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Everything posted by HardyBoy

  1. ACLs typically hurt real bad at first, and then stop hurting, and you feel fine, until you need something that requires stability and you fall over. Plus, they swell so much you can't bend your knee, at least the few I've seen happen playing sports. I had a friend who partially tore his acl, dr told him it wasn't anything structural or serious enough to do surgery, and he kept playing on it, and hurt other stuff over a year or so that actually brought him back to the dr, and he got his acl done. That lack of stability caused a chain reaction. When Zay got hurt a few weeks back, the amount of pain he was in, even five minutes after the injury was the one thing that kept me hopeful it was a non-acl. Knees are weird though...Paul Pierce was in so much pain they had to wheel him off in a wheelchair, thinking his career is done, and suddenly he's playing again 20 minutes later. This is crazy though, remind me again why we watch people do this to their bodies for our entertainment?
  2. I live in FLL and it's real nice out for sure, but if they win, people will show up. Actually, winning is less important than being interesting down here. Look at what's happening with the Hurricanes...same stadium and it's rocking every weekend.
  3. For what it's worth, they make the same point here (interesting well informed discussion from a national point of view as well):
  4. Unless the spread has that already built in, which it should, so you got a bit of a causality thing happening looking at just the spread. I like the idea of using the spread, but would look for spreads that favored the home team more than a standard prime time game.
  5. Sounds good...10 bonus points if it was on gravel.
  6. There was this Are You Afraid of the Dark episode on Nick at Night back in the day where this girl, who was the worst on her team, wishes she could be the best player on her basketball team. Instead of getting good, everyone else ended up becoming worse, so technically she became the best on her team, but we Oregon Trail millennials learned a life lesson...that is what this game reminded me of.
  7. Both teams played slow, it does not give any insight into either of these teams. Four days is way too soon. Seriously, go outside right now, and just dive 10 times on the ground. Then do it again in 4 days. Good luck.
  8. The Thursday night aspect unfortunately makes this game really difficult to use for predicting anything. Wish week 1 and Thursday night (because of short rest) were the two games on each teams' schedule that are decided by the previous season record.
  9. The hypocrisy abound in work real hard, live the American dream and you are entitled to every shred of what you earn, unless you are an athlete, in which case bow your head in humility, because these owners worked hard and never got a hand out, is astounding. Why are athletes less entitled to the benefits of their hard work than a business man? I genuinely hope that the athletes all just quit to shove your hypocrisy and contradictions in your faces. Call yourselves conservatives, but you're not, the conservative party has been taken over by propogandists. You have no policy comebacks, just phrases you parrot reflexively if you get triggered, because you only want to hear words that make you feel good and don't challenge you. Whiny, mob mentality, snowflake cry babies. Who is John Galt?
  10. And that's exactly my point. If we take as your given that there is absolutely no systemic racism in the system, explain to me how 80% of children in Broward county get free or subsidized meals in school, and here's the key, without being racist or prejudiced in your explanation. Boyst62 is out clearly, but can anyone else please give it a shot. Remove all racism from the equation, from the system and from the explanation and see if you can convince me that when 80% of kids in one of the most affluent counties gets help to eat that a) there is no racism in the current system and more so b) that the current situation was not caused by racism. Remember, this didn't happen overnight. If you make a valid argument I will conceed or counter, but any prejudice or generalization of the few to the many is an instant fail.
  11. Almost 80% of kids in Broward county get free or subsidized lunches (largely minorities), and while it is socio economic, I believe it is a symptom of which the causes are the result of systemic racist practices such as red lining and building highways through middle class urban neighborhoods in the 50s and 60s, as well as preditory lending practices leading up to the great recession that led to people of color to lose a stagering amount more wealth than whites. It's not about money in your bank account, it's about wealth like property and other assets that can be passed down through families, and we as a nation have historically deprived black people access to build wealth. That is a issue that must be measured in generational impact, not in the short term. It's not about being free of overt prejudice that we need to achieve, we have made great strides in that over the last many years, but it's the systemic remains of that prejudice that are so deeply rooted in a lack of wealth accumulation, that even the removal of all racism will not likely resolve on their own, and certainly not in a single generation. We need to step in and help, and forget morality, we cannot survive as a nation without a more balanced number of people being in the middle, and the people currently marginalized are more than capable of not just being in the middle, but driving the coubtry forward from thr middle. As such, I don't think anything changed, I think YouTube and other social media is allowing us to see what is happening. The regualr media sold out for add revenue and their corporate sponsors did not want extreme poverty to dominate the local and national news. It's like the Vietnam war, do you think our war tactics changed significantly (look at what happened in Guantanamo Bay), or do you think the government colluded with the networks to stop showing soldiers and civilians blown to pieces? Nothing's changed except our ability to see it.
