassib?? I think he actually has more NFL potential than anyone out there is giving him credit for. I think Nassib would be great behind Fitz for a year. Then give him the keys. He has a huge arm.
  18. Alright here is the team say what you will but Chris could make a name for himself in the same market his father did. They all know that talent that has been assembled here now they just need the coaching and management team to get them playing the way the should be. I think even with Fitz and our number one draft pick future QB this staff would win with who we have. Add a draft where we pick up a future QB, a Top linebacker (Monte Tao Please, Please Please...) and a top flight number one wide receiver and this team would win from game one next year. I think Perry could turn this defense around from day one and I think he could run a hybrid without switching to a 3/4. These names (except Perry) have all been around this organization at different points this year and I think there are some signs that point to this as a possibility. The talent on this team should attract a top tier coach and it is also the reason I am done with Chan. He should have won with this roster so it is clear that the coaching staff has lost the team. I for one hope this is the direction the team goes.
  19. The replacements got a real "education" last night. Many of the have been top division I college refs but it ain't the same folks. I think Goodell was banking that good college refs would be able to handle the speed of the NFL game, Guess what? They Can't! If this is what we have for the season it will kill the league and fans will stop watching, this I guarentee. It is the equivilant of making some teams (not all) up entirely of rookies, cancelling their training camp and just throwing them in to the fray with the seasoned teams to see how they fair. It is a receipe for disaster!!
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