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Everything posted by Nostradumbass

  1. How exactly does signing Tyrod prevent you from going after a QB in the draft? If the Bills identify a franchise guy in the draft this year they should go and get him
  2. These posts are becoming living exhibits of why some Bills fans get confused by nice things
  3. Boom Couldn't be happier (well maybe Harbaugh but that's a pipe dream)
  4. No you're not His opinion is about as insightful as anyone else on this board He's in the group with Flacco, Dalton and Eli that are good enough to win you a lot of games if you have a talented team
  5. He's been a horrible GM? That's a stretch Doug has brought some decent talent in and most of his mistakes have been in the handling of contracts I'm sorry folks but a better coach could have gotten to the playoffs with the talent on this club
  6. Good post, couple of rebuttals; Kyle Williams is 33 I think not 29 I don't think drafting a WR in the ten hole when your defense was the Maginot Line against the run is warranted Agree with previous poster on Tate, I felt he did a good job all year
  7. 34 year old who's claim to fame is basically my dad is Ron Wolf, take him Not to mention you put Aaron Rodgers on the Bills and we would probably win the division that's how much better I think our roster is than the Packers
  8. Your title says "Same Darnold" as in you were going to tell us about the same ole Darnold
  9. As a fan of another pro team in another sport (the Oilers) I can tell you it's refreshing not having a bunch of back slapping lemmings who are more afraid of losing their press buffet and locker room access than asking tough questions Personally I think you need your media to error on the side of being over the top in terms of not viewing a team with rose colored glasses
  10. Basically any advanced statistical review of TT tells you he is in he 2nd tier of QB's which virtually makes him a lock as our best QB option since Drew Bledsoe It's like people forgot what Ej Manuel, Trent Edwards or JP Losman games were like
  11. TT is vastly better than any other 2017 QB option not named Tony Romo
  12. A competition that TT wins by about the third hour of camp
  13. It's surprising how difficult it is to run the ball when the D doesn't haven't to spy a couple of players on your QB
  14. Don't forget the awful kickoff from Carpenter with 1:11 left that allowed the Fins to return it to the 40
  15. Yes unfortunately NFL coaches are burdened with a disproportionate sense of their own worth/ability and it behooves them to ever accept that something isn't broker and should be left alone In the next set of coaching interviews a question should be asked "what do you think of the Bills running game?" Any coach that answers "It's good but I can make it better" should be scratched from the list
  16. That's your measurement? Reaction after a Int? You're talking about our QB who takes more hellacious hits in a QRT trying to stretch out drives with his legs than Brady does in a year? What a@#@# joke statement that is It's amazing to me that the QB who has provided us with the best play from that position in a decade is being @#@## on so bad by fans Yes he has faults and isn't a top tier QB but Tyrod has led this team to 6 wins and in the losses had us up in 3rd quarter in three of the biggest games we played Mia, NYJ and Oak If this defense makes a single stand in one of those games we are possibly talking playoffs 1. Defense 2. Coaching 3.Offense In that order in terms of what needs to be fixed If Tyrod is mediocre than the Defense should be categorized as "Dumpster Fire"
  17. Thanks for calling our Preston Brown He was absolutely dreadful today
  18. I think as a Bills fan we have to lose the concept of sneaking into the playoffs Playoffs are for the most part the territory of really, really good teams (I get that weak division winners get in sometimes) If the Bills are playoff worthy they'l run the table, it's not that difficult of a schedule that it's undo-able
  19. So would beating Seattle on MNF be basically like tanking the season in your books?
  20. Has there been two better trades in the last 5 years than the Shady and Hughes trade?
  21. I was so mad at his, thanks for the extra tough yard. Meanwhile you take a hellacious hit, keep the clock running and open yourself up to a potential fumble
  22. I want him back and most importantly I want a full apology from the Bills front office for letting him get fat
  23. I think the OLine was the est unit on the field today, they just flat out beat the Pats front today
  24. I agree with he premise of the original post, I thought how Aaron Williams was handled last year was unsettling
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