  12. Sensing a lot of PC snowflake melts on the pig socks for what it's worth. Not saying the response is unjustified, and at the same time, not saying we aren't over PC on some things...it's just maybe we could have some perspective and realize that we as humans get offended, and it sucks when it happens to you, so maybe don't intentionally do it to someone else? And if people tell you they are offended, have some empathy and follow the golden rule, because someone might want to wear pig socks or kneel during an anthem to make a point some day, and if it genuinely offends you, then not being hypocritical is a good way to live one's life...a life free of contradiction. Maybe if we do that, we can start laughing together about the crazy things we do as humans, without people feeling singled out, because we are definitely overly PC, but it comes in the form of rage lacking entirely in perspective and introspection, and it's a mob thing. Just chill a bit and think for a second...ya know?
  13. What if the response to the above is affirmative action laws are in respone to existing laws and societal norms that give whites an unfair initial advantage? Therefore, given that, the analogy is not truly analogous, since the intial protest is directly protesting what the second protest would be trying to preserve.
  14. Well said, though I disagree on the point that I think the protest is about much, much more than police shootings. Here's more what I view the protest as being about: So, I live in Fort Lauderdale, FL, and in Broward county, nearly 80% of children get free or subsidized lunches in school. That is insane, especially when you think about the fact that I don't know anyone directly in my life who would get their lunch subsidized, and I can tell you it is extremely segragated here between poor and doing alright (forget rich, that's a whole other group). I'm originally from a suburb of Rochester, went to University of Rochester and had a chance to work as a mentor for kindergarteners in a city school teaching early literacy and social skills for at risk kids. I saw it first hand, really amazing, curious, eager to learn kids that statistically had a ton stacked against them, and that really sucks, because they genuienly were amazing kids, the same as you would find in any suburb (worked at a day camp in a Rochester suburb and they are the same cute, hungry for knowledge kids in both places). Throughout cities like Rochester, Buffalo and urban and rural communities across this country there are children facing similar outcomes. The schools are funded by property taxes, so they suck, employers set up offices in locations that are not those communities so parents are forced to take jobs below their skill set, or be faced with really long commutes, which try renting in south florida right now, cost of living is insane, and you can get affordable housing in bad neighborhoods here still, but it's gentrifying quick, and you routinely hear about people commuting hours a day for a job because they cannot afford to live closer. Again, that is 80% of the kids that live in Broward county, largely people of color. That is systemic. Period. That has nothing (certainly not directly) to do with police brutality. Recent examples of police brutality are a flash point that lit the fuel, they are a spark, the fuel is so much more, including again, 80% of children in one of country's most densely populated and affluent counties needing help to eat. Genuinely think about that, and how much harder you would have to work, with how much less margin for error, if you had the luck of drawing that situation in the life lottery.
  15. What are the collusion requirements in football? I know baseball had a big collision case a while back (isn't that what brought about free agency and got rid of the salary cap?). Also, barry bonds cheated, and that is a very different thing, especially in that sport...of course Sosa corked his bat and still had a contract. Also, honest question: is this whole flag/anthem thing similar to what was going on in the 60s when protesters would wear the flag as clothing as a form of protest (thinking Easy Rider). Basically, saying the actions of the USA in initiating what they perceived to be an unjust war was hypocritical to the values the flag stood for, therefore the actions of the leadership of the nation directly caused the flag to no longer command the level of respect it had previously? This led to half the country being up in arms because of the disrespect of the flag, and missing the whole point of that protest, which was saying that the actions of the nation were diminishing the flag to a piece of clothing.
  16. The Wiz, I like the sub group idea a lot and you raise a great point of duplicate conversations, aside from possibly isolating people. To add to what The Wiz mentioned, what if instead of grouping people, we grouped topics in a hierarchy. Example, there is a Bills Offense discussion, with a main thread, but then you would have sub threads below that hiearchy, where people could start individual discussions that are more targeted towards a specific nuance of the offense. Maybe have tags associated with the threads so it would all post to the main thread, but you could follow the specific conversation much more easily if you are interested in a specific aspect of the offense in the sub thread associated with that tag. Would be especially helpful since there are often several sub conversations going on in each large thread at any one time.
  17. Agree. I like the idea, but I think it's overly utopian, and the way it would play out is people isolating themselves, or worse isolating others...I haven't read the article yet though, so this is my baseline opinion...let me read it later and chime back in. That said...if there is a way to run some machine learning algorithms to cluster people into clubs, and give a badge or something based on posting style, that would be really, really cool and I would be very much down to help implement something like that here (know me some R and have been trying to learn some text analytic sentiment analysis).
  18. It's gotten better each game, and this game it seemed like there were open receivers all day. It's just a matter of tightening up the timing just a bit, and receivers will be running under the spot the balls are falling in stride. Also, guessing they aren't showing the full playbook yet, still early and need to be able to surprise teams later in the year or you're the'03 Bills with Bledsoe.
  19. Alright, last week proved my point, gave up more points than in Carolina and won. Let's hope the d doesn't hold the falcons under 10, and we got a shot!
  20. So if I search the board, I will not find you saying the Washington team's name should stay the same? Not rooting for either outcome in my search, for what it's worth **update, boyst62 is actually fairly consistent with his Washington team name stance, not 100% behind either side from what I found, which I respect, it's a nuanced issue***. Alright, as far as research, hoping to have an intelligent convo if you are interested, I'll start with this: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/education/wp/2016/09/27/yale-study-suggests-racial-bias-among-preschool-teachers/?utm_term=.401b496d7d95 Forbes article describing below study: http://fortune.com/2014/11/04/hiring-racial-bias/ Pdf of a research study on resumes: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://cla.auburn.edu/econwp/archives/2014/2014-06.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwjsxZeRtsbWAhXEwiYKHfkCBwAQFggkMAA&usg=AFQjCNHzVsVOTMNzGFSu1ZiXRoa3zMb3dQ
  21. The point of this argument is not opinion, it is a fact. It is about racial injustice. Do you agree? Also, what are your thoughts on the Washington team's name? There are native Americans saying they are offended...by your logic you have to be supporting the name change, no? So do you?
  22. Does the endowing a piece of cloth with personified values and bowing before it remind anyone else of the false idols Moses smashed and caused people to wander in a desert for 40 years until all the guilty grew old and died? Also, standing at attention for 2 minutes while a song plays and a flag waves once a week does not absolve any sins or remove the fact that a person acted in an un-American way (stepping on other's inalienable rights, by somehow thinking theirs are more important than any other American's, for example). I love this country, my family escaped the soviet union in the 60s and 70s, having lost basically everyone in WWII. My grandfather served 9 years in a siberian labor camp for saying communism couldn't work because of human nature, to the wrong person. As they dreamed of a place to see their children raise their grandchildren in freedom, they did not dream of a flag. They dreamed of ideals. That is America, ideals of the highest order. Not a piece of cloth that we endow as an idol. I understand everyone might not share my opinion, and the flag might be how they express those ideals, but to those people I challenge that American ideals are so much larger than even a flag that covers an entire football field. I just ask that you take some time to reflect that potentially you may be limited in your ability to honor those ideals with a symbol incapable of holding all of them.
  23. Yeah, it almost looked like, and reminded me of a basketball pick and roll...cool play design.
  24. They finished first in rushing last year and tenth in scoring offense: https://www.pro-football-reference.com/teams/buf/2016.htm
  25. Correct, I am not saying the defense sucked, I'm saying the offense was very conservative, and if the defense sucks, then it would have forced them to get more aggressive. This essentially same offensive personnel finished in the top 10 last year in large part because they were aggressive and playing from behind/knew they couldn't stop anyone.
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